Memorandum & Articles of association of
‘The H.P. Aquaculture, Fishing and Marketing Society”
The name of the Society shall be “The H.P. Aquaculture, Fishing and Marketing
Society’ to be name hereafter as Society.
The Registered Office of the Society shall be located at Bilaspur, Himachal
A) The main objectives of the Society shall be:
To achieve maximum sustainable fish production from state’s reservoirs as well
as fish farms by applying latest scientific technologies;
To strengthen the conservation efforts in reservoirs so as to minimize the
losses due to illegal fishing and poaching of fish; and;
To improve the management of fish farms so as to intensify the seed production
and sale of fish from the farms. The ultimate aim is to convert
the existing farms into revenue generating centre at one hand and assured
source of quality and abundant seed supply to private aqua
To formulate fish marketing policies, establish market channels for harvested
To identify fish farmers in the project areas, to impart them necessary
training in fish farming/ culture and to assist them in procuring loans
and requisite financial and technical assistance in construction
of ponds/ raceways besides other inputs;
f) To
review the progress of the execution of the activities as well as effectiveness
of the benefits directed towards fish farms and other aspects; and
g) Any
other activity, which the Society may decide in consonance with the direction
of the State Government.
attain the above main objectives of Society may:
a) Renovate
and remodel the existing farms those are covered under activity centres of the
society with an aim to expand their seed and fish production level so as to
convert them into revenue generating centres;
b) All
management measures to be adopted for raising the fish production in the State;
c) Identify
and create trained fish farmers among the educated and unemployed youths who
could take fish farming as an avocation;
d) To
provide subsidy or financial assistance at approved pattern to the fish farmers
and arrange credit facilities through financial institutions viz. Co-operative
Banks, Nationalized bank or any other institution involved in such
e) To
provide fish farmers inputs viz. fish seed and fish feed as per their
requirements and within the frame of the operational model schemes besides
arranging fish marketing facilities;
f) Draw,
accept, made endorse, discount and negotiate with the state government or any
other promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable
g) Invest
the funds or the money entrusted upon such security or in any such manner as
may from time to time to be determined by the Governing Council and from time
to time to sell or transfer such investments;
h) Purchase,
take on lease, accept as gift, construction or otherwise acquire any loan or
property where-ever suitable which may be necessary or useful for the Society
for the furtherance of its programme;
i) Employ
directly/ in directly or at the directions of the state government by grant to
other institutions, exerts to further the programmes to be undertaken/supported
by the Society;
j) Set
up or establish any special service such as a diagnostic disease analysis and
feed testing laboratory; ice plant; feed mills at trout farms befitting to the
demand at various farms of the society and for supply to the private fish
farmers; cold-chain etc. In the furtherance of the economic interest of the
fish farmers.
10. Formation of the Society:
The name, address and occupation of the founder members of the Society and the intention
for being formed into a Society follows here in below:
b) We,
the several persons, whose names and addresses are hereunder subscribed, are
desirous of being formed into a Society in pursuance of this Memorandum of
Association, under the Society Registration Act, 1860 (Act 21 of 1860).
Sh. S.S. Parmar, I.A.S.
FC-cum-Secretary to the Government of
Himachal Pradesh Fisheries Department
Sh. Saeh Ram
Under Secretary (Fisheries) to the
government of Himachal Pradesh
Dr. Kuldeep Kumar
Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries,
Himachal Pradesh
Sh. B.D. Sharma
Deputy Director Fisheries, Trout Project
Sh. J.R. Dogar
Chief Executive Officer, Fish Farmers
Development Agency
Sh. R.P. Dogra
Assistant Director Fisheries, Bilaspur
Sh. Gurcharan Singh
Assistant Director Fisheries, Pong Dam
Sh. B.R. Kaundal
Deputy Director of Fisheries (H.Q)
Sh. Satpal Mehta, Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh is
authorized by the Society for receiving communications from the Registrar;
The income and property of the Society shall be applied towards the promotion
of the objectives, thereafter as set-forth in this Memorandum of Association
subject in respect of the expenditure of grants made by the government of
Himachal Pradesh to such limitations as the government of Himachal Pradesh may
from time to time impose. No portion of the income and property of the society
shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus
or otherwise, howsoever, by way of profits to the persons who at any time
person claiming through them provided that nothing therein contained shall
prevent payment in good faith or remuneration in return for any service
rendered to the Society.
The Governing Council of the society with two-third of its majority may pass
resolution for dissolution of the society. If on the winding up or dissolution
of the society there shall remain after the satisfaction of its debts and
liabilities, and property what-so-ever, the same shall not be paid to, or
distributed among the members of the society or any of their heirs but shall be
dealt within such manner as the government of Himachal Pradesh may determine.
Provided, however, that the debts and liabilities shall be the first charge on
the properties of the society.
the several persons, whose names and addresses are hereunder are desirous of
being formed into a Society in pursuance of this Memorandum of Association and are
applicant for its registration under the Society registration Act, 1860.
Regulations of the Himachal Pradesh Aquaculture, Fishing
and Marketing Society.
the interpretation of these rules the following expression shall have the
following meaning unless inconsistent with subject to context:
‘Act’ shall mean the Societies Registration Act, 1860;
‘Government’ means the Government of Himachal Pradesh;
c) ‘The
Society’ shall mean “The H.P. Aquaculture, Fishing and Marketing
“Governing Council’ shall mean the body as constituted under these
articles for guiding, coordinating and planning of the
Society’s activities;
“Executive Council’ shall mean a committee constituted as such under these
rules for day-to-day implementation and
monitoring function of the Society;
f) “The
Chairman” shall mean the “Chairman’ of the Society referred to in these
regulations; and
g) ‘Director’
the Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh;
h) ‘Fish
farmers’ shall mean such person or persons as may be identified by the Society,
keeping in view the policy of the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Members of the Society:
1. Financial Commissioner-cum-
Secretary (Fisheries) to the government of Himachal Pradesh
2. Financial Commissioner-cum-Secretary
(Finance) to the government of Himachal Pradesh
3. Under Secretary (Fisheries) to the
government of Himachal Pradesh
4. Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries,
Himachal Pradesh
5. Deputy Director of Fisheries (HQ)
Directorate of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh
6. Deputy Director of Fisheries, Trout
Project, Patlikuhl (Kullu)
7. Chief Executive Officer Fish Farmer’s
Development Agency
8. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
9. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Mandi
10. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Pong
(Distt. Kangra)
11. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Una
12. Section Officer (SAS) Directorate of
Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh
13. Fisheries Officer, Fish seed farm
Deoli (Bilaspur)
14. Fisheries Officer, Trout farm Barot
15. Fisheries Officer, Trout Farm Hamni (Kullu)
2. Persons who have signed the Memorandum of Association of
the society shall be the first members of the society duly admitted;
3. The society may admit further members subject to the
approval of the government of Himachal Pradesh;
4. When a person becomes or is appointed or is nominated a
member of the society by virtue of an office held by him his membership of the
society shall terminate when he ceases to hold that office and the vacancies so
cause shall be filled by his successor to that office;
a member desires to resign from the membership of the society, he shall address
his resignation to the Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh
5. Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries and present it to him.
His resignation shall take effect only on its acceptance by the Chairman of the
6. Any vacancy in the membership of the society either by
request or articles (4) of these regulations or otherwise shall be filled up by
appointment or nomination by the authority or institution entitled to do so as
the case may be;
7. The Society shall function notwithstanding that any
person entitled to be a member by reason of his office is not represented on
the society for the time being. The proceedings of the society shall not be
invalidated by the above reason, due to the existence of any vacancy or any
defects in the appointment of any of its members;
8. Should a person who is a member of the society by virtue
of the office held by him be prevented from attending the meeting of the
society a substitute to take his place at that meeting may be nominated by him.
Such substitute shall be entitled to take part in the proceedings of that
meeting for which he has been nominated and shall also have the right to vote
9. The society shall maintain a roll of members at its
registered office and every member shall sign the roll and state therein his
occupation and address;
10. The society shall enter into the register of membership
the following particulars:
Name and address of each member;
The date on which the member was admitted; and
The date on which the member ceases to be a member.
11. It shall be incumbent upon a member of the society to
notify to the Director any change of his address and occupation;
12. The society shall have Governing Council, which shall
manage the affairs of the society. The members of the Governing Council
including its Chairman shall be nominated by the Government of Himachal
Pradesh. Te Governing Council of the Society shall consist of the following:
1. Financial Commissioner-cum-
Secretary (Fisheries) or Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Fisheries) to the
government of Himachal Pradesh
2. Joint Secretary /Deputy
Secretary/Under Secretary (Fisheries) to the government of Himachal Pradesh
3. Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries,
Himachal Pradesh
4. Chief Executive Officer, Fish Farmer’s
Development Agency
5. Deputy Director of Fisheries, Trout
Project, Patlikuhl
6. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
7. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Pong
8. One representative of the Finance
Department to be nominated by the Secretary (Finance)
9. Deputy Director of Fisheries (H.Q)
Directorate of Fisheries
Member Secretary
13. The state government shall be entitled to obtain
information, advice and assistance of the society on all matters connected with
fisheries programmes undertaken or to be undertaken by the society;
14. The Governing Council shall meet atleast once in a
quarter unless otherwise directed by the Chairman to discuss and deliberate
upon the activities of the society. A quorum of atleast three persons shall be
essential for a meeting under this regulation. A fresh meeting must be convened
immediately by the member-Secretary in case this requirement of quorum is not
met at any meeting;
15. The Executive Council may meet atleast once in a month to
discuss and take necessary decisions over the working of the society;
16. The Governing Council shall function notwithstanding that
any person entitled to be a member by reason of his office is not represented
on the Governing Council for the time being. The proceedings and actions of the
Governing Council shall not be invalidated by the above reason, or from the
existence of any vacancy or any defects in the appointment of its members;
17. Should a person nominated or elected as a member of the
Governing Council be prevented from attending meeting, a substitute to take his
place at that meeting may be nominated by authorities who nominated a member.
Such a substitute shall be entitled to take part in the proceedings of the
meeting and will have the right to vote thereof.
18. Powers of the Governing Council:
as herein expressly provided, as having to be passed by the society in a
general meeting, all the duties, powers, functions and rights what-so-ever,
consequential and incidental to the carrying out of the objectives of the
society shall only be exercised or performed by the Governing Council subject
to such limitations as the Government of Himachal Pradesh may from time to time
impose in respect of the expenditure of its grants;
19. In particular and without prejudice to the generality of
the foregoing provisions, the Governing Council may:
Make, amend, or repeal any rule relating to the administration and managements
of the affairs of the society subject to the observance of the provisions
contained in the Societies Registration Act, 1860;
To consider the annual budget and its subsequent alteration placed before it by
the Member-Secretary from time to time and to pass it with such modification as
the Governing Council may think fit;
c) To
create posts for carrying out the functions of the Agency commensurate with the
instructions of the Government in respect of the limit on expenditure;
d) To
delegate any of its powers other than those of making rules to the Chairman or
other authority as it may deem fit;
e) To
appoint committees, boards and sub-committees etc. for such purpose and on such
terms as it may deem fit, and to remove any of them;
f) To
do generally all such acts and things as may be necessary or incidental to
carrying out the objectives of the society or any of them provided that nothing
herein contained shall authorize the Governing Council to do any act or to pass
bye-law which may be repugnant to the provisions here of or to powers hereby
conferred on the Governing Council and other authorities, or which may be
inconsistent with the objectives of the society;
20. Proceedings
of the Governing Council:
Chairman of the society shall preside at all the meetings. In his absence, the
members present may authorize one of them (other than the Member Secretary) to
preside over the meeting.
21. Not
less than 16 clear days notice of every meeting of the Governing Council shall
be given to each member;
22. The
Chairman may himself call, or by a requisition in writing signed by him, may
require the Director to call a meeting of the Governing Council at any time and
on the receipt of such a requisition the Director shall forthwith call such a
23. Each
member of the Governing Council shall have one vote and in the event of an
equality of votes or any question to be decided, the Chairman shall have a
casting vote;
24. Any
business which it may be necessary for the Governing Council to perform may be
performed by a resolution in writing circulated among all its members and any
such resolution so circulated and approved by a majority of the members signing
shall be as effectual and binding as a resolution passed at a meeting of
Governing Council;
25. Annual
General Meeting:
Society shall hold an annual general meeting atleast once in every year and not
more than 15 months shall elapse between two successive Annual General
26. The
balance sheet of the Auditor’s shall be placed at the Annual General Meeting of
the Society for its consideration;
27. Atleast
four members of the society present at the Annual General Meetings shall form a
28. The
Executive Council of the Society shall be as under:
Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh
Assistant Director of Fisheries, Bilaspur
Assistant Director of Fisheries, Pong
Officer (Audit) Directorate of Fisheries
Deputy Director of Fisheries, Patlikuhl,
Member Secretary
29. Powers of the Executive Council
(i) Save
as herein expressly provided as having to be passed in the meeting of the
Executive Council of the duties, powers, functions and right whatsoever
consequential and incidental to the carrying out of the objectives of the
society shall only be exercise or performed by the Executive Council provided
it does not involve any policy decision or in case the Executive Council
desires any change in the programmes this should have prior concurrence of the
Governing Council;
(ii) To
assess and evaluate the working of the society once in a month or as may be
decided by the Chairman and to give necessary directions which can make a head
way for furthering the prospects of the scheme so adopted for the development
of fisheries activities in the state;
(iii) To
take necessary steps for making austerity measures in respect of financial
expenditure in the society;
To make appointment to the posts in the staff including appointments on
secondment, transfer etc. besides to hire/recruit labourers, with the prior
concurrent of the Governing Council;
30. Proceedings
of the Executive Council
Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh, shall be the Chairman of
the Executive Council and shall preside over at all meetings of the same. In
his absence the members present may authorize one of them (other than the
Member Secretary) to preside over the meeting;
(i) The
Chairman may himself cal or by a requisition in writing signed by him may
require the Member Secretary to call the meeting of the Executive Council at
any time and on the receipt of such a requisition the Member Secretary shall
forthwith call such a meeting;
(ii) Each
member of the Executive Council shall have one vote and in the event of
equality of votes or any question to be decided by the Chairman shall have a
casting vote.
31. Funds
of the Society:
funds of the Society shall consist of the following:
a) Recurring
and non-recurring grants made by the Government of Himachal Pradesh and any
other agency for the furtherance
of the objectives of the society;
b) Income
from Investment;
c) Income
from other sources;
d) Income
from sale of fish, fish seed and fish feed, fee, royalty, consultancies
charges, training courses fee etc.
32. Account
and Audit
Accounts of the society shall be audited by the agency as specified by the
Government or by Chartered Accountants as defined in Chartered Accountants Act,
1949 to be appointed by the Governing Council. These accounts may be subject to
a second audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, if directed by
the Government;
33. An annual report of the proceedings of the society and of
all works undertaken during the year shall be prepared by the Governing Council
for the information of the Government and the members of the society. This
report and the audited accounts of the society shall be placed before the
society at the annual General Meeting;
34. Within 30 days after the holding of Annual General
Meeting the following shall be filed with the Register of societies:
8. A
list of the names, addresses and occupation of the members of the Governing
Council, the Chairman and other office bearer of the society;
An annual report of the previous year; and
ii) A
copy each of the balance sheet and of the Auditors report certified by the
Auditors. Such list and the annual report shall be certified by the Director.
35. Property of the society:
property belonging to the society shall be deemed to be vested in the Governing
Council of the society and shall be referred as ‘ Property of the Society’
36. Suits and Proceedings by the Society;
The society may sue or may be sued in the name of the Chairman or any office
bearer authorized by the Governing Council;
No suit or proceedings shall abate by reason of the Chairman or any office
bearer authorized in this behalf;
Every decree or order against the society in any suite of proceedings shall be
executable against the property of the society and not against the person or
the property of the Chairman or any office bearer.
37. The Society shall keep at its registered office proper
books of accounts in which should be entered accurately:
a) All
sums of money received and the source thereof and all sums of money expended by
the society and the object or purpose for which such sums are expended;
b) The
society’s assets and liabilities.
38. Every member of the society may be sued or prosecuted by
the society for any loss or damage caused to the society or its property or for
any thing detrimental done to the interests of the society;
39. Every member of the Governing Council shall have the
right to seek information in respect of the affairs of the society which will
be placed in the meeting of the Governing Council;
40. Members to receive no profit upon dissolution of the
society, if after disposal and settlement of the property of the society and
its claims and liabilities there are any surplus assets, such assets shall not
be paid to or distributed among the members of the society or any of them but
shall be disposed off as directed by the government with the approval of
Registrar of Societies;
41. A notice may be served upon any member of the society
either personally or by sending it through the post in an envelop addressed to
such members at the address mentioned in the roll of the members;
42. Any other notice so served by post shall be deemed to
have been served on the day following that on which the letter, envelop or
wrapper containing the same is posted, and in providing such service it shall
be sufficient to prove that the cover containing such notice was properly
address and put into the post office;
43. Alteration of extension of the purpose of the society.
to the approval of the Government the society may alter or extend the purposes
for which it is established either sue motto or on a
resolution passed by the Governing Council, in accordance with the provisions
laid down in Society Registration Act, 1860.
44. The rules of the Society may be altered at any time by a
resolution passed by a majority of the members of the Society, which shall have
been duly convened for the purpose. The modified rules will be deemed to have
come into force in accordance with the provisions contained in the Societies
Registration Act, 1860.
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Fisheries
No. Fish-F (8)1/97
Dated Shimla-171 002, the 26th November 2001.
Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to constitute a Society namely’ The H.P.
Aquaculture, Fishing and Marketing Society’ to achieve the following
1) To
achieve maximum sustainable fish production from state’s reservoirs as well as
fish farms by applying latest scientific technologies;
2) To
strengthen the conservation efforts in reservoirs so as to minimize the losses
due to illegal fishing and poaching of fish; and;
3) To
improve the management of fish farms so as to intensify the seed production and
sale of fish from the farms. The ultimate aim is to convert the existing farms
into revenue generating centre at one had and assured source of quality and
abundant seed supply to private aqua culturists.
Society will have two main bodies viz.:
a) Governing
Council; and
b) Executive
1. Financial Commissioner-cum-Secretary
(Fisheries) or Commissioner-cum-Secretary (Fisheries) to the Government of
Himachal Pradesh
2. Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary/
Under Secretary (Fisheries) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh
3. Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries,
Himachal Pradesh
4. Chief Executive Officer, Fish Farmer’s
Development Agency
5. Deputy Director of Fisheries, Trout
Project, Patlikuhl
6. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
7. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Pong
8. One representative of the Finance
Department to be nominated by the Secretary Finance
9. Deputy Director of Fisheries, HQ. Bilaspur
Member Secretary
Executive Council.
1. Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries,
Himachal Pradesh
2. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
3. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Pong
4. Section Officer (Audit) Directorate of
Fisheries, Bilaspur
5. Deputy Director of Fisheries Trout
Project, Patlikuhl
Member Secretary
2. The
Governing Council will be the supreme body and ensure co-ordination, planning
and implementation of the programme of the Society. The Executive Council shall
carry out routine functions and will ensure the implementation of the decisions
of the Governing Council.
1. Trout
Farm, Patlikuhl;
2. Trout
Farm, Barot;
3. Trout
Farm, Nagni;
4. Fish
Farm, Deoli (Bilaspur), and
5. Fish
Farm, Gagret (Una)
staff and the assets are not proposed to be transferred to the Society for the
time being but the staff of Fisheries Department will work for the Society
under the control of Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh
-3. Like
wise the Society will make use of the moveable/immoveable assets over a period
of time, however the ownership of the same will rest with the Department of
Fisheries. Nevertheless, a comprehensive review will be carried out of the
activities of the Society after 3 years so as to take a final view on the issue
of the transfer of the staff and the assets or even on its continuance further.
By Order
Financial Commissioner-cum- Secretary (Fisheries)
to the government of Himachal Pradesh.
No. Fish-F (8)1/97 Dated Shimla-171 002, 26th November 2001.
for information and necessary action is forwarded to:
1. All the Administrative Secretaries to the government of
Himachal Pradesh;
2. Additional Secretary (GAD) to the government of Himachal
3. Private Secretary to the Chief Minister, Himachal
4. Private Secretary to the Industries Minister, Himachal
5. The Resident Commissioner, Himachal Bhawan, Sikandra
Road, Mandi House, New Delhi;
6. The Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Himachal Pradesh, Kasumpti,
The Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh Bilaspur;. He is
requested to register the above named society under the HP Registration of
Society Act, 1860 and also frame the Rules and Regulations of the Society;
8. All the Members of the Governing Council/Executive
Council of the Society;
9. The Comptroller Printing & Stationery, Himachal
Pradesh, Shimla-5 for publication in the Rajpatra (Extra ord.)
10. Guard File.
Under Secretary (Fish) to the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Fisheries
No. Fish-F (8)1/97
Dated Shimla-171 002, the 26th November 2001.
continuation of this department Notification of even No. dated 26.11.2001 the
Governor, Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to re-constitute the Governing/Executive
Councils of the H.P. Aquaculture, Fishing and Marketing Society consisting of
the following:
1. Principal Secretary
(Fisheries) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh
2. Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary/
Under Secretary (Fisheries) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh
3. Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries,
Himachal Pradesh
4. Deputy Director of Fisheries,
Trout Project, Patlikuhl
5. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
6. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Pong
7. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Chamba
8. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Mandi
9. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
10. One representative of the Finance
Department to be nominated by the Principal Secretary/ Secretary to the
Himachal Pradesh government.
11. Advisor-cum-Chief Executive Officer,
H.P. Aquaculture, Fishing and Marketing Society, Bilaspur
Member Secretary
1. Advisor-cum-Chief Executive Officer,
H.P. Aquaculture, Fishing and Marketing Society, Bilaspur
2. Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries,
Himachal Pradesh
3. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
4. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Pong
5. Assistant Director of Fisheries, Mandi
6. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
7. Assistant Director of Fisheries,
8. Deputy Director of Fisheries, Trout
Project, Patlikuhl
Member Secretary
terms and conditions and areas of activities will remain the same as mentioned
in the notification issued on 26.11.2001.
By Order
Principal Secretary (Fisheries)
to the government of Himachal Pradesh.
No. Fish-F
Dated Shimla-171 002, 15th July
for information and necessary action is forwarded to:
1. All
the Administrative Secretaries to the government of Himachal Pradesh;
2. Additional
Secretary (GAD) to the government of Himachal Pradesh;
3. Private
Secretary to the Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh;
4. Private
Secretary to the Industries Minister, Himachal Pradesh;
5. The
Resident Commissioner, Himachal Bhawan, Sikandra Road, Mandi House, New Delhi;
6. The
Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Himachal Pradesh, Kasumpti, Shimla-9;
7. The
Director-cum-Warden of Fisheries, Himachal Pradesh Bilaspur;. He is requested
to register the above named society under the HP Registration of Society Act,
1860 and also frame the Rules and Regulations of the Society;
8. All
the Members of the Governing Council/Executive Council of the Society;
9. The
Comptroller Printing & Stationery, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-5 for
publication in the Rajpatra (Extra ord.)
10. Guard