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Visitor No: 24400518

Vehicle Categorization

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Last Updated On: 09/02/2014  

S.O.451 (E),dated 19-6-1992` :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of Section 41 of the Motor Vehicles Act,1988 (59 of 1988), and in supersession of the Notification No.S.O. 436 (E),dated the 12th June, 1989,except or respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession the Central Government hereby specified the types of motor vehicles mentioned in column 2 of the table below as the type in respect of motor vehicles specified in the corresponding entry in column 1 thereof for the purposes of sub-section (4).



Transport Vehicles

Non-Transport Vehicles


Motor cycle with side car for carrying goods

Motor cycle with or without car for personal use


Motor cycle with trailer to carry goods

Motor cycle with trailer to carry personal effects


Motor cycle used for hire to carry one passenger on pillion and motorised cycle rickshaw for goods/passengers on hire.

Mopeds and motorised cycles (engine capacity exceeding 35CC)


Motor cab and Luxury cabs.

Invalid carriage.


Goods carrier trucks/tankers/mail carriers.

Three wheeled vehicles for personal use



Motor car


Maxi cab

Fork lift


Stage carriers

Vehicles/trailors fitted with equipments like Rig,generator,compressor


Contract carriages and tourist vehicles

Crane mounted vehicle.


Three wheeled vehicles for transport of passenger/goods.



Mobile clinic/X-Ray van/library vans

Trailors to carry personal effects.


Private Service Vehicle

Tower wagons and tree trimming vehicles.


Educational Institution buses.

Two Trucks Breakdown Van Recovery Vehicles.



Omni Buses for private use.


Mobile canteens

Camper van/trailer for private use.


Cash vans



Articulated Vehicles



Camper vans/trailers



Animal ambulances






Mobile workshops



Fire tenders,snorked ladders,auxillary trailers and fire fighting vehicles.








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