Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its 
control or used by its employees for discharging its functions
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Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions

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Last Updated On: 04/02/2014  

The various Act, Rules, Regulations, Instructions are followed while functioning in different works. The position in brief is as under:-


1.       Central Motor Vehicles Act 1988

2        Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989

3.       Himachal Pradesh Motor Vehicle Rules 1999

4.       Himachal Pradesh Motor Vehicle Taxation Act 1972 amended up to 2004.

5.       Himachal Pradesh Motor Vehicle Taxation Rules 1974

6.       CCS Leave Rules, 1972

7.       CCS and CCA Rules

8.       HP FR Rules

9.       HP FR & SR Rules

10.     Medical Attendance Rules

11.     General Finance Rules

12.     House Building Advance Rules

13.     Delegation of Financial Power Rules

14.     Leave Travel Concession Rules

15.     Budget Manual

16.     Office Manual

17.     Vehicle Rules

18.     Pension Rules

19.     GPF Rules.

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