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Last Updated On: 07/12/2024  


Revised Final Seniority List of JSS of H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.10.2024 in compliance of the judgement dated 03.08.2023 passed by the Hon’ble High Court in CWP Taj Mohammad Vs State of H.P.

Revised Final Seniority list of Clerks of H.P. Secretariat as on 30.09.2024

Revised Tentative Seniority List of JSS of H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.10.2024 in compliance of the judgement dated 03.08.2023 passed by the Hon’ble High Court in CWP Taj Mohammad Vs State of H.P.

Revised Tentative Seniority List of Clerks of H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 30.09.2024

Allocation of works amongst Branch Officers of Secretariat Administration

Circular regarding timelines for submission of APARs

Provisional Seniority List of Clerks showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Senior Law Officer (Hindi) showing position as on 23.03.2024

Final Seniority list of Security Guard showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority List of Restorer showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Personal Assistant showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Head Security Guard showing position as on 31.12.22023

Final Seniority list of Gestetnor Operator showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority List of Care Taker showing position as on 31.12.2023

Circular regarding filling up APAR’s for the reporting year 2023-2024 ie. 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024 in respect of Class I & II Officers/ Officials under Secretariat Administration

Black Border Notification in r/o Balbir Singh Pundeer, Section Officer, H.P. Secretariat

Final Seniority list of Senior Assistants, H.P. Secretariat as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Peons, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Frash-cum-Mali, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Sweepers, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Regarding option for promotion to the post of Non Tehsildar/ Non-BDO Officers to HPAS against the vacancies

Final Seniority list of Daftaris, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Jamadars, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority List of Section Officers, H.P. Secretariat as on 01.01.2024

Final Seniority list of Suprintendent Gr-II, H.P. Secretariat as on 01.01.2024

Provisional Seniority list of Jamadar, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Provisional Seniority List of Daftri, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Provisional Seniority list of Frash-cum-Chowkidar-cum-Mali, Class-IV, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Tentative Seniority list of Sweepers, Cl-IV, H.P. Secretariat showing position as on 31.12.2023

Final Seniority list of Private Secretaries upto 30.11.2023

Circular regarding Dress Code


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