Visitor No: 2276019
Latest News
Last Updated On: 14/01/2025
Advertisement for DCPO (, 148 KB)
Appointment Orders of Junior Office Assistant (IT) (, 4108 KB)
Appointment Orders of Junior Office Assistant (IT) Ex- Servicemen (, 1601 KB)
Regarding extension of last date for applying to the posts of CWC and JJB. (, 553 KB)
Final Seniority List of the Peon of the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment (, 4004 KB)
Notification Regarding Mukhya Mantri Sukh Shiksha Yojna (MMSSY) (, 2313 KB)
Mukhya Mantri Sukh Aashray Yojna (, 7487 KB)
Advertisement for Inviting Applications for Filling up of posts of Chairpersons & Members in CWCs and posts of Social Worker Members in JJBs of various Districts (, 1539 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculate and above qualified AWWs having 20 Years experience as on 31/03/2021, issued on 23/02/2023 (, 7679 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculate and above qualified AWWs having 20 Years experience as on 31/03/2021, issued on 23/02/2023 (1of 10) (, 8163 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculate and above qualified AWWs having 20 Years experience as on 31/03/2021, issued on 23/02/2023 (, 7934 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculation AWW having 20 years Experience as on 31/03/2021.(Part4of 10) (, 7264 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculation AWW having 20 years Experience as on 31/03/2021.(Part 5of 10) (, 7293 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculation AWW having 20 years Experience as on 31/03/2021.(Part6of10) (, 6950 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculation AWW having 20 years Experience as on 31/03/2021.(Part8of10) (, 7296 KB)
Acts & Rules
NNM- module -04 Poshan Abhiyan. (, 5586 KB)
Ammendment of orders of Posting of Supervisor under Direct (, 906 KB)
Appointment on a temporary post of Supervisor on contract basis under Direct Recruitment 31-07-2018 (, 1361 KB)
Manpower-Empanelment-PMMVY (, 362 KB)
Module - 01 Monthly Meeting in Poshan Abhiyan (, 3998 KB)
NN5-ILA module 05-identification weak New borrn (, 4649 KB)
(New) Final seniority List of Peon as on 01-07-2017 (, 2391 KB)
Budget at Glance
About Us
R&P Rules for the post of Statistical Assistant, Class-III (Non-Gazetted) -First Half (, 8126 KB)
Application forms of the various welfare schemes (, 3727 KB)
Model Guidelines under the Protection of Children from Sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 (, 3898 KB)
Model Guidelines
NNM- module -02 Home visit planner (, 7950 KB)
NNM - Module -03 Planning CBE. (, 2576 KB)
Appointment Order for the post of Statistical Assistant on contract basis( II ) (, 5312 KB)
NNM-ILA module -18 Preventing illnesses Malnutrition Death. (, 2650 KB)
NNM-ILA module 19 Prevention Anemia girls adolescents. (, 2591 KB)
NNM-ILA module -20 Birth Preparedness. (, 2795 KB)
NNM-ILA module-21 Preparation During Pregnancy Newborn (, 3773 KB)
R & P Rule for the post of Supervisors (, 2202 KB)
Publication of Advertisement for attaching Taxi with the Directorate Women and Child Development . (, 1185 KB)
Beti Hai Anmol Yojna (, 1716 KB)
RSP Rules for the posts of Sr. Assistant (, 1329 KB)
NNM-ILA module-17 Referral of Sick Newborn. (, 2561 KB)
NNM-ILA module -16 Kangaroo Mother. (, 2583 KB)
Amendment in Shagun Yojana. (, 366 KB)
NNM-ILA module -14 Feeding During Illness. (, 3979 KB)
NNM-ILA module -06 -complementary Feeding. (, 7794 KB)
NNM-ILA module -07 preventing Amemia. (, 2661 KB)
NNM-ILA MODULE -08 -Assessment Growth./ (, 5376 KB)
NNM- ILA module -09 Ensuring Complementary Feeding. (, 2913 KB)
NNM ILA module -10 Exclusive Breastfeeding. (, 2981 KB)
NNM-ILA module -11 Care Weak Newborn. (, 2644 KB)
NNM-ILA module-12 Timely Intiation (, 4961 KB)
NNM- ILA module-13 identifying Preventing (, 2440 KB)
4.Revised Final Seniority List(Matric)91-120 Pages (, 6350 KB)
5.Revised Final Seniroty list(matric) 121-150 Pages (, 6481 KB)
6.Revised Final Seniority List(Matric) 151-180 Pages (, 6355 KB)
7.Revised Final Seniority list(Matric) 181-210 Pages (, 6141 KB)
8.Revised Final Seniroty list(matric) 211-240 Pages (, 6765 KB)
9.Revised Final Seniority list(Matric) 241-270 Pages (, 6680 KB)
10.Revised Final Seniority List(Matric) 271-288 Pages (, 4043 KB)
1.Revised Final Seniority List(Matric)1-30 Pages (, 7690 KB)
3.Revised Final Seniority list(Matric) 61-90 Pages (, 6899 KB)
2.Revised Final Seniority List(Matric) 31-60 Pages (, 6772 KB)
Notification dated 06 July 2022 has been issued by the Govt. & Nominated the chairpersons members in CWCs of various districts. (, 1144 KB)
Appointment Order of Statistical Assistant. (, 2060 KB)
Appointment Of Supervisors Under LDR. (, 2107 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculation AWW having 20 years Experience as on 31/03/2021.(Part3of 10) (, 5812 KB)
Appointment Order of Graduate AWWs as Supervisors through induction. (, 1835 KB)
Appointment Order of Matriculate AWWs as Supervisors through induction. (, 4684 KB)
Advertisement regarding filling up vacant posts of District Child Protection Officers. (, 1747 KB)
Advertisement for Taxi with the Directorate Of Women and Child Development . (, 2736 KB)
Notification dated 06 July 2022 has been issued by the Govt. & Nominated the members in JJBs of various districts. (, 720 KB)
20 Winners Of Lohe Ki Kadhai Campaign (, 685 KB)
Provisional Seniority List of Matriculate and above qualified AWWs having 20 Years experience as on 31/03/2022, issued on 09/11/2022.(Part-II 0f 7) Pages- 25-64. (, 9702 KB)
Advertisement for the post of Programme Manager (SCPS) and District Child Protection Officers (DCPO) under Mission Vatsalya SCheme. (, 1907 KB)
Advertisement of filling up of Posts of Child Walfare Committees and Juvenile Justice Boards in Various Districts of Himachal Pradesh. (, 4437 KB)
Award Under Himachal Pradesh Mahila Vikas Protsahan Yojna 2013 (, 390 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculation AWW having 20 years Experience as on 31/03/2021.(Part9of10) (, 7215 KB)
Final Seniority List of Matriculate and above qualified AWWs having 20 Years experience as on 31/03/2021, issued on 23/02/2023((Part 2 of 10).. (, 7717 KB)