Awards Won by NIC Himachal Pradesh in Year 2022-23
NIC Poster Competition Award
NIC Himachal Pradesh Won Four Awards in online Poster Competition organised by National Informatics Centre, during Vigilance Awareness Week (30th October to 05th November) 2023. NIC officers and associated NIC FMS staff participated in the competition throughout India. 7 winners were declared in the competition result and out of 7 winners 4 are from NIC HP. List of the NIC HP winners is as below:
Name | Designation | Award |
Savita Devi | NFO, NIC Lahaul & Spiti | Second Position |
Ashish Sharma | Scientist-D, NIC HP State Centre, Shimla | Third Position |
Anoop Singh | FMS, NIC Sirmour | Consolation |
Arvind Thakur | DRM-IRAD Project, NIC Hamirpur | Consolation |

CSI Award of Excellence for Works MIS Web Application
Works MIS Web Application developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh for the Jal Shakti Vibhag has been conferred the Award of Excellence by CSI SIG eGovernance Awards 2022 under State Government Project Category. The Award has been presented by Professor K.K. Aggarwal, Former Chairperson, National Board of Accreditation (NBA) on 25th March 2023 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Shri Sanjay Kumar Sr. Director (IT), Shri Sanjay Kumar Director (IT) from NIC Himachal Pradesh and Shri Rajesh Khimta Programmer Jal Shakti Vibhag received the Award.
The Application facilitates the field offices of the Jal Shakti Department, in the execution of works, in a work flow manner. The citizens can apply online for new water connections, online processing/ approval by the Department, issuance of water bills, online payments of Water bills etc. HP Water Bills mobile app provides this facility.
CSI Award of Appreciation for Himachal Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority – MIS
Himachal Pradesh Real Estate Regulatory Authority – MIS, developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh for Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Government of Himachal Pradesh has been conferred the Award of Appreciation by CSI SIG eGovernance Awards 2022 under Category State Government Projects. The Award has been presented by Professor K.K. Aggarwal Former Chairperson National Board of Accreditation (NBA) on 25th March 2023 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Shri Sanjay Kumar Sr. Director (IT) from NIC Himachal Pradesh and Dr. Shrikant Baldi Chairperson (Retd. IAS) from Real Estate Regulatory Authority received the Award.
The HPRERA Management Information System is unique software of its kind that provides ease of accessibility and simplicity in usage to the Promotors, Agents, Home buyers and Citizens from even the remote part of the Country. The primary objective of RERA is to bring transparency, timely delivery of Real Estate Projects and generate faith and confidence in Real Estate Buyers. It has interface for grievance resolution, online payments and resolution of disputes.
CSI Award of Appreciation for PSC SoFT - Public Service Commission Software for Transformation
PSC SoFT - Public Service Commission Software for Transformation, developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh for Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has been conferred the Award of Appreciation by CSI SIG eGovernance Awards 2022 under Category State Government Projects. The Award has been presented by Professor K.K. Aggarwal Former Chairperson National Board of Accreditation (NBA) on 25th March 2023 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Shri Sanjay Kumar Sr. Director (IT), Shri Sanjay Sharma Sr. Director (IT), Shri Mangal Thakur Joint Director (IT), Shri Ashish Sharma Joint Director (IT), Shri Mukesh Kumar Deputy Director (IT) from NIC Himachal Pradesh and Shri Bhuteshwar Chauhan Deputy Secretary, Shri Guljar Singh Conmputer Operator from HP Public Service Commission received the Award.
PSC SoFT is a generic online software which provides an integrated solution for the core functions of any State Public Service Commission. The software is configurable, as per Commission requirements, with user friendly interface. The system is workflow based and covers all intermediate processes of the system right from receiving of the requisition to its final recommendation to the concerned Department.
CSI Award of Recognition for HP Large Dams Safety Analysis MIS
HP Large Dams Safety Analysis MIS, developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh for Department of Energy and HP State Disaster Management Authority has been conferred the Award of Recognition by CSI SIG eGovernance Awards 2022 under Category State Government Projects. The Award has been presented by Professor K.K. Aggarwal Former Chairperson National Board of Accreditation (NBA) on 25th March 2023 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Shri Sanjay Kumar Sr. Director (IT), Shri Sanjay Sharma Sr. Director (IT), Shri Vinod Garg Sr. Director (IT), Shri Mangal Thakur Joint Director (IT), Shri Ashish Sharma Joint Director (IT), Shri Mukesh Kumar Deputy Director (IT) and Shri Sarvjeet Kumar Deputy Director (IT) from NIC Himachal Pradesh received the Award.
The software enables monitoring of the 23 large dam sites under Directorate of energy, GoHP, to enter the daily parameters thrice every day at 9:00AM, 2:00PM and 7:00PM. The safety related parameters are also captured periodically, in online manner. The higher authorities can monitor these parameters with the help of data analytics to take timely actions, in case there is any disparity in these parameters, so that disasters can be avoided.
CSI Award of Recognition for HPAPPP – Himachal Pradesh Agriculture Produce Procurement Portal
HPAPPP – Himachal Pradesh Agriculture Produce Procurement Portal, developed by NIC Himachal Pradesh for Directorate of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Govt. of Himachal Pradesh has been conferred the Award of Recognition by CSI SIG eGovernance Awards 2022 under Category State Government Projects. The Award has been presented by Professor K.K. Aggarwal Former Chairperson National Board of Accreditation (NBA) on 25th March 2023 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi. Shri Sanjay Kumar Sr. Director (IT), Shri Sanjay Sharma Sr. Director (IT), Shri Vinod Garg Sr. Director (IT), Shri Mangal Thakur Joint Director (IT), Shri Ashish Sharma Joint Director (IT), Shri Mukesh Kumar Deputy Director (IT) and Shri Sarvjeet Kumar Deputy Director (IT) from NIC Himachal Pradesh and Shri Surinder Singh Rathore, HPAS, Joint Director Food and Civil Supply received the Award.
HP Agriculture Produce Procurement Portal, enables the farmers of Himachal Pradesh to sell their produce as per MSP. The system facilitates farmers' registration for procurement of agriculture produce online and make payment in their bank accounts. It is integrated with Land Records system of State.
Award for Recognition of Exemplary Contribution in Proliferation of GePNIC (eProcurement)
NIC Himachal Pradesh has been awarded for exemplary contribution in Proliferation of GePNIC - eProcurement Solution in Himachal Pradesh. The Award has been presented by Shri Rajesh Gera, Director General NIC during National Workshop on Electronic Procurement on 27th March 2023 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Shri Sanjay Aggarwal, Advisor Department of Expenditure, Shri Prashant Kumar Singh, CEO (GeM), Smt. Alka Misra DDG & HoG, eProcurement NIC and Shri K. Srinivas Raghavan, DDG & SIO Tamil Nadu were present during the award ceremony. Shri Prithvi Raj, Scientist-B from NIC Himachal Pradesh received the Award of Recognition.
National Informatics Centre (NIC), Ministry of Information Technology, Government of India has developed e-Procurement software system, GePNIC to cater the electronic procurement/ tendering requirements of the Government departments and organizations. In Himachal Pradesh Department of Finance is the nodal agency and the application is being implemented through NIC HP. In the year 2021, application was rolled-out in 3 government departments of Himachal Pradesh and as of now application has been implemented in 93 Departments/ PSUs/ Statutory Bodies etc. In Himachal Pradesh, since from inception of project till March, 2023, 1,01,761 number of tenders have been processed electronically worth of Rs. 78712.68 crores.
The NIC HP Team has won a number of awards over the years for their best ICT initiatives and this has been possible with the active involvement of all NIC Himachal Pradesh officers at all levels.
Previous Awards Won by Himachal Pradesh