Last Updated On: 13/03/2014
- The officers of Indian Administrative Service mentioned in rule 6(I) of the Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 1954 and officers appointed to the H.P. Administrative Service under rule 15 of the H.P. Administrative Service Rules, 1973 and those mentioned in rule 19 of the said rules shall be eligible to appear in the departmental examination prescribed for them under these rules.
- The paper for the departmental examination and the maximum marks allotted to each paper shall be as under :
Sr. No. | Paper | Maximum Marks |
1. | Criminal Law and Procedure | 100 |
2. | Criminal Case | 100 |
3. | Revenue Law & Procedure | 100 |
4. | Hindi (Written-60, Oral-40) | 100 |
5. | Revenue Case | 100 |
6. | General Administration | 100 |
7. | Planning and Development | 100 |
8. | Constitution and Civil Law | 100 |
9. | Civil Service, Treasury and FR | 100 |
10. | Special Acts(Criminal), Manuals & Rules | 100 |
11. | Minor(Revenue) Acts and Manuals | 100 |
12. | Motor Mechanism and Driving(w-50,p-50) | 100 |
13. | Target shooting (Rifle-Revolver) | 280 |
14. | Horse Riding | 100 |
Note: Officers belonging to the IAS will not have to appear in papers 6, 7,8,13 and 14
- The Government may, in consultation with the commission, grant exemption in pursuance of rule 19 of the HP Administrative Service Rules, 1973 for reasons to be recorded in writing in accordance with these rules.
- Normally a deserving officer in an exceptional case, who has attained the age of 55 years on or after the commencement of these rules may be granted exemption, under the relevant rules from qualifying the departmental examination in part or in whole; provided that such officer is not likely to be considered for any promotion before the date of his superannuation.
- The Officers who have qualified the departmental examination prescribed under the rules notified vide Government of H.P. (Department of Personnel-A) notification No.7-10/72-Apptt. Dated 5th May, 1972 as amended up to 1-9-1974 by the prescribed standard or Punjab Extra Assistant Commissioner Department Examination by the higher standard only shall not be required to qualify the whole or part of the examination as the case may be.
- The officers who have passed Hindi examination in matriculation examination or equivalent or above either as an elective subject or optional or have qualified the same in the competitive examination conducted by the H.P. Public Service Commission or U.P.S.C. will not be required to qualify the same.