State Level Gender Budgeting
for Officers of various Departments of Government of Himachal
Ministry of Women & Child
Development, GOI
HP Institute of Public
Administration, Shimla
Venue: HIPA Shimla
28th to 30th September, 2015
constitute 48% of India’s population, but they lag behind men on many social
indicators like health, education, economic opportunities, etc. Gender
Budgeting is a powerful tool for achieving gender mainstreaming so as to ensure
that benefits of development reach to women as much as men. It is not an
accounting exercise but an ongoing process of keeping a gender perspective in
policy/ programme formulation, its implementation and review. Gender budgeting
has been adopted by the Government of India as a tool to ensure gender
mainstreaming at all levels of governance. Ministry of Women and Child
Development being the nodal Ministry for Gender Budgeting have been organizing
various training programmes and workshops on Gender Budgeting all over the
country for the last few years. Similarly, the GB initiatives in Himachal Pradesh Started with the Budget speech of
Hon’ble Chief Minister in April -2006 when he announced the introduction of
Gender budgeting component in all departments. The gender initiatives got
further boost when State Resource Centre for Women in the Women & Child
Development Department facilitated the formulation of Gender Budgeting Cells in
the Govt. Departments. In spite
of consistent efforts of both Government of India and H.P furtherance the women by and large are in a disadvantaged position the promotion of
gender equality implies an explicit attention to women’s empowerment.
Keeping in view
the above Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public Administration, Shimla
organized State Level Workshop on “Gender
Budgeting” from 28th to 30th September, 2015 in collaboration with Ministry of Women and Child Development Government of India . This
workshop was attended by 31 participants representing various departments of
Himachal Pradesh Government. The main
objective to organize this State level Workshop was to develop understanding of
Gender Budgeting, related concepts, and tools and techniques and also to share
experiences regarding progress and challenges in integrating Gender Budgeting