Directorate of Elementary Education came in to existence in the year 2005 after restructuring
of Primary Education in the State .
It has the following organizational structure :-
- Directorate at the State level
- Office of the Deputy Director of Elementary Education at the District level.
- Office of DIETs at the District Level.
- Office of the Block Elementary Education Officer at Block level.
- Centre Head Teacher at cluster Level.
- To Manage the Elementary Education System in Himachal Pradesh.
- To exercise Administrative & Financial control over its various functionaries/offices
comprising of District/Block Offices, DIETs and Primary and Upper Primary Schools / Units
in the State.
- To implement policies relating to Elementary Education in the State.
- To implement Centrally Sponsored Schemes as well as the state plan & Non-Plan
schemes in the field of Elementary Education.
- To manage and control service matters of teaching/non-teaching staff of Elementary
Education Department.
- To exercise financial control over privately managed Government aided primary & upper
primary schools in the State.