Activities and Achievments
1. Grant-in-aid to H.P. Sports
Council:- The
Himachal Pradesh Sports council has been constituted to boost the
activities of Sports in the Pradesh. During the year 2015-16, budget to the
tune of Rs. 80.00 lacs has been kept to run its various sports
activities which include grant-in-aid to recognized State Sports
Associations, voluntary sports clubs, District Sports councils,
organization of rural/women sports tournaments, coaching camps, Dr. Y.S.
Parmar Memorial Volleyball tournament and cash awards to outstanding sports
persons in the State. 2. Stipend for NIS trinees and
Scholarship to Non-student Sports Persons:- An
amount of Rs. 0.48 lacs was spent in order to give scholarship and stipend to
NIS trainees and outstanding non student sports persons during the financial
year 2014-15. An amount of Rs. 2400/- per annum per
player was given to NIS trainees, whereas Rs.1,200/-
per annum per player was given to non-student sports persons of the State.
The number of beneficiaries are 30 NIS trainees/
non-student sports persons. A budget provision of Rs. has been kept for
the purpose during the current financial year 2015-16. 3. Organisation of
Coaching camps: During
the year 2014-15, coaching camps in various disciplilnes have been organised
in the State in which more than 1500 sportspersons were involved by incurring
an expenditure of Rs.10.00 lacs. Coaching was provided in a
scientific way by the department at various coaching centres prior to
participation in various State, Sub Junior, Junior and Senior National
tournaments to the selected players of the State. A budget provision of
Rs. has been kept for the purpose during the current financial year 2015-16. 4. Purchase of Sports
equipments:- During
the year 2014-15 an amount of Rs. 11.03 lacs has been spent for
the purchase of consumable and non-consumable sports equipments for various
district coaching centres, Sports Hostel Una and Bilaspur and
Indoor stadium Una, Shimla, Kangra and Bilaspur. A budget provision of
Rs. has been kept for the purpose during the current financial year
2015-16. 5. Sports
Hostel:- Two
Sports Hostels, Una and Bilaspur are functioning in the game of Wrestling,
Athletics, Judo, Volleyball, Hockey, Handball and Kabaddi respectively. During
the financial year 2014-15, 140 sports persons were admitted in these sports
hostels who are being provided free boarding and lodging medical and sports
kit by the Department. During the year 2014-15 an amount of Rs.
72-10 lacs was provided to these sports hostels.A budget provision
of Rs. has been kept for the purpose during the current financial year
2015-16. 6. Construction of
playfields:- Keeping
in view the demands of the general public an amount of Rs. 51.99
lacs has been spent on the construction of play fields under (SCSP) in the
Pradesh during the year 2014-15. And 52 playfields are being constructed
under SCSP.A budget provision of Rs. has been kept for the purpose
during the current financial year 2015-16. 7. Organisation
of women Sports Tournament:- The
Department has organized Women sports tournament at Block,
District & State Level in the games Badminton, Table-Tennis, Athletics,
Kabaddi, Volleyball, Basketball, Hockey, Hanball and, Kho-Kho under Rajeev
Gandhi Khel Abhiyan mission of GOI. State Level women Sports
tournament has been organized at Distt.Mandi. An amount of Rs.
34.78 lac has been spent for the
organization of Block, Distt. and State level tournaments. During year
2014-15. In total 10829 girls participated in these competitions during 2014-15.A
budget provision of Rs. has been kept for the purpose during the
current financial year 2015-16. 8. Organization
of sports for Physically challenged sports person. To
encourage the physically challanged sports persons, this year also the
Department of Youth Services & Sports has organized Distt.
& State level sports tournaments. An amount of Rs. 10.00 lacs was spent
for this purpose. The State level tournaments was organized at
Distt. Kullu 2nd & 3rd December, 2014. A
budget provision of Rs. has been kept for the purpose during the
current financial year 2015-16. 9. PANCHYAT YUVA KRIDA AUR
Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan was launched in the Year 2008-09. Now
it is renamed as Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA) in February,
2014. Under this scheme the department constructing Sports
Infrastructure i.e. Indoor Stadiums and Outdoor Stadiums and as well las
annual competition in ten discipline for boys and girls. Under
this scheme the department has spent Rs. 1,49,00,000/- under Annual
competitions for the conduct of rural Sports from Block to State level
competitions during 2014-15. In addition to this State has spent recurring
grant to the tune of Rs. 2,99,20,000 under the old scheme PYKKA for the
purchase of sports equipment,Honorarium Maintenance of sports fields
etc. The
achievement of the department under old scheme PYKKA and RGKA at
National Level Rural Sports competition in the discipline of Boxing is 1 Gold
Medal, 2 Bronze Medal and 1 Silver,Judo is 1 Silver, 4 Bronze and Badminton 1
Bronze for the year 2014-15. In
total 27,866 boys and girls participated in these competitions
during 2014-15. 10. Financial Assistance under Central
Sponsored Scheme. The
Govt. of India has released a sum of Rs. 173.32 lacs under
the centrally sponsored scheme for the organization of N.S.S activities
during the year 2014-15 and an amount of Rs. 87.00 lacs has been
provided by the State Govt. for this purpose. In NSS activities 71500
Volunteers has participated.A budget provision of Rs. has
been kept for the purpose during the current financial year 2015-16. 11. Categorization of Sports
Associations. H.P.
Sports Council working under this Deptt has categorized State
Sports Associations in category A,B and C (List at Annexure-I ). During the
Financial year 2014-15 grant has been inhanced and annual grant @
Rs.100,000/-, Rs. 75,000/- and Rs. 50,000/-respectively is being given to the
Sports Associations as per their Categorization . During the year
2014-15, a sum of Rs. 20.00 lacs has been
provided as Grant in Aid to various associations for undertaking their
activities. Beside these, special grant for the organization of North Zone,
Sr./Junior National level tournaments are also provided to the State
Association on their demand. A budget provision of Rs. has been kept
for the purpose during the current financial year 2015-16. 12. Cash Award to outstanding
sportspersons Rs.
94.00 lacs under cash award scheme were given to 106 outstanding
sportspersons who won medals at National and International sports events,
during 2014-15. These sportspersons were hounoured in the State
level/Distt level Statehood/Republic day functions throughout the State.A
budget provision of Rs. has been kept for the purpose during the
current financial year 2015-16. Youth Activities: 1. Grant-in-aid to H.P. State Youth
Board:- State
Youth Board provides grant-in-aid to Distt. Youth Boards, Yuva
Mandals/Voluntary Organisation for Cultural, Sports and adventure activities.
During the year 2015-16, an amount of Rs. 70.00 lacs
have been given as grant-in-aid to the H.P. State Youth Board. 2. Organisation of Work
camps/Youth leadership training Camps. Under
this programme, youth are involved in social activities such as levelling of
playfields, plantation of trees, construction of mule path etc. and to imbibe
in them the spirit of eradication of social evils and involve them
in the activities of bringing social reforms and national reconstruction.
These camps were organised at the District level in all districts. This year
these work camps were contected for water restore. Youth
leadership training camps were also organised in each district. Under this
programme, an amount of Rs.16.00 lacs have been spent
during 2014-15.A budget provision of Rs. has been kept
for the purpose during the current financial year 2015-16. 3. Training facilities in
Indira Gandhi State Sports Complex at Shimla:- At
Indira Gandhi Sports Complex Shimla, facilities for training in Badminton,
Judo, Taikwando, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Boxing, Wrestling and Multigym are
available to the sportspersons and a token fee is being charged
from the the players. Lodging facilites are also being provided to the
players. 4 . Establishment of Nodal Youth Clubs:- Under
the three tier Panchayati Raj system, it is the endeavour of the Department
to establish a Nodal Youth Club in every Panchayt in a phased manner. 77
Nodal Youth Club have been established in each Block and these clubs are
functioning as an unit of the Department for the implementation of its
schemes. During the year 2014-15 one Volunteer has deployed in each
distt headquarter. An amount of Rs .
47.00 lacs has been released during 2014-15 to all the
Districts from State Youth Board. In all the 77 Development Blocks, Youth
Volunteers have been appointed. A budget provision of Rs. has been kept
for the purpose during the current financial year 2015-16. 5. Organisation of
Youth festivals :- A
sum of Rs. 26.00 lacs has been spent during the year
2014-15, 7850 Youth participated in one Act
play, Folk Dance, Classical Vocal, Flutes, Harmonium, Tabla, Folk Song and
allied activities at District and State level Youth Festivals. State
level Youth festival was organised at Jawalaji (Kangra) . Seventy
Two youths from the state has Participated in National Youth Festival
organized in the state of Asam w.e.f.8/01/2015 to 12/01/2015 in different
events in which state won 1st position in Kathak and 3rd Position
in the event of Sitar recitation. A budget provision of Rs.30.00 lacs
has been kept for the purpose during the current financial year
2015-16. 6. National
Youth Day/Week:- For this purpose, an amount of Rs .4.00 lacs has been spent by the Youth Board during the year 2014-15, 120 youth from 10 districts participated in State level National Youth Day held at Shimla on 19th January, 2015.A budget provision of Rs.4.00 lacs has been kept for the purpose during the current financial year 2015-16. |