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Visitor No: 2290432

Useful Tips

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Last Updated On: 06/06/2013  
  • When walking never carry your Rod with the Tip in front, it is safer to have butt in front of you;

  • Test end of your line occasionally and cut off worn parts;
  • A quick jerk, shake of the Rod, a fast and slow reel with generally entice fish;
  • Brightness attracts fish so keep spoon always polished;
  • Never go for fishing without a landing net or gaff;
  • Avoid kinked traces, it is dangerous ;
  • Remember accurate casting is batter than distance;
  • Try and avoid gut showing the slightest wear or you may be asking for trouble;
  • All hooks should be examined to see they are sharp, it is essential;
  • Most anglers advocate upstream fishing as fish can not see below or up and at side. There is also better chance of a hooking as there are less chances of a hook pulling out of its mouth;

  • Fish discriminates between shapes and forms. Always carrying a good selection of baits;

  • If gut persistently curls up, damp your fingers and thumb and draw the gut few times through them. This helps to straighten it out;

  • Do not fill your reel to the top, it will cause Lime Jamb;

  • Do not fill your reel insufficiently. It will reduce casting range;

  • Do not snap or jerk knots while tying, pull steadily;

  • Finer tackle gets you better sport;

  • Casting up and across stream is a most natural presentation of a bait;

  • When a trout refines a fly, try spoons;

  • Do not let your shadow fall in the water when proceeding up stream on the look out for fish;

  • Good casting means good fishing so practice before getting out on a trip;

  • Light tackle gives best fishing results;

  • Best fishing spots, sunken rocks, eddies, white edges of rapid and deep pool;

  • Where fry are abundant it’s a good spot;

  • When successful at certain spots give it a rest and than try again after a few hours otherwise place will be ruined;

  • A trout will usually take a fly instantly it takes the water. This is the deadliest time so you should be prepared to strike immediately;

  • If a trout is close, endeavour to make the fly alight on the stream the foliage or herbage, as thought it had fallen off naturally. A gentle movement of the Rod will effect this;

  • Where fish food goes your bait should go. So drop a few chips in to stream and watch their destination;

  • More fish are killed in the morning and heavier fish in the evening;

  • Fishing against the sun avoids shadow falling in to the water;

  • Many fish including trout seek shelter when a cold breeze is blowing, working close in under bank and bush and selecting the sunny site of the river when possible;

  • Where there is a commotion of small fish wait a while and then cast a little above the commotion;

  • When warm, fish generally look for deep water, so spin deep;

  • Tire your fish out completely before trying to land it and don’t be in a hurry. Play it to a suitable landing place;

  • A fish turns on its side is ready for the landing net. Don’t make a dash as the fish may be lost;

  • No matter how careful you are, accidents are likely to occur, so take a repair out fit with you;

  • Don’t wade in the fast waters, it is positively dangerous;

  • If a hook gets in to your skin, don’t pull it out. Push point through, cut off the barp, than pull out;

  • Fish can be brought home fresh by placing a layer of green grass or dry grass in the bottom of sack. On this place a layer of fish. Well separated, follow with alternative layers of fish and grass. Roll the sack tightly and tie it. Soak it thoroughly in water, tie it on the bumper of your car and keep it wet. When you unpack, the fish will be as cold as if they were in a refrigerator.
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