Title / Subject
Black Border Notification in r/o Shri Rajnesh Kumar, HPAS
Regarding reviewing/accepting of APARs in Manav Sampada
Extension of timelines for recording of APAR for the year 2023-2024 of HPAS and HPSS Officers
Completion of APARs of HPAS Officers in the Manav Sampada for the period 2023-24
Extension of timelines for the recording of APAR for the period 2023-24 in r/o HPAS and HPSS Officers
Extension of timelines for recording of PAR’s for the year 2023-24
Extension of timelines for recording of PARs for the year 2023-24 for all AIS officers
Completion of APAR’s of HPAS and HPSS Officers for the year 2023-24
Timelines for the Completion of APARs of the HPSS officers for the period 2023-24
Timelines for completion of APAR of HPAS Officers for the period 2023-24
Guidelines on acceptance of awards from Government Bodies/ Private Organizations by Government Servants
Contribution of Article/paper for The Administrator Journal of LBSNAA
Extension of timelines for recording APAR for the period 2022-23 of HPAS and HPSS Officers
Completion of APARs of HPAS Officers in the Manava Sampada
Reminder for the completion of APAR for the year 2022-23
Black Border Notification in r/o Shri Sandeep Negi, IAS
Regarding reporting /reviewing/accepting of APARs in Manav Sampada
Meeting for evolving a mechanism to take over legacy cases and execution of court order in respect of erstwhile HPSSC, Hamirpur
Extension of timelines for recording APAR for the year 2022-23 of HPAS and HPSS Officers
Completion of APAR of HPAS and HPSS Officers for the year 2022-23
Regarding updation of Executive Record (ER) Sheet
Regarding Demise of Shri Ashwani Raj Shah, IAS (HP:2015)
Completion of APAR’s of HPAS and HPSS Officers for the year 2022-23
Declare the post of Managing Director, H.P. Backward Classes Finance & Development Corporation Ltd, Kangra as equivalent in status and responsibilities to the post of Special Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh
Official dealings between the Administration and Member of Parliament and State Legislatures Observance of proper procedure
Regarding Updation of E-mail IDs and Mobile Numbers of IAS Officers in ER Sheet
Nominations of IAS Officers for Appointment on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme and for the post of Chief Vigilance Officers
Minutes of the JCC meeting
Regarding Online APARs for the Period 2020-21
Advertisement No.4/2019 for the post of Member, HP Administrative Tribunal
Office Memorandum of Government of India regarding Central Staffing Scheme
Requisition for Filling up of One Post at PGIMER, Chandigarh
Conduct of Nation-wide Pension Adalats in the State on Friday, 23rd August, 2019
Filling up of the Two Posts of Administrative Members in HP Administrative Tribunal
6th Governance Awards 2018,Request for nomination Regarding
Appointment of Administrative Member, H.P. Administrative Tribunal
Minutes of the meeting of J.C.C. held on 29.12.2016 with the representatives of HP NGO’s Federation under the chairmanship of Worthy Chief Secretary
Issue of DSC to remaining IAS officers – arrangement with (n)Code Solutions
Furnishing of Information & Annual Return Containing Declaration of Assets & Liabilities by Public Servant under Section 44 of Lokpal & Lokayuktas Act, 2013
Creation of Post of Advisor to HP Govt. at New Delhi
Policy to Regulate the Service of Part-Time Workers
Initiation of ACRs (now APARs)`s in respect of Staff of the State FSL and RSFL`s
Comprehensive Guiding Principles-2013 for Regulating the Transfer of State Govt. Employees-Prescription of new Provision thereof
Filling up of Functional Posts in all Tribal Areas
Ban on transfers-instructions thereof
Policy to Regulate the Services of Part-Time workers
Seniority List of Chief Engineers in IPH Department, HP (as on 26-11-2013)
Issuance of Digital Signature Certificates to IAS Officers of HP Cadre
Certificate of Bonafide Himachali- strict verification thereof
Purchase of Land by Govt. Servants - Permission under Conduct Rules
Long/Short Term Foreign Training Programme for the year 2014-2015
Certificate of Bonafide Himachali- Instructions thereof
Requisition for Filling up of Two Posts of PGIMER, Chandigarh
Special Leave Petition (Civil)-Narain Singh Chaudhary versus Ram Swarup Gupta & others etc. & Special Leave Petition (Civil)-R.K. Barwal & others Versus State of HP & Others
Principles for Promotion to Selection Posts-Clarification Thereof
Completion of Performance Appraisal Reports of All India Services Officers as per the Schedule prescribed in AIS(PAR) Rules, 2007
Releasing of Pay Scale on Completion of 14 Years of Service to HPAS officers
Observation of Experts Panel During the Evaluation of ACR Records of IAS Officers
Continuation of Temporary Posts of Office of the HPPSC for the Financial Years 2011-12 and 2012-13