Latest News
Last Updated On: 26/07/2024
- Seniority List of Personal Assistant/Sr Scale Stenographer/Junior Scale Stenographer/Steno Typist under state cadre as on 01-08-2024
- Change of Cadre of officials/officers of Revenue Deptt. dated 07.02.2025
- Appointment order of JOA (IT)
- Regarding Publication of advertisement in newspapers regarding appointment of Member in the HP State Waqf Tribunal at Dharamshala
- Final Seniority list Sr. Assistant State Cadre
- Final Seniority list Supdt. Gr-II under State Cadre
- Promotion Order Supdt. Gr-II
- Appointment under post code 817 in respect of District Shimla
- Appointment under post code 817 in respect of District Sirmour
- Appointment under post code 817 in respect of District Solan
- Posting order of Ms. Shivali Thakur, Tehsildar A Class dated 14.08.2024
- Tentative Seniority list of Senior Assistants under State Cadre
- Tentative Seniority list of Supdt Gr II state cadre
- Transfer order of Tehsildars as hosted on 12.08.2024
- Cancel of transfer orders dated 14.08.2024
- Cancel of transfer order of Sh. Jitender Sharma, NT dated 14.08.2024
- Cancellation of transfer order of Sh. Hira Lal, Naib Tehsildar hosted on 19.06.2023
- Transfer order of Sh. Sanjeev Kumar, Naib Tehsildar hosted on 19.06.2023
- Promotion Orders of Kanungo to Naib Tehsildar of Mandi Division
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 03.07.2023
- Seniority List in respect of Officers/officials of Directorate of Land Records
- Promotion order of Supdt. Gr-I dated 30.05.2023
- Adjustment of Sh. Husan Chand, Tehsildar dated 14.06.2021 as hosted on 14.06.2021
- Transfer order of Sh. Vikas Kaundal,NT dated 18.05.2023
- transfer order of Tehsildars dated 26.04.2023 as hosted on 29.04.2023
- Adjustment order of Sh. Pawan Kumar, Tehsildar dated 28.04.2023
- Cancel the transfer orders of Smt. Veena Thakur, Tehsildar dated 25.04.2023 as hosted on 25.04.2023
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 20.04.2023
- Adjustment of Sh. Kalu Ram, NT dated 06.04.02023
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 03.04.2023 as hosted on 04.04.2023
- Transfer order of Sh. Pawan Kumar,NT dated 03.04.2023
- Transfer order of Sh. Raman Kumar, NT dated 01.04.2023
- Transfer of Naib Tehsildar dated 24 Mar 2023 hosted on 25 Mar 2023
- Cancel transfer order of Sh. Rajeev Ranta, Tehsildar dated 21.03.2023 as hosted on 20.03.2023
- Transfer order of Sh. Sushant Kumar, NT dated 01.08.2023 as hosted on 02 .08.2023
- Transfer order of Sh. Sumedh Sharma, Tehsildar dated 01.11.2023
- Promotion of Kanungo to the post of Naib Tehsildar dated 31.10.2023
- Cancel the Transfer of Sh. Inder Singh, Naib Tehsildar dated 05.10.2023
- Regarding State Cadre dated 03.10.2023
- Order the Adjustment of Sh. Krishan Chand, Naib Tehsildar dated 26.09.2023
- Tramsfer order of Sh. Subhash Chand,ACO dated 31.08.2023
- Promotion of Sh. Hari Chand & Sh. Ranjit Singh ,NT dated 17.08.2021 as hosted on 17.08.2021
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 01.09.2023
- Transfer order of Smt. Neelam Kumari, Tehsildar dated 30.08.2023
- Transfer,posting and adjustment order of Tehsildars dated 28.08.2023
- Cancel the transfer orders of Sh. Jai Kishan dated 24.08.2023
- Cancel the transfer order of Tehsildars dated 10.08.2023
- Transfer of Sh, Harish Kumar & Sh. Abhishek Bhaskar, Tehsildar dated 13.08.2021 as hosted on 13.08.2021
- Transfer order of Sh. Kapil Dev Bali , NT dated 04.03.2023
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 09.08.2023 as hosted on 09.08.2023
- Transfer order of Ms. Naresh Kumari, Private Secretary dated 03.08.2023
- Posting order of Sh. Apoorav Sharma, Tehsildar dated 30.11.2023
- Transfer of Sh. Jagdish Chand dated 25.05.2021 as hosted on 25.05.2021
- Promotion order of Smt. Sundri Sharma dated 12.12.2022 as hosted on 12.12.2022
- Transfer of Tehsildar dated 16.08.2022 as hosted on 16.08.2022
- Transfer and posting of Tehsildars dated 30.09.2022 as hosted on 30.09.2022
- Promotion order of NT to the post of Tehsildar dated 30.09.2022 as hosted on 30.09.2022
- Transfer order of Sh. Bhupinder Singh , NT dated 23.08.2022 as hosted on 23.08.2022
- Posting of Naib Tehsildar on promotion dated 19.01.2021 hosted on 19.01.2021
- Transfer order of Sh. Devi Singh , Tehsildar dated 18.12.2020 hosted on dated 18.12.2020
- Transfer of Hari Singh dated 15.12.2020 hosted on dated 15.12.2020
- Transfer order of Naib Tehsildars dated 26.08.2022 as hosted on 26.08.2022
- Transfer order of Sh. Devi Singh, DRO dated 14,09,2022 as hosted on 14.09.2022
- Posting order of Sh. Rohit Kanwar Tehsildar dated 13-11-2020 hosted on 13-11-2020
- Promotion order of Sh. Chetan Chauhan, Tehsildar as DRO dated 30.09.2022 as hosted on 30.09.2022
- Transfer of Vivek Negi Tehsildar dated 11.11.2020 hosted on 11.11.2020
- Promotion order of DRO dated 22.09.2022 as hosted on 22.09.2022
- Notification for retirement of Tehsildars for the year 2021 dated 21-09-2020 hosted on 26-09-2020
- Transfer order of DRO dated 22.09.2022 as hosted on 22.09.2022
- transfer order of Sh. Pawan Kumar, Tehsildar dated 15.03.2021 as hosted on dated 15.03.2021
- Restore of posting order of B Class Tehsildars dated 31.12.2022 as hosted on 31.12.2022
- Adjustment order of Tehsildars dated 19-05-2021 hosted on 19-05-2021 dated
- Cancellation of Transfer of Tehsildar dated 06.05.2021 as hosted on 06.05.2021
- Transfer order of Sh. Ram Chand Negi, NT dated 06.03.2023
- Transfer order of Sh. Rajiv Ranta and Sh. Manmohan Jishtu Tehsildars dated 06.03.2023
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 06.03.2023 as hosted on 06.03.2023
- Transfer of Sh. Krishan Kumar, Tehsildar dated 05.05.2021 as hosted on 05.05.2021
- transfer order of Sh. Janak Raj, Tehsildar dated on 16.03.2021 hosted on 16,03,2021
- Transfer of Tehsildars dated 30.04.2021 as hosted on 30.04.2021
- Transfer order of Sh. Subhash Thakur, Tehsildar dated 16.02.2023 hosted on 16.02.2023
- Transfer order of Sh. Anil Kumar, Tehsildar dated 16.02.2023 hosted on 16.02.2023
- Transfer order of Naib Tehsildars dated 16.02.2023 hosted on 16.02.2023
- order of adjustment of Tehsildar dated 30.04.2021 as hosted on 30.04.2021
- Transfer/adjustment of Sh. Harish Kumar, Tehsildar, Sh. Rohit Kanwar, Tehsildar and Miss Meghna Goswami Tehsildar
- Promotion to the post of Pvt Secy as hosted on 23.04.2021
- Transfer order of Kapil & Kanchan Tehsildar dated 24.03.2021 hosted on 24.03.2021
- Transfer of Tehsildar Abhishek dated 02.11.2020 hosted on 02.11.2020
- Transfer/posting of Rajiv Ranta, Tehsildar dated 12.04.2024
- Posting Order of Supdt. Gr-I dated 27.07.2024
- Staffing Norms for Sub-Divisions, Tehsils & Sub-Tehsils and creation/filling up of posts accordingly dated 07.12.2021 as hosted on 08.12.2021
- Promotion order of Supdt. Gr-I dated 26.07.2024
- Retirement of Smt. Kamini Gupta, Supdt. Grade-I
- Additional charge of LAO to Sh. Narain Singh Verma, Tehsildar dated 08.07.2024
- Additional charge of Sh. Narain Singh Verma, Tehsildar of the post of LAO dated 05.07.2024
- Additional charge of Sh. Sumedh Sharma, Tehsildar of the post of LAO dated 05.07.2024
- Adjustment of Sh. Rajesh Chauhan, Supdt. Gr-I dated 29.06.2024
- Transfer/Posting of Ms. Bhawna Verma, Tehsildar
- Draft Civil List of Naib Tehsildars for the year 2024
- Draft Civil List of Tehsildars for the year 2024
- Promotion order of Kanungos of Mandi Division to the post of Naib Tehsildar dated 08.01.2024
- List of Authorities Empowered to issue caste community certificate
- Amend Chapter 28 of the LRM,1992
- transfer order of Sh. Narain Singh Verma, Tehsildar as hosted on 20.01.2022
- posting of B Class NT of Kangra dated 21,06.2022 as hosted on 21.06.2022
- Patwari Result - Bilaspur
- Canecl the transfer order of Sh. Sukh Dev, NT dated 14.08.2024
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 13.08.2024
- posting of B Class NT of Kangra dated 21.06.2022 as hosted on 21.06.2022
- Transfer order of NT dated 13.08.2024
- Promotion of NT dated 22.03.2022
- Promotion of NT dated 23.03.2022
- Promotion of Naib Tehsildars dated 24.03.2022
- posting order of A Class Tehsildar dated 24.03.2022 as hosted on 24.03.2022
- Transfer Order of NT dated 13.08.2024
- Transfer order of Tehsildarsdated 21.03.2022 as hosted on 21.03.2022
- Transfer of Sh. Ramesh Kumar NT dated 21.06.2022 as hosted on 21.06.2022
- Notice - Practical/Driving Test for the post of Driver
- Cadre review of Teshildar dated 24.02.2022 as hosted on 25.02.2022
- transfer order of Sh. Mitter Dev, Tehsildar dated 18.02.2022 as hosted on 18.02.2022
- Amend Chapters 28 of the LRM, 1992
- Adjustment of Sh. Narinder Dutta, B Class NT dated 01.07.2022 as hosted on 01.07.2022
- Creation of one post of District Revenue Officer in District Kinnaur
- Transfer of Sh. Mukesh Sharma, Tehsildar dated 16.09.2021 as hosted on 16.09.2021
- Promotion orders of Kanungo of Shimla Division to the post of Naib Tehsildar dt. 15.03.2024
- Transfer/posting of Tehsildars hosted on 31.01.2024
- Transfer of Sh. Arun Kumar, Tehsildar dated 03.09.2021 as hosted on 03.09.2021
- Promotion of Kanungos to the post of Naib Tehsildar dated 14.12.2023
- Retirement of Tehsildars dated 18.12.2023 as hosted on 19.12.2023
- Regarding increase in Honorarium of Revenue Chowkidars and Part-time workers dated 05.03.2024 as hosted on 06.03.2024
- Transfer order of Sh. Pawan Kumar, Tehsildar dated 29.02.2024
- Deputation of Sh. Desh Raj Dhiman, NT dated 28.12.2023
- Transfer order of Adjustments of Tehsildars and Naib Tehsildars dated 09 .02.2024 as hosted on 13.02.2024
- Additional charge of Tehsildar of Sh. Sumedh Sharma, Tehsildar dated 06.02.2024
- Transfer of Naib Tehsildar hosted on 31.01.2024.
- Adjustment of Sh. Rajat Sethi, Tehsildar dated 09.01.2024
- Fixing/Reviewing the Cadre strength of Naib Tehsildar, Group-B (Gazetted)
- Transfer order of Sh. Deepak Sharma, Tehsildar dated 15.03.2024
- Addl. charge of LAO of Sh. Praveen Kumar dated 23.09.2021 as hosted on 27.09.2021
- Transfer order of Tehsildar dated 23.02.2024 as hosted on 27.02.2024
- Revised final seniority list of Tehsildar as on 31-12-2016 redrawn on 08-05-2024
- additional charge of Tehsildar , H.P., F.C to Sh. Hira Lal Ghezta , Tehsildar dated 06.07.2020 as hosted on 06.07.2022
- Additional Charge of Tehsildar, HIMUDA dated 06.12.2023
- Result of Departmental Kanungo Exam held on dated 25 & 26 January,2021 at RTI Jogindernagar, District Mandi
- Notification regarding compassionate ground dated 18.09.2020 hosted on 19.09.2020
- Cancellation of Transfer of Hari Singh Tehsildar dated 08.12.2020 hosted on dated 09.12.2020d
- Transfer of Tehsildar dated 18.09.2020 hosted on 19.09.2020
- Posting of two Tehsildars dated 25-09-2020 hosted on 26-09-2020
- Addl. charge of Tehsildar to Sh. Sunil Chauhan, Tehsildar dated 31.08.2021 as hosted on 02.09.2021
- Transfer order of Tehsildar dated 26.03.2022
- Additional charge of Tehsildar dated 14.09.2022 as hosted on 14.09.2022
- Transfer of Sh PN Raghuvanshi, Tehsildar dated 17 Oct 20 hosted on 19 Oct 20
- Posting of Tehsildar CWP No. 4553 dated 30.10.2020 hosted on 02.11.2020
- Regarding providing of 4% reservation to persons with disability
- Adhoc Promotion of DRO dated 30.03.2022
- Transfer of Sh. Hira Lal Tehsildar dated 03.11.2020 hosted on dat 07.11.2020
- Posting of B Class Trainee Naib-Tehsildar dated 05.11.2020 hosted on 06.11.2020
- Transfer Smt. Ved Prabha Sharma Supdt.Gr.1 from o/o DC Mandi to the o/o DC Kullu on dated 26-08-2020 hosted on dt.27-08-2020
- Patwari Result - Sirmaur
- Patwari Result - Kangra
- Patwari Result - Mandi
- Patwari Result - Solan
- Patwari Result - Shimla
- Patwari Result - Kullu
- Patwari Result - Settlement
- Patwari Result - Kinnaur
- Patwari Result - Chamba
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 30.09.2021 as hosted on 30.09.2021
- Posting of Sh. Vivek Negi, Tehsildar
- Advertisement Driver
- Addl. charge of LAO to Sh. Jagdish Chand dated 04.09.2021 as hosted on 04.09.2021
- Transfer of Sh. Ramesh Chand dated 10.08.2021 as hosted on 10.08.2021
- transfer order of Sh. Rakesh Kumar, Naib Tehsildar dated 15.03.2021 as hosted on 15.03.2021
- Cancellation adjustment of Tehsildars dated 06.05.2021 as hosted on 06.05.2021
- Transfer order of Sh. Kultaj Singh dated 03.02.2021 hosted on 03.02.2021
- Transfer of Sh. Anil Kumar, Tehsildar dated 22.01.2021 hosted on 23.01.2021
- Patwari Result - Una
- Order to Promote Sh Devendar kumar Sr.Asstt to the post of Superintendent Gr.-1 on dated 27-08-2020 hosted on dt 27-08-2020
- Posting of A Class Tehsildar as N.T officiating dated 7-7-2018 hosted on 7-7-2018
- Promotion/posting order of 4 Naib Tehsildar as Tehsildar dated 27-02-2019 hosted on 28-02-2019
- Cancellation of transfer orders of Sh. Maya Ram Tehsildar dated 25-02-2019 hosted on 28-02-2019
- Orders for adjustment of Sh. Bachitter Singh, Tehsildar dated 02-03-2019 hosted on 02-03-2019
- Promotion/posting orders of Superintendent Gr-I dated 02-03-2019 hosted on 02-03-2019
- Transfer/adjustment orders of Tehsildars dated 08-03-2019 hosted on 08-03-2019
- Transfer order of Sh Vikram jeet singh Tehsildar dated 12-3-2019 Hosted on 12-3-2019
- Transfer orders of Sh. Maya Ram Tehsildar dated 23-03-2019 hosted on 23-03-2019
- Regarding increasing of Honorarium to the Numberdar dated 05.03.2024 as hosted on 06.03.2024
- Promotion of Kanungo to the post of Naib Tehsildar dated 06.01.2024
- Additional charge of tehsildar to Sh Bal Krishan Verma tehsildar on dated 12-09-2019 hosted on 12-09-2019
- Order of Posting Ms.Kanchan Devi,A Class Tehsildar(Probationer) as Naib Tehsildar on dated 22-10-19 hosted on 22-10-2019
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 19.05.2023
- Corrigendum for extension of last date of submission of bids for procurement of 40KVA DG Set by DLR HP
- Posting orders of Tehsildars/LAO dated 06-09-2018 hosted on 06-09-2018
- Corrigendum dated 23-02-2019 of notification dated 20-02-2019 hosted on 25-02-2019
- Transfer orders of Jeevan Kumar Tehsildar dated 18-02-2019 hosted on 22-02-2019
- Transfer order of Neelaksh Sharma Tehsildar dated 17-01-2019 hosted on 18-01-2019
- transfer of Sh. Ved Parkash, Tehsildar dated 5/7/2018 hosted on 5/7/2018
- Transfer of Ved Prakash Tehsildar dated 22-06-2018 hosted on 23-06-2018
- Amended ACR form for DRO/Tehsildar
- Transfer of Tehsildar dated 19-07-2018 hosted on 19-07-2018
- promotion of Sh. Upinder Singh, Supdt. Gr.I O/o Div. Commr., Kangra dated 19/7/2018 hosted on 19/7/2018
- Corrigendum Regarding Result of Patwari Candidate Examination April-May 2018 for District Mandi Hosted on 24-07-2018
- transfer of Sh. Ashwani Kumar, Supdt. Gr.I dated 20/8/2018 hosted on 20/8/2018
- Transfer of Tehsildar dated 20-08-2018 hosted on 20-08-2018
- Promotion of Rajesh Bhandari dated 23-08-2018 hosted on 24-08-2018
- Promotion order of 12 Tehsildars dated 23-08-2018 hosted on 27-08-2018
- Transfer of two Tehsildars dated 23-08-2018 hosted on 27-08-2018
- Instructions to newly promoted Tehsildars to join duties issued on 06-09-2018 and hosted on 07-09-2018
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 10-09-2018 hosted on 10-09-2018
- Transfer of Tehsildar dated 26-09-2018 hosted on 26-09-2018
- Order of Tehsildars dated 23.01.2023 as hosted on 23.01.2023
- Promotion order of D.R.O. of Sh. Sanjeet Sharma dated 31.12.2022 as hosted on 31.12.2022
- Promotion order of NT dated 24.11.2022 as hosted on 24.11.2022
- Order to post following A Class Tehsildars who are working as Naib Tehsildar as tehsildar,against vacant post on dated 13-08-2020 hosted on dt.13-08-2020
- Order that Sh Om Prakash ,Consolidation officer working as tehsildar distt Una shall retire from Govt. service on 30-09-2020 after attaining the age of superannuation,on dated 06-08-2020 hosted on dt.07-08-2020
- posting of Sh. Inder Pal , NT on Promotion dated 23.01.2021 hosted on 23.01.2021
- Promotion of Tehsidar to the post of DRO on 03 Jul 2020 hosted on 03 Jul 2020
- Promotion of Sh Om Parkash, ACO to CO and posting dated 03 Jul 2020 hosted on 03 Jul 2020
- Posting of Naib Tehsildars à class of Mandi and Kangra Div on 31 July 2020 hosted on 31 July 2020
- Assign the additional charge of Tehsildar Tikker to Shri Raveesh Chandel, Tehsildar Kotkhai dated 01 Jul 2020
- Additional Charge to DRO dated 03 Jul 2020 hosted on 03 Jul 2020
- Cancel the transfer orders of Sh Devi Singh Tehsildar from Nihari, Distt Mandi to Kumarsain Distt Shimla on dated 15-07-2020 hosted on dt.16-07-2020
- Additional Charge of Tehsildar Nahan to DRO Sirmour to Sh Narayan Singh Chauhan dt 03 Jul 2020 hosted on 03 Jul 2020
- Transfer of Sh Ravish Chandel from Tehsil Kotkhai, District Shimla to Tehsil Ghanari, District Una dated 06.07.2020 uploaded on 06.07.2020
- Posting of Two DRO Class-I Gazetted on 13 August 20 hosted on 14 August 20
- Assign the additional charge of Tehsil Kotkhai and Tehsil Tikkar dated 06.07.20 uploaded on 06.07.20
- Final Seniority list of Substantive Tehsildar as it Stood on 31-12-2016 on dated 21-08-2020 hosted on dt.25-08-2020.
- Order the transfer of Sh Raman thakur,tehsildar without TTA/JT from tehsil Dadahu Distt Sirmour to tehsil Arki, on dated 24-08-2020 hosted on dt.25-08-2020.
- Order the transfer of Sh Kailash,Tehsildar without TTA/JT from tehsil Pooh ,Distt Kinnaur to tehsil Kothkai Distt Shimla on dated 22-08-2020 hosted on dt.22-08-2020
- Standing order for disposal of Government Business in Revenue Department on dated 20-08-2020 hosted on dt. 22-08-2020.
- Transfer of Officers/Officials-instructions regarding posting on dated 18-08-2020 hosted on dt 18-08-2020
- Transfer of Tehsildar dated 19.09.2020 hosted on 19.09.2020
- permission for sport meet dated 14.02.2019 hosted on 14.02.2019
- Posting of two Naib Tehsildars of Mandi Division dated 09-10-2020 hosted on 09-10-2020
- Transfer of Sh Devi Singh, Tehsildar from Tehsil-Nihari, District Mandi to Tehsil Kumarsain, District Shimla
- Transdfer/adjustment of Tehsildar dated 19-06-2018 hosted on 19-06-2018
- Promotion of Naib Tehsildar Mandi Division dated 21-11-2018 hosted on 21-11-2018
- transfer order of Tehsildars dated 15.11.2021 as hosted on 15.11.2021
- Posting order of Suresh Kumar, Tehsildar dated 01-10-2018 hosted on 01-10-2018
- Transfer of Officers/Officials-instructions regarding posting on dated 27-08-2020 hosted on dt.28-08-2020
- Transfer order of Tehsildar dated 23.03.2022 as hosted on 23.03.2022
- Adjustment order of Sh. Gurmit Gialchhan Negi , Tehsildar dated 25.03.2022
- Order the transfer of Sh Vipin Thakur,Tehsildar on dated 15-07-2020 hosted on dt.16-07-2020
- Increasing of Honorarium of Part time workers Posted in Patwar Circles dated 19-05-2020 hosted on 19-052020
- Posting of B Class NT of Shimla dated 21.06.2021 as hosted on 21.06.2021
- Addl. Charge of LAO to Amit Kumar Tehsildar dated 04.12.2020 hosted on 04.12.2020
- Posting order of B Class Tehsildar dated 20.12.2022 as hosted on 20.12.2022
- transfer of Sh. Keshav Kumar, Tehsildar dated 04.03.2021 hosted on 04.03.2021
- Promote following eligible Kanungos to the post of Naib tehsildar (Class-II Gazetted)in Mandi Division on dated 01-06-2020 hosted on dt.01-06-2020.
- Promotion to the post of Supdt Gr.-I dated 10.03.2021 hosted on 10.03.2021
- Corrigendum to Tender for procurement of 40KVA DG Set by DLR HP
- Posting order of Sh. Munish Kumar, Tehsildar, A Class dated 07.03.2023
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 30.01.2023 as hosted on 30.01.2023
- Transfer order of Naib Tehsildars dated 23.01.2023 as hosted on 23.01.2023
- order to the post of NT dated 12.08.2022 as hosted on 12.08.2022
- Order for adjustment of tehsildars dated 07-09-2019 hosted on 07-09-2019
- Promote to the following eligibleKanungo to the posts of Naib tehsilda on dated 17-8-2019 hosted dated 17-08-2019r
- Transfer of Sh, Narotam Lal, Tehsildar dated 07.12.2020 hosted on 07.12.2020
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 04.03.2023
- Order the transfer of following Tehsildar to Sh Aman Kumar and Smt. Neerja Sharma tehsildar on dated 04-08-2020 hosted on dt.04-08-2020
- Filling up of post of Driver in O/o DRO, Kangra dated 08-03-2019 hosted on 08-03-2019
- Instruction regarding transfer of Class-III & Class-IV employees ofr Revenue Deptt dated 18.12.2020 hosted on dated 06.01.202118.
- Transfer order of Ms. Surbhi Negi Tehsildar on dated 12-09-2019 hosted on 12-09-2019
- Posting of Varun Gulati Tehsildar dated 15-5-2019 hosted on 15-5-2019
- Promotion of Kanungo to the post of NT in Mandi Division dated 13.03.2024
- Transfer order of Sh. Umesh Kumar, Tehsildar dated 20.07.2022 as hosted on 20.07.2022
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 06.03.2023
- Promotion of B Class Tehsildar dated 12.12.2022 as hosted on 12.12.2022
- Promotion order of Supdt. Gr-I dated 16.03.2024
- transfer order of Smt. Radhika Tehsildar dated 07.03.2023
- Confirmation order of Tehsildars dated 28-11-2018 hosted on 30-11-2018
- Transfer order of Hari Singh Tehsildar dated 04.12.2020 Hosted on 04.12.2020
- Order to post following A Class trainee Naib Tehsildar of Kangra Division dated 28.09.2020 hosted on 28.09.2020
- Transfer of Sh Suresh Kumar Tehsildar from Tehsil Fatehpur to Tehsil Sujanpur District Hamirpur ON 31 JULY 2020 HOSTED ON 31 July 2020
- Order of adjutment of Miss Meghna Goswami A Class Tehsildar on dt 13-03-2020 hosted dt 13-03-2020
- Transfer of Sh. Rajeev Ranta, Tehsildar and Sh Sanjeev Kumar, Tehsildar of dt 08 Jul 2020 uploaded on 09 Jul 2020
- Additional charge of Land Acquisition officer,HP Power corporation to Sh Vikram Jeet Singh tehsildar on dt 3rd December2019 hosted on 3-12-2019
- Transfer order of Ganesh Thakur, Tehsildar dated 05-02-2019 hosted on 06-02-2019
- Promote to Sh Mohan Lal Kanungo Head office Settlement Deptt Shimla to the post of Naib tehsildar on dated04-06-2020 hosted on dt 04-06-2020
- Corrigendum dated 12-02-2019 to notification dated 11-02-2019 hosted on 12-02-2019
- Promotion of Naib tehsildar of Mandi Division on dated 24-7-2019 hosted 24-7-2019
- Promotion and Posting order of 10 Naib Tehsildar dated 22-05-2020 hosted on 22-05-2020
- Transfer order of Surbhi Negi , Tehsildar dated 11.12.2020 hosted on dated 11.12.2020
- Posting order of A Class Tehsildars dated 15.02.2022 as hosted on 15.02.2022
- transfer of Sh. Maneesh Chaudhary, Tehsildar dated 15/6/2018 hosted on 15/6/2018
- Transfer of Sh. Jagjit Singh, NT dated 30.03.2022
- Adjustment order of Sh. Gurmit Gialchhan Negi, Tehsildar dated 25.03.2022
- Regularization promotion posting order of tehsildars dated 21.03.2022 as hosted on 21.03.2022
- Transfer order of Sh. Anil Kumar Tehsildar dated 23-10-2018 hosted on 23-10-2018
- Notification regarding Departmental Kanungo Exam held on dated 12-13 January,2019 at RTI Jogindernger Dated 5-11-2018 Hosted on 6-11-2018
- Posting of Naib Tehsildar dated 30-11-2018 hosted on 30-11-2018
- cancellation-adjustment of Sh. Bipan Kumar, Tehsildar dated 03.06.2021 as hosted on 03.06.2021
- Transfer Order of Tehsildars dated 23.04.2021 as hosted on 23.04.2021 as h
- Transfer of Sarthak Sharma, Tehsildar dt 06.03.21 hosted on 06.30.2021
- Promotion order of Sh. Raj Kumar Tehsildar as DRO dated 02-09-2019 hosted on 02-09-2019
- Order of Transfer of Sh Kapil Tomar Tehsildar on dated 09-12-2019 hosted on 09-12-2019
- Transfer orders of Sh. Rajeev Ranta, Tehsildar dated 02-09-2019 hosted on 02-09-2019
- Transfer orders of Tehsildars dated 02-09-2019 hosted on 02-09-2019
- Promotion orders of Kanungo to the post of Naib Tehsildar in Kangra Division dated 11-02-2019 hosted on 11-02-2019
- Transfer orders of 34 Tehsildars dated 20-02-2019 hosted on 22-02-2019
- Transfer order of Bachitter Singh Tehsildar dated 28/12/2018 hosted on 31/12/2018
- Confirment of powers of FC Appeals dated 6/6/2018 hosted on 8/6/2018
- Promotion order of Naib Tehsildar Shimla Division dated 21-11-2018 hosted on 21-11-2018
- Transfer order of Sh. Prem Chand, Naib Tehsildar dated 13.03.2023 as hosted on 13.03.2023
- Notification to the Additional charge of tehsildar Settlement Barsar Hamirpur to Sh Om Prakash tehsildar Barsar on dated 27-02-2020 hosted dt 27-02-2020
- Promotion of B Class Tehsildars dated 24.01.2022 as hosted on 27.01.2022
- Adjustment of Sh. Jagjit Singh ,NT dated 09.05.2022 as hosted on 09.05.2022
- Order the transfer of following Tehsildar to sh Ashok Kumar,tehsildar and Sh Maya Ram tehsildar on dated 30-07-2020 hosted on dt 30-07-2020
- Transfer Order of Sh Sanjeet Sharma Tehsildar from Tehsil Karsog District Mandi to Tehsil Kaza District Lahaul-Spiti dt 22-05-2020 hosted on 22-05-2020
- Patwari Result - Hamirpur
- transfer of Tehsildars dated 19.03.2022 as hosted on 19.03.2022
- Order the Transfer of following Tehsildars on dt 25-06-2020 hosted on dt.25-06-2020
- Orders of cancellation of transfer of Sh. Ganesh Thakur, Tehsildar dated 08-02-2019 hosted on 11-02-2019
- Transfer order of Sh. Prikshit Kumar, NT dated 19.05.2023
- Transfer order of Tehsildars dated 07-01-2019 hosted on 07-01-2019
- Notification to the additional Charge of tehsildar Kasauli Distt Solan to Sh Dalip Kumar tehsildar Settlement Kasauli on dated 22-02-2020 hosted dt 22-02-2020
- Cancellation of transfer orders of Sh. Ved Prakash Tehsildar dated 25-02-2019 hosted on 28-02-2019
- Promotion and Posting of Kanungos to Naib Tehsildar (Class-II Gazetted) dated 30.05.2020 hosted on 30.05.2020
- Promotion order of B class tehsildar on dated 10-6-2019 hosted on 11-6-2019
- Adjustment order of Sh. Hari Krishan Sharma Supdt. Gr-II dated 10-06-2019 hosted on 11-06-2019
- Regarding Departmental Kanoongo Examination In Shimla on 10-11 August 2019 Hosted On 27-Jun-2019
- Transfer orders of Sh. Umesh Kumar Tehsildar dated 09-08-2019 hosted on 09-08-2019
- Order to Transfer Sh Deep Chand,Supdt Grade-1 o/o D.C Kangra to o/o D.C Hamirpur on dated 25-06-2020 hosted on dt. 26-06-2020
- Combined Screening Test for selection of candidates for the post of Patwaris in the Districts (Mohal) and Settlement Department in H.P.
- Posting of following A Class tehsildar working against the Naib tehsildar on dated 04-03-2020 hosted 05-03-2020
- Power for fixation of pay in respect of District Revenue Officer
- Transfer/posting of Sh Ganesh Thakur tehsilar on dt 07-12-2019 hosted on 07-12-2019
- transfer of Tehsildars dated 25.5.2018 hosted on 25.5.2018
- Transfer orders of 2 Tehsildars dated 25-07-2018 hosted on 25-07-2018
- Following Tehsildars shall Retire Government service on dated 12-09-2019 hosted 12-09-2019
- Order of Transfer of 4 Tehsildar dated 22-6-2019 hosted on 22-6-2019
- Transfer of Tehsildars dated 24-05-2018 hosted on 24-05-2018
- Transfer order of Smt Neelam Kumari tehsildar on dated 7-6-2019 hosted on 11-6-2019
- Promotion orders of Nain Tehsildars of Shimla Division dated 29-04-2019 hosted on 30-04-2019
- Order of Transfer/posting of Sh Pawan Kumar,Tehsildar on dt 29-11-2019 hosted on 29-11-2019
- Transfer order of Sanjeev Kumar Tehsildar dated 17-01-2019 hosted on 17-01-2019
- Revised Answer Key to the Posts of Patwari (Mohal & Settlement) held on 17.11.2019 Hosted on 14-Dec-2019
- Transfer order of Sh Kashmir Singh Tehsildar dated 7-6-2019 hosted on 11-6-2019
- Posting of 02 Newly Promoted Naib Tehsildars dated 30.05.2020 hosted on 30.05.2020
- Order the Transfer of Sh Praveen kumar tehsildar without TTA/JTfrom tehsil Lad Bharol Distt Mandi on dated 01-06-2020 hosted on dt. 01-06-2020
- Result of Patwari(Mohal & Settlement) Examination Held On 17-11-2019 Hosted On 14-Dec-2019. This merit List is subject to verification of Eligibility criteria.
- transfer of Tehsildar dated 21.5.2018 hosted on 21.5.2018
- Cancel the Promotion of Sh Bhishma Nand against the post of Supdt. Grade-1.on dated 25-06-2020 hosted on dt.26-06-2020
- Transfer of two Tehsildars dated 28-09-2018 hosted on 29-09-2018
- Additional Charge of Tehsildar to Smt.Bhawana Verma tehsildar on dated 19-09-2019 hosted on 19-09-2019
- Promotion Order of Private Secretary dated 18-12-2019 uploaded on 18-12-2019
- Result of Patwari (Mohal & Settlement) [SC-Ex-Serviceman, SC-WFF, ST-Ex-Serviceman, OBC-Ex-Serviceman, OBC-WFF] Examination Held On 17-11-2019. This merit List is subject to verification of Eligibility criteria.
- Promotion to Sh Parkash Singh Naib tehsildar Jawan Kotla to the post of Tehsildar on dated28-09-2019 hosted on 28-09-2019
- Provisional seniority list of Tehsildars dated 05-04-2019 hosted on 06-04-2019
- transfer of Supdt. Gr-I dated 21.5.2018 hosted on 21.5.2018
- Cancellation of Transfer Order of Shri Pawan Kumar Tehsildar dated 16-12-2019 hosted on 17-12-2019
- Notification Regarding Departmental Kanungo Exam to be held on Dated 14th and 15th July 2018, at Shimla. Hosted on 18/05/2018
- Result of Departmental Kanungo Exam held at shimla on 10th and 11th Aug 2019 Hosted on 18-10-2019
- Regularisation order of Tehsildar dated 14-02-2020 hosted on 15-02-2020
- Employment Notice for filling up of one post of peon (Class-IV) on daily wage basis in the o/o Divisional Commissioner,Shimla Division
- Final seniority List of Substantive Tehsildars as it stood on 31-12-2016 on dated 17-03-2020 hosted on dated 18-03-2020
- The additional charge of Land Acquisition Officer on dated 21-10-19 hosted on 21-10-2019
- promotion of Naib Tehsildar dated 5/5/2018 hosted on 5/5/2018
- Recruitment to 01 (one) Post of Peon (Unreserved) in o/o Divisional Commissioner, Shimla-2
- Corrigendum,Tentative Seniority List of Substantive Tehsildars as it stood on 31-12-2016 on dated 17-02-2020 hosted dt 17-02-2020
- Posting Order of Miss Nisha Azad A Class Tehsildar Probationer dated 01-01-2020 hosted on 01-01--2020
- Promotion of following eligible Kanungos to the Post of Naib Tehsildar on dated 21-11-2019 hosted on 21-11-2019
- transfer of Sh. Keshav Ram dated 4/5/2018 hosted on 4/5/2018
- Regarding increasing of Honorarium to the Numberdar on dated 30-03-2020 hosted on dated 13-05-2020.
- Notification to Sh Parkash Singh,Tehsildar Salooni shall Retired from 31-12-19, on dated 21-10-19 hosted on 21-10-2019
- Appointment of A-Class Tehsildars dated 3/5/2018 hosted on 3/5/2018
- Filling up the vacant posts of Patwaris on dated 17-08-2019 hosted dated 17-08-2019
- Transfer of following Tehsildars to Sh Manoj kumar,Sh Jai Gopal, Sh Amit Kumar tehsildar on dated 14-01-2020 hosted on 14-01-2020
- Promote Sh Sant Ram,assistant Consolidation Officer on dated 30-10-19 hosted on 30-10-2019
- Training Schedule of A&B Class Tehsildar,A,B,&C Class Naib Tehsildar and Patwari Candidates on dt 4thNovember,2019 hosted on 04-11-2019
- Appointment of 6 A-Class Tehsidlar dated 3/5/2018 hosted on 3/5/2018
- Clearance of backlog and shortfall of visually imparied persons in the services of the state Government schedule thereof on dated 22-01-2010 hosted on dt. 22-01-2020
- transfer of Tehsildars dated 2/5/2018 hosted on 2/5/2018
- Order the transfer/posting of Sh Vikram jeet Singh tehsildar on dated 07-11-2019 hosted dt 07-11-2019
- Answer Key of Patwari Examination Mohal and Settlement Held On 17-11-2019 Hosted On 18-11-2019
- Transfer order of Sh Sunil kumar &Sh Dev Pal Tehsildar on dated 05-08-2019 hosted on 05-08-2019
- Transfer of Tehsildars dated 26-04-2018 hosted on 26-04-2018
- transfer of DRO dated 12.4.2018 hosted on 12.4.2018
- Transfer order of Sh Rajeev Thakur and Sh Dina Nath Tehsildar ondated 26-07-2019 hosted 26-07-2019
- Transfer of Tehsildars dated 12.4.2018 hosted on 12.4.2018
- Cancellation of transfer orders of Narain Singh VermaTehsildar dated 24-07-2019 hosted on 24-07-2019
- Transfer of sh Naraian singh verma tehsildar on dated 7-6-2019 hosted on 11-6-2019
- Transfer, Posting and Adjustment of Tehsildars dated 02.12.2023
- Transfer of Sh. Harish Kumar, Tehsildar Rural dated 7-4-2018 hosted on 7-4-2018
- Regarding increasing of Honorarium of Part time workers posted in Patwar circles of Districts from Rs.3000/-toRs. 3500/-Per Month.
- Police verification of A-Class Tehsildar dated 05-04-2018 hosted on 06-04-2018
- Order of Transfer of Tehsildars on dated 3 july 2019 hosted on dated 3-7-2019
- Transfer orders of Tehsildars dated 04-04-2018 hosted on 04-04-2018
- Transfer of Tehsildars dated 04-04-2018 hosted on 04-04-2018
- Posting order of Sh Ajay Prashar Tehsildar on dated 3 july 2017 hosted on dated 3-7-2019
- Transfer order of Sh Pawan Kumar Tehsildar andSmt.Shalini sharma tehsildar dt11-7-2019 hosted on 11-7-2019
- Transfer orders of following Tehsildar dated 19-7-2019 hosted on 19-7-2019
- Transfer order of Two Tehsildar dated 19-7-2019 hosted on 19-7-2019
- Transfer order of Sh Kashmir Singh tehsildar dated 19-7-2019 hosted on 19-7-2019
- Tentative Seniority list of Tehsildars dated 14-02-2020 hosted on15 -02-2020
- Transfer order of Sh Gian Chand Tehsildar dated 19-7-2019 hosted on 19-7-2019
- Order of regularisation of Tehsildars dated 21-6-2019 hosted on 21-06-2019
- Sh Sartaj Singh Tehsildar under order of transfer chaurah at Tissa dated19-7-2019 hosted on 19-7-2019
- Transfer order of Sh Durga Dass Yadav Tehsildar dated 19-7-2019 hosted on 19-7-2019
- Transfer and Adjustment orders of Tehsildars dated 24-07-2019 hosted on 24-07-2019
- Order of addlitional charge to sh Kashmir singh Tehsildar dated 21-5-2019 hosted on 21-5-2019
- Notification Regarding Departmental Kanungo Exam to be held on Dated 11th and 12 January 2020, at RTI Joginder Nagar Mandi. Hosted on 23/11/2019
- Promotion Order of Tehsildar dated 11 May 2020 hosted on 11 May 2020
- Result of Departmental Kanungo Exam held on dated 11th and 12th January,2020 at RTI Jogindernagar District Mandi hosted on dated 12/05/2020
- Promote the following Superindendent Gr.II as Supdt. Grade-1 on dated 03-03-2020 hosted on dt 03-03-2020
- Order of posting of A class Tehsildars as NT for one year dated 14-05-2019 hosted on 14-05-2019