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Visitor No: 388089

Office Bearers

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Last Updated On: 25/06/2022  


Wife of His Excellency the Governor of Himachal Pradesh is the Chairperson.



There is an Executive Secretary of the Section. He performs functions of the treasurer. Secretary of the State Red Cross branch is the Executive Secretary of the HP Red Cross Hospital Welfare Section. Other office bearers of the section are elected by the members as under:



i)  Three Vice-Chairpersons-Two to be elected and one to be nominated by the Chairperson.



ii)       Honorary Secretary (Female)



iii)     Seven members of the Executive of whom four are elected and three are nominated by the Chairperson.One representative from each affiliated district branches serves on the Executive.


The office bearers and members of the Executive Committee continue in the office for two years if there is a vacancy, filled earlier, it is filled by the executive by co-option. (Amended vide item No. 4 in the AGM held on 3rd November, 2001)



The Executive has the power to co-opt. members for a special purpose and prescribed   period.



The Chairperson may constitute sub-committees for a specified purpose and prescribed time. She may dissolve such sub-committees as and when necessary.



The Executive may co-opt. a medical officer to advise them on medical matters.


Function of the office bearers:




Presides over all meetings of the Hospital Welfare Section including Annual General Meetings. Signs and confirms the minutes of all meetings presided over by her.



Entrusts her responsibilities upon any one of three Vice-chairpersons in a special case. In the case of interpretation of rules of the section, the decision of the Chairperson shall be final and binding.




In the absence of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson conducts the duties of the Chairperson.


Honorary Secretary:



Functions as Honorary Secretary of the Section.



Sanctions/incurs all approved budgeted expenditure up to Rs. 20,000/- jointly with executive secretary of the section.



Operates all bank accounts with joint signature of the Executive Secretary.



Signs all ordinary documents on behalf of the Executive Committee subject to its approval (added in the AGM by amendment on 3-11-2001)




A budget is framed by the Executive and passed at the General Meeting called for the purpose.




All money is deposited in the State Bank of India or the H.P. State co-operative bank at the Headquarters of a scheduled bank, if branches of the above banks do not exist at the Station.


The Chairman or a Vice-Chairman so authorized by the Chairman in this behalf or the Executive Secretary operates upon the accounts.


The Executive Secretary may incur an expenditure of Rs. 1000/- only at any time on the object of the Hospital Welfare Section as broadly provided for in the budget or approved/to be approved by the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson/Executive Committee. (Amended on 03-11-2001 by AGM)


The Executive Secretary may incur all routine expenditure and has the power to spend Rs. 1000/- only on any item on contingencies. (Amended on 03-11-2001 by AGM)


The Executive Secretary maintains accounts, which are audited every year by a registered auditor or a technical person approved by the executive.




At least one General Meeting of the Hospital Welfare Section is held in which the budget for the coming year and audited accounts of the proceeding year are presented.


·        Office-bearers are also elected at the general meeting held for the purpose every year.


·        General Meetings may be called with a specified agenda at the discretion of the Chairperson or on the requisition of one-third of members after giving 15 days notice.


·        Quorum of the General Meeting is one fourth or 11 members, whichever is less.


·        A meeting of the Executive may be called at three days notice.


·        An urgent meeting of the executive may be called at 24 hours notice.


·        Quorum of the executive is one-third of the members or 5 members, whichever is less.


·        Meetings adjourned for lack of quorum may be held without a quorum.


·        Notice of the adjourned meeting is given to all members.


·        The Ex-Executive Committee has the power to frame rules for conduct of  its business, to vote expenditure up to any amount and to carry out business in accordance with the aims and objects of the Hospital Welfare Section.


·   The Executive Secretary and in his absence the Honorary Secretary maintains the proceedings of all meetings.


·        The Chairman may exercise a casting of a second vote in case there is a tie.

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