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What is the procedure for obtaining of Noting/Terminating of Hire Purchase/Terminating of Hire Purchase/Hypothecation/Lease?

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Last Updated On: 06/06/2013  

(a)  The following documents have to be produced for making an entry of an agreement of  HIRE PURCHASE / HYPOTHECATION / LEASE :

·    Application form CMV FORM 34.

·    Registration Certificate (RC Book).

·    Fitness Certificate / Permit in case of Transport vehicle.

·    Tax Card.

·    Insurance Certificate.

·    Pollution Under Control Certificate.

·    Prescribed fee.

·    Consent of the financier on note pad/ Letter Head preferably with Hologram.

(b) The following documents have to be produced for TERMINATION OF HIRE PURCHASE / HYPOTHECATION / LEASE:

·    Application form CMV FORM 35.

·    Registration Certificate (RC Book).

·    Fitness Certificate / Permit in case of Transport vehicle.

·    Tax Card.

·    Insurance Certificate.

·    Pollution Under Control Certificate.

·    Prescribed fee.

·    Consent of the financier on note pad/ Letter Head preferably with Hologram.

All the related applications shall be filed before the Registering Authority/ S.D.M./ R.T.O


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