A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its 
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A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control

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Last Updated On: 04/02/2014  

The Department has normally the following kinds of documents/files in the Directorate and its field offices:-

1)       Files relating to R & P Rules, Appointment and transfer of staff, pay-fixation, promotion, Personal files, ACRs, Service books of its employees.

2)       Plan, Budget, Expenditure, re-conciliation of Budget, State Finance Commission, creation and continuation of posts, financial sanction, administrative approval, Audit and Audit of CAG/PAC paras.

3)       Assembly business, Administrative reports,

4)       The individual record relating to vehicle registration/permit holders of transport vehicles.

5)       The record pertaining to Registration of private vehicles.

6)       The record relating to Driving licenses/Conductor Licenses.


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