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Fish as Multi-Doctor

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Last Updated On: 22/09/2015  

Fish as multi doctor

Take fish to enrich your BRAIN

It is widely believed that countries or communities who have a lot of fish in their diet are more intelligent than the others. Sounds fishy? But it may well be true. Researches have shown that certain nutrients that are vital for the development of one’s brain are found in very high level in oily fish. The brain has large amounts of a fatty acid known as decosahexaenoic acid (DHA), but unfortunately the human body is incapable of producing this fatty acid to the quantity that the brain requires. This is usually supplemented by including meat, eggs and fish, particularly the oily ones, which are very high in DHA. Mackerel, sardines, herring, and tuna are very high in DHA, whereas in fish like cod, plaice, and monkfish, this is found only in their livers.Fish are rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and it is these polyunsaturated fatty acids, which provide the key. It is suggested that the minimal dietary requirement for EPA and DHA should be about 200 mg/day and this amount can easily be obtained from eating fish just once a week In extensive researches done on primates and rats fed on food, rich in DHA, it has been found that in all cases the learning abilities improved. Certain rise in visual awareness was also noticed. From such experiments it has been concluded that DHA improves eyesight, blood circulation and skin and reduces pain such as in rheumatoid arthritis.

Take fish to protect your HEART

At one of the annual American Heart Association meeting in New Orleans, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital doctors presented their findings, which said that Omega-3 fatty acids found in so-called fatty fish such as the salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines, seems to get into the tissues and arteries and aids in protecting the heart. They said that eating fish at least once a week could cut the chances of dying suddenly from heart failure into half. These findings were based on researches followed on more than 22,000 male physicians for 12 years. It was found that those who ate at least one serving of fatty fish a week reduced their chances of cardiac arrest by 50 percent. However, although consumption of fish was said to aid in reducing the risk of sudden death, it did not seem to change drastically with the increase in consumption. In other words, although eating fish once a week seemed to work, eating it more often did not work better. The Omega-3 fatty acids protect the heart in several ways. From keeping the heart beating too fast, they prevent the formation of blood clots and also prevent the buildup of plaque in the heart arteries.

Take fish to control Blood Pressure (BP)

Eating fish regularly with omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is said to significantly lower blood pressure in people suffering from hypertension. According to a group of doctors from John Hopkins Medical School, USA, 3 grams or more per day of fish oil (6-10 capsules) lead to reduction in the blood pressure in hypertensive individuals, lowering systolic pressure by an average of 5.5 mm Hg and diastolic pressure by 3.5 mm Hg. It is more effective in individuals who have really high blood pressure and not in the ones having normal BP.

Take fish to protect your self from Cancer

Scientists are now saying that including fish in your diet may even prevent certain types of cancer. Although not yet conclusive as far as humans go, studies in animals have found that those same fish fats rich in omega-3 fatty acids suppress cancer formation
So next time you plan your menu, be sure to add fish in it, at least once a week.

Fish - How Good Are They For Us

Fish is one of the most popular food items of the non-vegetarians. It is nutritionally rich and tasty. Fishes varies in shape, size, colour, skin, bone, and taste. It is unique animal meat that is rich in essential fatty acids. They contain protein and many other major nutrients. Fish is a staple food in many parts of India and Japan.

The taste of fish depends upon its origin, whether from salt or fresh water, its fat content, and whether it is eaten fresh or preserved. I doubt there are any other food items those are cooked such a varied ways and eaten. Fresh fish is taken as steamed, baked, boiled, as various curies, roast, fries, grills, pickles, cutlets, finger chips, biriyani etc. Among this curries and fries are the most popular Indian preparations. Dry fish is taken as fries, chutney, and also in powder form.

Mumtaz Khalid Ismail

Fish- rich in essential amino acid

Fish is a good source of proteins and it constitutes about 17 - 20 %. Fish proteins are good sources of all essential amino acids. Fish protein beings rich in lysine and threonine supplement effectively with cereal proteins. Small fish eaten along with bones are a rich source of calcium. The caloric value of the edible portion depends upon its fat content and thus on the season. During the spawning season the fat content may rise and the caloric value increases. Studies have proved that eating fish decrease heart disease.


Scientists have also discovered that omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the healthy development of the eyes and brain. Fish has been described as a food for the brain but there is no reason to believe that a fish eating population is in any way mentally superior to those who do not eat fish or those who are vegetarians.

Fish is a rich source of long chain n-3 PUFA which are biologically more active than their parent member namely alpha linolenic acid in producing several health benefits. Those who have a taste for fish are advised to take about 100 - 200 gm of fish twice a week. Fish oil capsules that containing large quantity of long chain n-3 PUFA are used in the treatment of hypertriglyceridaemia, thrombosis, and inflammatory diseases. Oily fish such as mackerel and trout have been shown to relieve some symptoms of psoriasis and should form a regular part of those patients diet. This may be due to the omega 3 fatty acids or to the large amounts of vitamin D present in it.

Salt-water fish is rich in iodine, phosphorous and calcium. Those who eat regularly salt-water fish generally will not have these mineral deficiencies. Fish also contain mineral copper. Vitamin A and D is also present. The oil from shark, cod, and halibut liver is very rich in these vitamins.

Search byte- for expecting mothers

According to university of Bristol, consumption of fish in later stages of pregnancy prove to be very potent in innate development of baby. Research has proved that the presence of omega-3 fatty acid in fish helps in the development of the nervous system (brain) of the child. Reason behind it is the enhanced blood circulation aids in increased blood supply to the placenta due to which fetus derives more nourishment from maternal blood.

Fish oil source of instant energy

Fish oils are available in capsule and liquid form. The cod liver oils are derived from cod and also from Pollock, satire, and whiting. Fish oils are from fish liver and fish body. The oil extracted from the fish livers is deodorised and then vitamin E and antioxidants are added to prevent it from going rancid.

The oil is an excellent source of vitamin A and D. Two teaspoons of cod liver oil provide about 1200ug of vitamin A, 20ug of vitamin D and about 2gms of omega 3 fatty acids. Because of high concentrations of these vitamins, cod liver oil has been used to prevent and treat conditions such as xerophtalmia; an eye disease caused by vitamin A deficiency and rickets a bone disease caused by lack of vitamin D. Shark liver oils also contain squalene, which is utilised by the body to produce cholesterol. Glyceryl, a substance present in shark liver oil ethers may help to protect against cervical cancer. Fish body oils contain less vitamin A and vitamin D but are rich in omega fatty acids.

Fish Oil Fight Diabetes

April 23, 2002 -- A compound found in fish oil may help those at risk for type 2 diabetes stave off the disease. A new study shows fish oil supplements appear to improve the function of insulin -- the hormone responsible for sugar metabolism -- in overweight individuals.

Louisiana State University researchers presented the results of their study this week at the Experimental Biology 2002 conference in New Orleans.

About 17 million Americans suffer from type 2 diabetes, and 16 million may be at risk of developing the disease in the next decade, according to government estimates. The disease occurs when the body becomes unable to respond to insulin, which causes blood sugar levels to rise to dangerous levels. It is more commonly seen in overweight adults.

This differs from type 1 diabetes, which is usually seen in children that aren’t overweight. But in recent years, doctors have been seeing more type 2 diabetes in children due to the rising epidemic of obesity in the U.S.

The study authors say previous research has shown that populations that eat a lot of fish containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel, have lower rates of type 2 diabetes compared with those who eat less fish. That prompted them to look at the effect of omega-3 fatty acids themselves on how the body uses insulin.

Researchers studied 12 overweight men and women aged 45 to 70 and gave them once-daily supplements containing 1.8 grams of an omega-3 fatty acid known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). All of the participants suffered from insulin resistance, a condition in which the body doesn’t respond normally to insulin and that often precedes type 2 diabetes.

After 12 weeks, researchers found 70% of the participants showed a decrease in insulin resistance, and in 50% of the patients that change was significant, according to researcher Yvonne Denkins, PhD.

She says the findings are only preliminary. Due to the small number of participants in the study, much more information about the role of fish oil in preventing diabetes is needed before any recommendations can be made.

Anyone who is considering increasing their intake of fish oil with supplements should first check with their doctor since DHA can have a slight thinning effect on the blood.

In addition, there are other proven ways to prevent type 2 diabetes in someone at risk. Both exercise and the drug Glucophage have been shown to work in preventing type 2 diabetes in people who are overweight and have high levels of insulin in their blood.

By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Feature Archive


Research shows that trout and other oil rich fish can play a vital role in preventing deaths from heart disease- and yet most of us fail to eat enough to do us good1.

Government health experts recommend that we eat one to two portions of fish a week, one of which should be an oil rich fish such as trout which is high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids2. Research indicates that it can cut the risk of fatal heart attacks by lowering blood fat levels and reducing blood clotting.

UK consumption, however, is very low, despite the fact that coronary heart disease is the most common single cause of death in the UK3. Figures from the British Nutrition Foundation show that only a third of adults eat one small portion of oil rich fish a week. The Institute of Optimum Nutritionists believes as much as 90 per cent of the population is now deficient in Omega-3.

An average portion of grilled trout (flesh only) is 1558, which provides 1.838 grams of Omega-31 - well within the weekly health guidelines of 1.5g a week2.

It’s low in fat (a third of the fat of salmon) as well as being low in calories (just 135 kcals per 100g)2. It’s an excellent source of iron, calcium, selenium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and B12 and contains valuable natural oils that can help keep the skin and hair in good condition.

It’s also extremely tasty - and convenient. A delicious trout meal can take under 15 minutes to prepare and cook.

In addition to medical research into heart disease, there is growing evidence to demonstrate the importance of Omega-3 in brain and retina development in infants. Concern has been expressed about the adequacy of Omega-3 in the diet of pregnant and breast feeding women1

Oil rich supplements have also been shown to alleviate some of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, producing beneficial changes in levels of fatigue, swollen and tender joints, grip strength and mobility1.

Because rainbow trout is mainly farmed, there is year round availability in this country. Most supermarkets now carry a wide range, including whole gutted trout, trout fillets, chunky fillets, hot and cold smoked slices or fillets.

So don’t miss out - pick up a trout and head for a healthier lifestyle.



British Nutrition Foundation Conference, 1 December 1999


Coma Report (Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy 1994)


Diseases of the heart and circulatory system are the main cause of death in the UK, accounting for 260,000 deaths in 1997.



Ever heard the Old Wives’ Tale that eating fish makes you brainy? Well, scientists today keep finding more and more evidence that it may be true!

Trout is packed with Omega-3 oils, which scientists say can improve your IQ!

60% of your brain is made of fat - and not just any fat, but very special kinds of fat.

Trout is high in Omega-3 oils, which generally get called "Good Fats" because they contain the stuff that helps your brain repair and rebuild its brain cells.

Nowadays we eat very little food that’s rich in Omega-3 oils, but to keep our brains happy and working well, we need to eat food that contains a lot of Omega-3.

Trout is full of protein, which gives you energy (good for building muscles!)

Trout contains essential vitamins and minerals

Trout is high in calcium (for healthy bones and teeth)

Trout is rich in iron (for healthy red blood cells)

Trout is rich in selenium (for a healthy heart)

Trout is a great source of vitamin A (for healthy skin, and help resits infection)

Trout is a great source of vitamin D (bones and teeth again!)

Trout is low in saturated fat

Trout is high in Omega-3 oils

British Trout Association, Bow Business Centre, London E3 2SE

Eating Salmonid fish cures diabetes in women

A study undertaken recently in Harvard University revealed that the more fish a diabetic woman eats, the less likely she is to develop heart disease.

Many researches have touted the benefits of fish for preventing heart disease in healthy women, notes the lead author of this study, Dr. Frank Hu, associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. His group postulates that fish may benefit women with diabetes even more, since these women face a greater risk of heart disease.

They found that diabetic women who ate fish five days a week had a 65% lower risk for heart disease than diabetic women who never ate fish. ‘Even for diabetic women who ate fish once or twice a week, there was a 40% lower risk of heart disease,’ Hu says.

The study sample was 5103 female nurses diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and free of cardiovascular disease or cancer. Not only were reported fish eaters less likely to develop heart disease but fewer of them died.

Not all fish are created equal, Hu says. “ Dark-meat fish belonging to salmonid family Salmon have more omega-3 fatty acids so they are probably more beneficial’.

Source: Reader’s Digest; 165:988:Aug.2004:28p.

Fish Oil Cures Breast Cancer

Omega-3 fatty acid present in fishes, which is useful for brain has now found capable of formulating a potent medicine against breast cancer after it’s amalgamation with an anesthetic, during recent studies conducted by a group of scientists.

Researchers from The Indiana University, New York have claimed formulation of an effective medicine against breast cancer by mixing Omega-3 fatty acid with anesthetic prophol. Both the components are capable of halting the multiplication of cancerous cells. Apart from stopping the spread of cancer to other parts of the body these also block the growth of secondary tumor. On the basis of a study report published in journal of British’s Cancer Research the results of the medicine formulated from these compounds against cancer are really encouraging.

Dr. Sara Rawling a researcher told that effects of two types of Omega-3 fatty acids DHA & EPA have been studied. When these are mixed with prophol then the results are encouraging. The use of this medicine not only stopped the growth of cancerous cells but even some effected cells were destroyed. Principal Scientist Dr. Rafat Siddiqui said on the basis of research results a patch or ointment can now be formulated. He further said that there are now plans to formulate large quality of this medicine for tests on animals. At present the tests have been conducted on cancer effected cells and it can hardly he stated that how much effective it would be on cancer effected ladies. Omega-3 fatty acid is found in Tuna, Salmon, Hering, Sardins, Mackeral fish species, which apart from keeping the brain fully toned also controls the blood cholesterol level. Scientist even say that use of Omega-3 fatty acid in diet can save from Arthritis, Dermatitis and Asthma.

Courtesy: AMAR UJALA

Fatty fish intake may lower mental decline

A new study has found that fish fat intake may play a role in brain functioning in middle age. According to a report in Health Scout, the study o 1,613 men and women between the ages of 45 and 70 in the Netherlands, which has a high diet in fish, found the type of fat consumed plays a role in a person’s mental flexibility, speed and overall functioning. Fatty fish include mackerel, salmon trout herring and other Coldwater fishes, which are found in the icy waters off the northern European coastline.

Researchers from University Medical Center Utrecht found people who ate lots of foods rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and consumed lots of fatty fish generally had a lower risk for impaired brain functioning (19% less) and speed (28%), compared to those who didn’t follow a similar diet.

‘We used really sensitive cognitive tests, and it surprised me that already at that age you could see the association between diet and mental agility’, said Dr. Sandra Kalmijn, of the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care/ ‘It convinced me and reinforced for me the link we saw between lots of fish and cognitive function’. Conversely, those with diets high in cholesterol were found at a ‘ significantly’ increased risk of impaired memory (27% higher) and flexibility (26higher). The findings appear in the latest issue of Neurology.

Because a decline in mental skills can appear decades before the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, the study says it’s important to examine the effect of diet on cognitive functioning in middle age (ANI).

The Tribune
4th February 2004

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