Title | Last Date |
Training Programme in Microsoft Office-Words for Officers and Staff from 17th to 19th September, 2012 | 15-06-2012 |
Additional short term Training Program Circular- Harvard Univesity 2013 | 13-06-2012 |
Training Programme in Microsoft Office-Excel for Officers and Staff from 3rd to 5th September, 2012 | 11-06-2012 |
A Group Training Course in Leadership Training programme for Future Leaders in Sports for Persons with Disability to be held from August 2012 to May, 2013 | 04-06-2012 |
Training Programme on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Development to be held in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia from 3rd to 7th September, 2012. | 24-05-2012 |
Two Days Workshop on National Training Policy to be held from August 27-28, 2012 at ISTM, New Delhi. | 14-05-2012 |
Training Circular- Training Programme in Microsoft Office Power Point for Office and staff to be conducted by this institute during 27th- 29th Aug., 2012. | 08-05-2012 |
A Group Training Course on National Regional Development Policy to be held from August 2012 to January 2013(Code Phase in Japan from 4th September to 20th october,2012). | 02-07-2012 |
A Group Training Course in Financial and Technological Support for small and Medium Enterprises Promotion(A) to be held from July 2012 to March, 2013 | 01-06-2012 |
Training Course on “Knowledge Management” from 27-29 August, 2012 | 30-07-2012 |
Training Circular- 103rd Basic Course on Management Services – from 16.07.2012 to 07.09.2012 for Senor Analysts/Section Officers/Junior Analysts/Research Assistants/Assistants/Technical Assistants/UDCs and their equivalent | 15-06-2012 |
Singapore Commonwealth Third Country Training Programme on Developing e-Government Strategies | 07-05-2012 |
Trainers Development Programme | 31-05-2012 |
5th M.A. in Public Policy and Sustainable Development (PP and SD) programme at the TERI University, Delhi | 30-04-2012 |
A Group Training Course in Production and Development of Official Statistics in Support for National Development including the Achievement of MDGs be held in Japan. | 21-05-2012 |
A Group Training Course in Production and Development of Official Statistics in Support for National Development including the Achievement of MDGs be held in Japan. | 21-05-2012 |
A Group Training Course in Zoonosis Control to be held in Japan | 21-05-2012 |
A Group Training Course in Information Management Technology for Land Use and Natural Resources to be held in Japan | 21-05-2012 |
Training Programme in Administrative Vigilance -I (code AV-I) – Role of Inquiry/Presenting Officers to be Conducted by this Institute from 28th May to 1st June 2012 | 23-04-2012 |
38th Advanced Professional Programme in Public Administration(APPPA)-2nd July 2012 to 31st March 2013 | |
Service Quality Journal | |
A Group Training Course in Construction Technology Introduced and/or Applied to Developing Countries to be held in Japan from 13th May to 30th June 2012 | 15-03-2012 |
Training Programme in Administrative Vigilance – I (Code AV-I) Role of Inquiry/Presenting Officers to be Conducted by this Institute from 9-13 April, 2012 | 02-03-2012 |
Nominations for Recognised Trainer Development Programmes for Direct Trainer Skills (DTS) Course from 19-23 March 2012 and Design of Training (DoT) Course from 26-30 March 2012 | 03-02-2012 |
Nominations for Recognised Trainer Development Programmes for Direct Trainer Skills (DTS) Course from 05-09 March 2012 and Design of Training (DoT) Course from 12-16 March 2012 | 03-02-2012 |
Workshop on Strengthening Negotiation Capabilities of Senior Officers from Developing Countries in Commonwealth-Brochure, Kuala Lumpur | 20-01-2012 |
Workshop in Air Conditioning Systems Maintenance and Diagnostics | 25-01-2012 |
Working Conference "Managing You and Me in Roles and Systems" | 14-02-2012 |
Programme on Gender Budgeting and Planning: Practices for Equity and Accountability | 09-01-2012 |
Training Workshop on ‘Social Conflicts Analysis and Resolution Approaches’ scheduled from February 6-10, 2012 | 20-01-2012 |
5th M.A. in Public Policy and Sustainable Development (PPSD) programme at the TERI University, Delhi commencing from 9th January, 2012 | 31-10-2011 |
Nominations for Direct Trainer Skills (DTS) course from 09-13 January, 2012 and Design of Training (DoT) course from 16-20 January, 2012 | 08-12-2011 |
IMF Regional Institute (STI) Programme 2012 | 30-11-2011 |
In-House Economics Training Programme 2012 at IMF Institute, Washington D.C. | 23-12-2011 |
65th Advanced course on Management Services (9th AMS course under revised integrated scheme) (CODE: AMS) from 12-30 December, 2011 | 11-11-2011 |
Training Programme in Administrative Vigilance-1 (Code AV-1) for Section Officers and above level Officers from 19-23 December, 2011 | 19-11-2011 |
Vipassana courses for Government Employees | |
Training Programmes during Financial Year 2012-13 | |
SIDA’s Advanced International Training Programme on “Integrated Sustainable Coastal Developement”, to be held in Swedwn from 28 May, 2012 to 15 June, 2012 and in Tanzania from 01 October, 2012 to 12 October, 2012 | 18-10-2011 |
A Group Training Course on “Custom Administration” to be held in Japan from 08 November, 2011 to 07 December, 2011 under the Technical Coopration Programme of the Government of Japan | 19-09-2011 |
Course on Decentralisation and Local Governance | |
Training Course on “Stress Management” from 28 November, 2011 to 2 December, 2011 | 22-10-2011 |
Nomination For “Management of Training” course from 26 September, 2011 to 30 September, 2011 | 10-09-2011 |
Training Programme on Values in Administration from 30 October, 2011 to 4 November, 2011 | 29-09-2011 |
A Group Training Course in ’National Government Administration for Senior Officials’ to be held in Japan from 30 October, 2011 to 19 November, 2011 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan | 08-08-2011 |
6th Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGPPPM) 2011-13 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon | 29-07-2011 |
SCPTA: "Hospital Managment", 28 October, 2011 to 4 November, 2011 | 02-09-2011 |
Colombo Plan Traning Programme on Strategic Mangement from 3 October, 2011 to 7 October, 2011 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 05-08-2011 |
A Group Training Course In International Seminar on Taxation to be held in Japan from 4 October, 2011 to 27 October, 2011 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan | 26-07-2011 |
A Seminar on Control of Drug Offence to be held in Japan from 25 September, 2011 to 8 October, 2011 under the Technical Cooperation Programme of the Government of Japan | 12-07-2011 |
Training Course on "Behavioural Skills" from 17 October, 2011 to 21 October, 2011 | 22-09-2011 |
Management Development Programme on Competency Building: A Way for Effective Job Performance (September 19-23, 2011) | |
Colombo plan traning programme on promotion of one village one fisheriers product samut prakan thailand 15-23 december 2011 | 22-09-2011 |
SCPTA: Train-The-Trainers in Early Childhood Development and Education. | 19-08-2011 |
Traning Course in Water Supply Adminstration for Better Managment of Water Supply Services held in Japan. | 12-08-2011 |
Three days Workshop on "Personal Growth Emotional Intelligence"(PGEI) from 26-28 September, 2011. | 10-08-2011 |
Training Programme in Microsoft Office Access for Officers and Staffs from 28-30 September, 2011. | 08-08-2011 |
Traning course in Maintenance and quality Managment of Digital studio and long life Operation. | 02-08-2011 |
SCPTA International Disaster Managment Programme 19 to 23 september 2011. | 30-07-2011 |
Administrative Vigilance-2 (Code (AV-2) for Section Officers and above level officials from 12-23 September, 2011. | 29-07-2011 |
Training course in International seminar Taxation to be held in Japan | 26-07-2011 |
SCPTA Towars well performing water utilities water Quality and supply reliability 14-20 september 2011. | 25-07-2011 |
Evaluation of Training Course (EoT) during 29th August to 9th September, 2011. | 25-07-2011 |
SCPTA Road Infrastructure Development and managment 6 to 16 Septeber 2011 | 24-07-2011 |
Environmental technlogy for low carbon society to be held in japan from 25th september 2011 to 22nd october | 21-07-2011 |
Colombo Plan - Training Course on Public Governance and Administration at Civil Service College, Singapore . | 18-07-2011 |
Solid Waste Management with Community Participation to be held in Japan. | 18-07-2011 |
Improvement of Electric Power Distribution Grid now rescheduled to be held in Japan from 20th September 2011 to 29th October 2011 (Core Phase).. | 15-07-2011 |
Policy Improvement of Industrial Safety and Health to be held in Japan. | 14-07-2011 |
A seminar on control of Drug Offence to be held in Japan. | 12-07-2011 |
Leadership Training Programme for Future Leaders in Sports for Persons with Disability to be held in Japan from 27th September 2011 to 10th November 2011. | 11-07-2011 |
21st Overseas Fellows Program for Young Government Officials from Asian Countries being held in Japan. | 08-07-2011 |
Domestic Wastewater Treatment Techniques to be held in Japan | 4-07-2011 |
Training Programme in Microsoft Office Word for Officers & Staff from 10-12 August, 2011 Conducted By ISTM | 04-07-2011 |
Partial Funding of Foreign Study’ under the Plan Scheme of DFFT | |
Admission open for 6th batch of Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and Management (PGP-PPM), 2011-13 at MDI, Gurgaon | 30-06-2011 |
6th Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Public Policy and Management during 2011-13 at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon | 29-07-2011 |
Training Programme in Microsoft Office Suite for Officers & Staff from 1-5 August Conducted By ISTM | 30-06-2011 |
Regional Development by Sustainable Use of Biodiversity to be held in Japan from 2nd October 2011 to 3rd November 2011. | 29-06-2011 |
Planning Support for the Introduction of Solar Power Generation to be held in Japan from 11th September 2011 to 15th October 2011. | 27-06-2011 |
Internationally Harmonized Plant Variety Protection System (PVP System) to be held in Japan from 21st August 2011 to 29th October 2011. | 27-06-2011 |
Filling up of the faculty post of Joint Director (Behavioural Training) on deputation basis in the ISTM, New Delhi. | |
Training course on Purchase Management on Government (PMG-I) for staff dealing with purchase in Govt. officers Conducted By ISTM | 29-06-2011 |
Environment-Oriented Agriculture for Increase of Food Production. | 30-05-2011 |
International Trade and World Trade Organisation(WTO). | 23-07-2011 |
Rural Community-based Microfinance Development for the Colombo Plan/NAM member countries. | 23-07-2011 |
SCPTA: International Conference for Electronic Litigation. | 20-06-2011 |
SCPTA: Public Financial Management. | 04-06-2011 |
SCPTA: Emergency Management Workshop. | 30-05-2011 |
SCPTA: Safety Oversight Inspectors-Air Navigation Services. | 28-05-2011 |
Direct Trainer Skills (DTS) course | 17-06-2011 |
102nd Basic Course on Management Services | 15-06-2011 |
Environmentally Sustainable Transportation (EST) | 06-06-2011 |
Capacity Building for Developing Communication and Information Environment in Rural Community | 06-06-2011 |
Training Course on Stress Management | 06-06-2011 |
Workshop on Problems of Muslim Community | 03-06-2011 |
Administrative Vigilance – 3 (Code (AV- 3) for Assistants and equivalent level officials | 20-05-2011 |
Technical Support for SME Promotion (Organic Materials-Inorganic Materials and Metals) | 20-05-2011 |
Nomination of Faculty Members for various courses | |
Colombo Plan Training Programme | 06-05-2011 |
GoI Circular on Industrial Development and SMEs Policies | 09-05-2011 |
GoI Circular on Economic Planning and Management | 22-04-2011 |
GoI Circular on Various Training Programmes | |
Training Course of Purchase Management | |
Training Circulars | |
HP State Training Policy 2009 English Hindi | 01-07-2009 |