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Visitor No: 27785312


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Last Updated On: 14/02/2017  

Innovative use of Funds for Infrastructure
GPS Barsar

Rise in Enrollment
GPS Bhota

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Bijhari, Hamirpur

Bijhari, Hamirpur

The school ordered to install CCTVs to stop cheating in tests and to protect school from harm by locals. It also focuses on using creative ideas for beautification of building like using waste iron rods of desks used in flower beds fencing of school campus.

The school maintains retention by offering free transportation to CWSN, school renovation and use of TLM in classes. It has increased enrollment by teaching OoSC in huts and launching the ’Go To School’ Campaign. 

Special Initiative 
GPS Dandaroo


Special Initiave
GPS Kanjian

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Bijhari, Hamirpur

Bhoranj, Hamirpur

The school bought a Tata Sumo with help from SMC and started transportation facility for students at no profit no loss formula.The school focuses on offering help to weak students and thus, improved enrollment by 31% in just 3 month and 69% of student sin Grade A during Term-1 exam. Efforts of Mr. Vijay Kumar appreciated in particular.

Special Initiative
GPS Maharal


Special Initiative
GPS Samirpur

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Bijhari, Hamirpur

Bhoranj, Hamirpur

The school received 1st rank in both Boys and Girls Kho-Kho Kabaddi 2016 block level and was also winner in Boys Girls Kabaddi at Distt. Level and Boys kho-kho 2016. Efforts of Mr. Ravinder Kumar were appreciated in particular. 

The school decorates its classroom with learning material, ensures proper dress of students and engages parents actively with the school teaching. 


Rise in Enrollment 
GSSS Galore


Classrooms Ambience 
GSSS Rangas

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Galore, Hamirpur

Galore, Hamirpur

The school increased enrollment by 83% in just one year. It has its own website and also has a SMS serivce for students in the school.The school takes student for educational outings such as bank/ post office visit, participates in community projects such as cleanliness drive and also has interactive & invigorating classrooms fixed with TLMs. Efforts of Ms.. Archana Sharma appreciated in particular. 


Classrooms Ambience 
GPS Loharli


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Bijhari, Hamirpur

The school focuses on improving student learning by enhancement of classroom ambience, use of TLM and regular parent feedback. Efforts of Ms. Seema Devi were appreciated in particular.


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