Title / Subject
Seniority List of Pricipals Schools (Lecturer Cadre) as on 31-12-2006
Seniority List of Pricipals, Schools (Lecturer Cadre) as on 31-12-2006 (Corrigendum)
Transfer/Posting Orders
Posting of Principals (School Carde)
Employees Service Book
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H P Education Department, Principal (College Carde) (Class-I Gazetted) Recruitment and Promotion Rules, 2009
H P Education Department, Pracharya (Sanskrit) Recruitment and Promotion Rules, 1997
H P Higher Education Dept., Acharya (Sanskrit College Carde) (Class-I) (Gazetted and Contract) R & P Rules, 2011
H P Higher Education Dept., PGT Class-III (Non Gazetted) Recruitment and Promotion (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2015
R & P Rules of Joint Secretary of HPBSE (Class-I, Gazetted)
R & P Rules for the Post of Deputy Secretary HP Board (Class-I, Gazetted)
R & P Rules for the Post of Private Secretary (Class-I, Gazetted)
R & P Rules for the Post of Administrative Officer (Class II)
R & P Rules for the Post of Superintendent Grade-II (Class - II Non-Gazetted)
R & P Rules for Assistant Librarian (Class - III Non-Gazetted)
R & P Rules for the Post of Regular Class-IV Employees
H P Higher Education Dept., PGT Class-III (Non Gazetted) Recruitment and Promotion (1st Amendment) Rules, 2011
H P Higher/Elementary Education Department, Urdu Language Teacher (Class-III) (Non Gazetted) R & P Rules, 2015 (Hindi)
H P Higher/Elementary Education Department, Urdu Language Teacher (Class-III) (Non Gazetted) R & P Rules, 2015
H P Higher/Elementary Education Department, Punjabi Language Teacher (Class-III) (Non Gazetted) R & P Rules, 2015
H P Higher/Elementary Education Department, Punjabi Language Teacher (Class-III) (Non Gazetted) R & P Rules, 2007
H P Higher Education Department, Assistant Librarian (Class-III) (Non Gazetted) Recruitment & Promotion Rules, 2010
12- Jul-2010