1990: Initiation of prestigious Norwegian- assisted "Trout farming project"

1992: Country’s First "Running water fish culture" unit set up at Bilaspur

1993: Open sale of table - size trout started from fish farms

Norwegian strain of rainbow trout bred for the first time at Patlikuhl trout 1997 farm

Record catch from Gobind Sagar GOI sanctioned " saving cum relief " scheme &1998

New office of Directorate Fisheries set up at Bilaspur

1999: First National Mahseer seed propagation fish farm sanctioned by GoI

2001: Centrally - assisted project on promotion of "Cold water Aquaculture" sanctioned by GoI Revenue receipts of fisheries department crossed 10 million mark.

2002: 15 tonnes of trout produced from Patlikuhl trout farm against the installed capacity of 8 tones

2003: Checked trout disease effectively in the state and initiated steps to set up Fish Pathological Laboratory at Patlikuhl.

2004: Commercial trout farming re-commissioned in Public & Private Sector. Regular fish health surveillance system introduced.

2005: First time 10,000 seed of Golden mahseer produced in State stocked in reservoirs.
2005: Fish Seed stocking in reservoirs revolutionized by fixing size limit of over 40 mm

2006:A new site selected for :
a) Mahseer fish farm in Jogindernagar tehsil of Mandi District;
b) Reconstruction of Trout Fish Farm in Banjar tehsil of Kullu District;
c) Revenue earned by the department crossed Rs. 108 lakhs mark;

c) All trout fish produced in Public & Private sector sold at remunerative price of Rs. 200/- kg.
d) 1000 seed of improved strain of mirror carp (Cyprinous carpio) have been imported from out side the state and placed for rearing at farm to raise it to brood stock stage.
e) First time 15,000 Arctic Char "eyed ova" air lifted form Canada and successfully reared in departmental trout farms viz. Patlikuhl, Sangla and Holi.
a) Reservoirs of the state produced 1147 metric tonnes of fish valued at Rs. 547 lac. The fish production registered an increase of 349 t. over the year 2006-07.
b) Revenue earned by the department crossed Rs. 173 lacs marks.
2008 a) Reservoirs produced 1315 metric tonnes of fish valued at Rs. 643 lakhs;

b) Revenue earned by the department crossed Rs. 185 lakhs
c) Department made online under e-Samadhan application.