A meeting of SIRDs of Northern States was held at the Institute on 22nd November, 2007. The meeting was inaugurated by Sh. Narender Chauhan, IAS, Secretary,(RD&PR) Govt. of H.P.
Dr. Surat Singh, Director, SIRD, Haryana, Sh. Vijay Chaudhary, Jt. Director, SIRD, Rajasthan, Sh. Rajeev Kandpal, Executive Director, SIRD, Uttrakhand and Ms. Rozy Vied, Associate Professor, SIRD, Punjab represented their respective states in the Meeting.
The objective of the meeting was to explore areas of cooperation, coordination, to create a convergence, to help in implementing STAP, to create a pool of Trainers, to exchange training material and sharing of knowledge/resources among all the SIRDs.