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Visitor No: 27827495

May 2017

Print Version  
Last Updated On: 10/02/2023  

GCPS Portmore

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Shimla-4, Shimla
The school has worked hard and increased enrollment to 365, started English medium,introduced new uniform, dining hall for MDM,dress for cooking staff & also started Nursery, KG classes. Efforts of Sh Sanjeev Kumar Jishtu have been appreciated in particular.

GPS Summerhill

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Shimla-4, Shimla
The school uses learning by doing teaching also uses TLM properly.Efforts of Ms Ruchi have been appreciated in particular.

GPS Harinagar

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Shimla-4, Shimla
The School has worked hard and increased enrollment also uses TLM properly. Efforts of Ms Radha Chauhan have been appreciated in particular.

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