Workshop on Right to Information Act, 2005 at MANDI
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Workshop on Right to Information Act, 2005 at MANDI

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Last Updated On: 06/06/2013  

Workshop on Right to Information Act, 2005 at MANDI (JPG, 86 KB)
A Workshop on Right to Information Act, 2005, sponsored by the State Information Commission, Himachal Pradesh was organized by the Institute on 21st March, 2009 at MANDI. The workshop drew a massive response and was attended by 150 PIOs, APIOs and other Officers OF development departments located in District Kangra

Workshop on Right to Information Act, 2005 at MANDI (JPG, 88 KB)

Sh. T.G. Negi, IAS, Pr. Secy.( AR & Trg.) apprised the participants about the main provisions of RTI Act and Rules and stressed upon the effective implementation of RTI Act, 2005. The Workshop was divided into five sessions to cover RTI Act 2005-Main Provisions, HP RTI Rules, 2006, State Information Commission-Powers & Functions and Duties and Responsibilities of PIOs & APIOs followed by Open Session chaired by Sh. T.G. Negi, IAS, Pr. Secy.( AR & Trg.) in which queries raised by participants were answered.
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