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Training Programme on “Disaster Risk Reduction Management” 7th to 9th September, 2015

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Last Updated On: 17/11/2015  

Training Programme on “Disaster Risk Reduction Management”

7th to 9th September, 2015

Organized at HIPA

Himachal Pradesh is highly vulnerable to the natural as well as man induced disasters. Earthquakes, landslides, cloudbursts, flash floods, forest fires, avalanches etc have caused tremendous loss to the State. Apart from the hazard prone geographical conditions, Himachal Pradesh is also vulnerable due to the unplanned developments, rapid urbanization, and alarming growth in the population and temporary settlements in urban areas. Remoteness and difficult accessibility in the rural areas along with lack of awareness on disaster risk reduction and preparedness have contributed to increase in risk of the State’s population.

 The primary responsibility of dealing with disasters rests with the State Government. The Disaster Management Act – 2005 provides the Statutory Legitimacy for the required institutional mechanism at the National State and District level for drying up and monitoring the implementation of Disaster Management Plan for Himachal Pradesh. The Government of Himachal Pradesh believes that many devastating effects of potential hazards can be prevented by enhancing the capacity of Government Officers/Stakeholders to respond immediately during an event of disaster. Keeping in view the above Disaster Management Centre, H. P. Institute of Public Administration Fairlawns, Shimla organized three days training programme on “Disaster Risk Reduction Management”  for the officers of different Department of Himachal Pradesh Government from 7th to 9th  September, 2015. The objective behind this programme was to develop adequate capacity of all officers for dealing with all facets of disaster management and also to develop a holistic and integrated approach towards disaster risk reduction and its management. The said programme was attended by 17 Officers representing different departments of Himachal Pradesh Government.

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