A programme on Training of Elected Representatives of Zila Parishads of Kinnaur and Shimla Districts
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A programme on Training of Elected Representatives of Zila Parishads of Kinnaur and Shimla Districts

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Last Updated On: 06/06/2013  

A programme on Training of   Elected Representatives of Zila Parishads of Kinnaur and Shimla Districts was organised at the Institute w.e.f.  30.10.2006 to 3.11.2006. Chairpersons, Vice Chairpersons and 25 other members from these Zila Parishads attended the programme.

The content of training apart from the H.P. Panchayati Raj Act and Rules included subjects like Good Governance, Gender and Development, Human Rights, Right to Information, Consumer Protection, Service Delivery, Official – Non Official Relationship etc. Exposure to important schemes like NREGA, Swajaldhara, SGSY also was included in the programme. Shri Narinder Chauhan, Secretary (RD and PR) H.P. Govt. attended the valedictory function and distributed the certificates to the participants. In his concluding address he assured participants   to take up the issues raised by them with the State Government.
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