HIPA in collaboration with the Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) organized a study-cum-exposure visit to Local Governance model of Kerala for Elected Representatives of Panchayati Raj, H.P. from 11-25 Feb., 2009. The objective of the visit was to provide an insight into the functioning of decentralized governance in Kerala to the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj system. 21 Elected Representatives from districts Chamba and Sirmour besides five officers from Panchayati Raj Department and HIPA participated in the visit.
In the International Training Centre, KILA, adequate information was provided on the topics viz. Kerala- Socio Economic Features, Local Self Government Structure, Decentralization and local government system, Participatory planning and development experience, Gender mainstreaming and poverty reduction-the Kudumbashree experience, Decentralized governance and development of marginalized communities and Financial devolution to the local governments of Kerala
Exposure to the functioning of different tiers was provided through the study visit and discussion with the functionaries of Manalur village Panchayat, Kudumbashree functionaries, Irinjalakkuda Block Panchayat and Thrissur District Panchayat.
The participants were divided into four groups who made presentations on their findings on “Local Governance model of Kerala” in Mahila & Yuva Shakti Abhiyan Divisional Conference at Hotel Holiday Home, Shimla on 26th February, 2009 in the session chaired by Dr. Shrikant Baldi, Secretary (RD &PR) and Director, HIPA.