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Pollution Check Centre

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Last Updated On: 01/04/2024  

 Security and Fee for authorization of agency and issue of pollution under control  certificate:-

The following Security and fee for authorization of issuing a pollution under control certificate under rule 115(7) of the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989 shall be payable by the agency applying for such authorization, namely :-


Security refundable to be deposited with the Director of Transport.

Rs. 15000/- for centers located in urban areas and Rs 5000/- for centers located in rural areas.


Provided that the agencies already authorized shall deposit refundable security at the time of renewal of authorization:


Provided further that a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- shall be charged from the agency/applicant applying for Pollution Under Control authorization;


(b) Fee for authorization-


(i)    For  petrol driven motor vehicles

Rs 2000/-

(ii)  For diesel driven  motor vehicles

Rs 2000/-

(iii)  For  both  petrol  and  diesel driven motor    vehicles

Rs 4000/-; and

(c) Renewal fee for authorization :-


(i)      For petrol driven motor vehicles

Rs 2000/-

(ii)   For diesel driven motor vehicles

Rs 2000/-

(iii)  For  both  petrol  and  diesel driven motor vehicles

Rs 4000/-


The authorized agency shall charge the following fee for issue of a Pollution Under Control Certificate :-


(i) For petrol driven motor vehicles with photograph of vehicles

Rs 60 (validity as per Rule 115 of the CMVR, 1989)

(ii) For diesel driven motor vehicles with photograph of vehicles.

Rs 60 (validity as per Rule 115 of the CMVR, 1989)

Provided that the authorized agency may charge a maximum of Rs 10/- per vehicles for minor adjustment.

To apply online for PUCC related services click here.

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