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Last Updated On: 25/06/2022  

Relief Work:

As the Red Cross is mainly a relief organisation, people look up to it for immediate help during any natural or man-made calamity. The State Branch provides relief to the suffering people during such calamities, occurred within or outside the State.

Assistance for long term/costly and specialised medical treatment of patients from IRDP families:

Financial assistance for costly, long term and specialised medical treatment of patients from IRDP families are being provided, up to Rs. 20,000/- at District Red Cross Branches and above Rs. 20,000/- through the State Red Cross Executive Committee.

Service to the patients and their attendants in Hospitals:

Voluntary service to the welfare of patients in the hospitals are being provided by the Red Cross. A centre for the similar assistance is functioning in the State Hospital IGMC, Shimla where the following services are being given to the patients/their attendants:-


Ambulance service on nominal charges.


Free medical aid to those who are unable to bear the cost of medicines.


Free clothing etc.


Voluntary service to the patients and their attendants.


Wheel Chair/Wheel stretcher services.


Financial assistance in case of cremation of dead bodies whose family members are unable to bear the expenses. 



Junior Red Cross

The Junior Red Cross is the children’s branch of Red Cross functioning in all schools in the State.  Like the parent organisation (Red Cross), it is non-official, non-political, non-religious and non-sectarian. Its aims briefly summarised are: - (i) promotion of health (ii) service to others (iii) Fostering of world friendship. This functions as a group within school under the guidance of a teacher known as a councillor.

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