Home Page  Departmental Exams Eligibility
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Last Updated On: 14/10/2013  
  • Eligibility: The officers who have been declared as Technical Officers under clause (x) of Rule 3 of these rules shall be eligible to appear in the departmental examination prescribed for that service under these rules.
  • The application for appearing in the departmental examination shall b e forwarded to the Secretary by the Head of Department concerned who will certify eligibility of the officer concerned.
  • Papers for the examination : The papers for the departmental examination and the maximum marks allotted to each paper shall be as under :

Sr. No.


Maximum Marks


Financial Administration






Rules and Acts pertaining to the respective Department


  •  Exemption:
    1. The exemption may be granted by the Government in consultation with commission for reasons to be recorded in writing in accordance with these rules
    2. A gazetted officer on the attainment of 55 years of age shall not be required to appear in the departmental examination prescribed under rules 38-B of the said rules, as amended from time to time for the purpose of crossing the efficiency bar next due and confirmation in the service. However the gazetted officer shall have to pass the departmental examination for the purpose of further promotion even after the attainment of the age of 55 years till the date of superannuation.Provided further that no non-gazetted promotee to a gazetted post will be allowed to cross the efficiency bar and confirmation in the service before in age of 55 years until the unless he passes the prescribed departmental examination. In such cases the same will be treated automatically released only on attaining 55 years of age and not from the due date.
    3. The officers who have qualified the departmental examination in whole or in part prescribed under any other rules before the notification of these rules, shall not be required to qualify the whole or in part of the examination as the case may be.
    4. The officers who have passed hindi examination in matriculation or equivalent or above either as an elective subject or optional or have qualified the same in the competitive examination conducted by the HPPSC or UPSC will not be required to qualify the same

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