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Visitor No: 24400134

No objection certificate

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Last Updated On: 28/06/2020  


An application for the issue of no objection in respect of a motor vehicle shall be made in Form 28 to the registering authority by which the vehicle was previously registered, accompanied by:-


  • the certified copy of the certificate of registration;
  • the certified copy of the certificate of insurance;
  • evidence of payment of motor vehicle tax up-to-date;
  • where no tax is payable for a certain period a certificate from the tax collecting authority that no tax is due from the vehicle for the said period.


In the case of a transport vehicle, in addition to the documents referred above documentary evidence in respect of the following matters shall also be furnished, namely:-


  • that the vehicle is not covered by any permit issued by any transport authority;
  • that the sum of money agreed upon to be paid by the holder of the permit under sub-sections (5) and (6) of section 86, if any, is not pending recovery;
  • evidence of payment of tax on passengers and goods under any la w for the time being in force upto the date of application for no objection certificate.

 Click here to apply online. 

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