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Visitor No: 2309962

Research & Development

Print Version  
Last Updated On: 07/06/2014  
  • Preparation of inventory of cold water resources of Himachal Pradesh by ground survey and remote sensing;.

  • Enumeration, identification and cataloguing of selected coldwater species suitable for farming in the tropical, sub-temperate and temperate regions;

  • Evolving standard technologies for large-scale seed production of major Coldwater species such as Tor putitora, Tor tor, Schizothorax sp., Labeo dero and other hill stream fishes;

  • Studies on assessment of productive potential of high altitude waters;

  • Evolving package of practices and initiation of Scheme on ’Running Water Fish Culture’ in order to exploit fast flowing channels, kuhl and tributaries of major rivers;

  • Formulation of collaborative programmes for evolving seed production technologies of Tor putitora and Schizothorax species;

  • Designing of farms for breeding and rearing of Mahseer and Schizothorax sp.

  • Evolving larval and brood feed for raising fry of brown trout (salmo trutta fario);

  • Etiology and therapy of nutritional and viral diseases associated with fry, fingerlings and adults of trout;

Projects under implementation


Total cost

GOI’s Share


1. National Mahseer Seed Production Farm.

Rs. 4.00 Crores

Rs. 2.00 Crores

1st installment of Rs. One Crore received by State Govt.

2. Proposal under Environmental Management Programme for Development of Fisheries in Nathpa Jhakri Reservoir and main Satluj.

Rs. 160.0 lakhs


Assistance by NJPC.

3.Strengthening of Inland Fisheries Infrastructure (80:20)

Rs. 212.00 lakhs



4. Reconstruction of trout farm in Tirthan river (100%)

Rs. 233.00 lakhs



Projects/Schemes (in pipeline)

Projects /Scheme

Total cost of Project


1. Reservoir Fisheries Welfare Scheme

Rs. 638.0 lakhs


2. Development of Fisheries in Kol Dam

Rs.225.00 lakhs


3. Development of Fisheries in Chamera Resevoir   ( Ravi River )

Rs. 120.00 lakhs


4.Diversification of Aquaculture in HP-Pearl Culture

Rs. 57.50 lakhs


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