A Training Programme on NREGS & Social Audit was organized by the Institute in collaboration with DRDA Mandi
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A Training Programme on NREGS & Social Audit was organized by the Institute in collaboration with DRDA Mandi

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Last Updated On: 24/06/2014  

A Training Programme on ’NREGS & Social Audit’ was organized by the Institute in collaboration with   DRDA Mandi, from 22nd - 27 th October, 2007 at Mandi.

A Training Programme on ’NREGS & Social Audit’  (JPG, 88 KB)

The programme was inaugurated by Sh. B. K. Aggarwal, IAS, Divisional Commissioner, Mandi. Sh. Subhsish Panda, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Mandi was Guest of Honour in the inauguration function.

A Training Programme on ’NREGS & Social Audit’ (JPG, 77 KB)

The programme drew a massive response and was attended by 60 participants consisting of officers/officials of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Departments, elected representatives of PRIs and local NGOs/CBOs. Resource persons from HIPA and PRIA (an NGO) provided classroom training as well as field exposure on NREGS & Social Audit with a view to implement the NREGS in an effective manner.

A Training Programme on ’NREGS & Social Audit’ (JPG, 84 KB)

Sh. Ajay Mittal, IAS, Director of the Institute specially visited Distt. Mandi for this Programme and discussed different aspects of NREGS & Social audit with the participants.

A Training Programme on ’NREGS & Social Audit’  (JPG, 51 KB)

As part of the programme, a mobilization campaign in selected gram Panchayats was organized by the participants under the guidance of resource persons and actual Social Audit of NREGA works was conducted in two Gram Panchayats viz Jhidi (Sadar Block) and Jai Devi (Sunder Nagar Block) by the participants who were divided in 2 teams for the purpose.

A Training Programme on ’NREGS & Social Audit’  (JPG, 88 KB)

The teams were divided into three  groups and each group was assigned the different tasks of social mobilization, data collection and physical verification of the community assets stated to be created in the Panchayat Area under NREGA. A special meeting of the Gram Sabhas was organized in both the Panchayats and the groups presented their detailed reports in the Gram Sabha in the special meeting convened for the purpose.

A Training Programme on ’NREGS & Social Audit’  (JPG, 120 KB)

In the concluding session of the Training programme, detailed discussions took place among the participants in the presence of the concerned officials of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Departments.
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