Home Page  Khaas Shiksha Best Practices
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Visitor No: 27784496

November, 2017

Print Version  
Last Updated On: 07/03/2018  

GPS Kufri

GPS Jaisinghpur

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Ms. Ankit Kumari (JBT) is encouraging the students by doing activities and improving the learning levels by interesting ways of teaching and learning like making models.

GSSS Makreri

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The teachers promote Activity Based Learning with the help of higher grade student who are encouraged to teach the lower grade students and clear their doubts.

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Ms. Suman Gupta (CHT) started a special campaign with the help of the teachers and personally visited the locality and motivated the parents to enroll their children in the school. She also visited migrant families. It resulted in creation of a new post post of a JBT and 52% increase in enrolment in a year.













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