1. Reservoir Fisheries
Raise fish production from state’s reservoirs to 2000 t from existing level of 660
mt valued over Rs. 841.90 lakh through
intensive stocking, conservation and fishing efforts;
Ensure 200 additional employment under reservoir fisheries;
2. Raising seed production
from carp fish farms
Renovate and augment water supply in carp farms;
Depute farm officials for short terms training in breeding and
seed rearing at national institutes;
Appoint trained Sr. Fisheries officers in fish farms and fixing accountability
for achieving the set farm’s targets;
Ensure fish seed production of 10 million advanced fry of mirror carp, Indian
major carps, mahseer and aquarium fishes
in the ratio of 40%, 30%, 20% and 10%. Seed produced would be stocked
proportionately in rivers/ and reservoirs besides meeting the demand of private
fish farmers.
3. Aquaculture
Intensification of Aquaculture programme in the state jointly by department.
Cover 100 ha. of water area under pond fish culture;
Create additional employment of 200 number under aquaculture programme;
Ensure supply of inputs viz. fish seed and feed to all the state fish farmers.
Trout Farming
Up gradation of trout farms and completion of on-going works of
under-construction fish farms;
Raise trout production level upto 900 tonnes (980 t in private sector and 20 t
from departmental trout farms);
Ensure setting up of 1300 trout farming units in private sector under centrally
sponsored schemes;
Ensure supply of inputs viz. seed and feed to private farmers;
Operationalize Trout diagnostic laboratory and deploy staff at
this Pathological Center;
Sport fisheries
Initiation & completion of work on National Mahseer Seed propagation farm;
Holding of Angling competitions on Mahseer as well as Trout Fish in
collaboration with state tourism department.
6. Construction of Departmental
infrastructure through engineering wing.