Q. Who is eligible for permit ?
Any registered owner of a transport vehicle can apply for the permit. However there are restrictions on permits which are made available only after notification of Government
Q. When can permits be applied?
Ans. normally permits can be applied any time. However the stage carriage permits are issued only at the time of notification as per policy.
Q. What are the forms of permit application and formats?
A. The forms are prescribed under Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 and Himachal Pradesh Motor Vehicle Rules, 1999 as under: -
Form 45 - Application for grant of tourist vehicle
Form 46-Application for grant of authorization for tourist permit or national permit
Form 48 - Application for grant of national permit
HP Form XXI P st. S A. - Application for a Stage Carriage Permit
HP. Form XXII P.CO.CA. - Application for a contract carriage permit
HP Form XXIII PSVA - Application for a private service vehicle permit
HP Form XXIV P.Gd.CA - Application for a goods carrier permit
HP Form XXV Temp. A - Application for a temporary permit
HP Form XXVI P. Sp. A - Special permit under section 88(8)
Q. What is the action taken against violation of permit conditions especially by stage carriage buses.
A. Action is taken by RTA against these offenders u/s 86 of MV Act for suspension/cancellation of permits.
Q. Where do I have to apply for different permits?
Ans. To the jurisdictional Regional Transport Office. To apply online click here.