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Conductor Licence

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Last Updated On: 27/02/2014  
Application for grant of Conductor’s Licence :-

(1)    An application for the grant of a conductor’s license shall be made in HP Form L Con. A to the Licensing authority of the district where the applicant resides or carries in business and shall be accompanied by.-

  • two clear copies of recent photographs of the applicant;
  • a cash receipt or a treasury challan in token of payment of fee; and
  • a medical certificate of fitness in HP Form IX MC Con along with a certificate showing competence to undertake first aid work in HP Form VIII F.A.B. from Chief Medical Officer incharge of a referral hospital or Sub Divisional Hospital or Rural Hospital or Civil Hospital or Civil Hospital, as the case may be, in Himachal Pradesh.

(2) In the case of an application for grant of a conductor’s license, if the Licensing authority has reason to believe that the applicant is physically unfit to perform the duties of a conductor, it may call upon him to furnish a third copy of his clear and recent photograph in addition to the photographs already furnished  and to produce another medical certificate of fitness in HP Form IX MC Con from a Medical Officer of the District concerned for this purpose and the photograph so furnished should be firmly affixed with the application duly signed and sealed by the registered medical practitioner.

(3) Eligibility-
  • is a matriculate;
  • possesses knowledge of the provisions of the Act and the rules made thereunder;
  • is conversant with the duties and functions of a conductor;
  • a sound physique; and
  • gives satisfactory proof of his good character.

(4) Validity:-

Conductor’s Licence shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issue and shall be effective throughout the State.
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