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About SIRD

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Last Updated On: 12/02/2015  


"  Our goal is to provide outcome based quality training to make significant contribution for sustainable rural development and lasting impact for inclusive growth."

About us

HIPA is a training institute having dual role as an ATI and  SIRD.

               HP, State Institute of Rural Development has been established under a Centrally Sponsored Scheme- Strengthening of State Institutes of Rural Development (SIRDs), in the year 1981-82 with in the campus of HIPA at Fairlawns. SIRD, HP is the apex training institute of the state for capacity building of all the stakeholders of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department functionaries and Elected Representatives of PRIs besides officials of line departments.

              SIRD,HP has been imparting training and undertaking research activities with its skeleton faculty and manpower  support, however, the work has increased  manifolds especially after 73rd constitutional amendment  since training is to be imparted to more than 26,000 Elected Representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions and functionaries involved in the implementation of rural development programmes at the cutting edge level.

The SIRD has been entrusted with the mandate :

  • To conduct short term and long term training programmes for the officials and non officials engaged in Rural Development and Panchayati Raj.
  • To organize seminars, conferences and workshops for experts academicians, administrators, researchers and non officials on various rural development issues and concerns.
  • To undertake action oriented research and documentation of activities of Rural Development agencies and to prepare case studies as inputs for the training.

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