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Fresh RC in the Name of Financier

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Last Updated On: 16/02/2014  

Issue of Fresh Registration Certificate in the name of Financier

Section 51(5) of MV ACT:


Where the person whose name has been specified in the certificate of registration as the person with whom the registered owner has entered into the said agreement, satisfies the registering authority that he has taken possession of the vehicle [from the registered owner] owing to the default of the registered owner under the provisions of the said agreement and that the registered owner under the provisions of the said agreement and that the registered owner refuses to deliver the certificate of registration or has absconded, such authority may, after giving the registered owner an opportunity to make such representation as he may wish to make (by sending to him a notice by registered post acknowledgement due at his address entered in the certificate of registration)and notwithstanding that the certificate of registration in the name of the person with whom the registered owner has entered into the said agreement:


Provided that a fresh certificate of registration shall not be issued in respect of a motor vehicle, unless such person pays the prescribed fee:


Provided further that a fresh certificate of registration issued in respect of a motor vehicle, other than a transport vehicle, shall be valid only for the remaining period for which the certificate cancelled under this sub-section would have been in force.


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