Licensing and Registration of Factories
1. Every factory wherein 10 or more workers are working on any day of the preceding twelve months and manufacturing process is being carried on with the aid of power or wherein 20 or more workers are working on any day of the preceding twelve months and manufacturing process is being carried on without the aid of power is required to be registered under Factories Act, 1948.
2. In Himachal Pradesh, Inspectorate of Factories is located in the first floor of New Himrus Building, Shimla-171 001 in the office of labour Commissioner-cum-Director of Employment. Labour Commissioner is also functioning as Chief Inspector of Factories for the state of Himachal Pradesh.
3. The check-list for documents required to be submitted for licensing & registration of a factory and the basic parameters for design have been elaborated on this website for your convenience. The fee schedule and the necessary Forms are also available on this website.
4. For convenience of entrepreneurs, provisions have been made in H.P.Factories Rules,1950 for grant of License either for one year or five years in order to simplify the official procedures and to avoid procedural delays. If the license is required for five years then Registration Fee shall be five times the fee payable for one year as specified in Fee Schedule.
5. Similarly for renewal of license under Factories Act,1948, option has been given to entrepreneurs to get the license renewed either for one year or for five years. The Fee for renewal of license for five years shall be five times the fee payable for one year.
6. Any factory involving a hazardous process as defined under First Schedule of the Factories Act,1948 is required to submit an application for site approval to the Site Appraisal Committee in the prescribed form which is available on this website.
7. Every factory registered under Factories Act, 1948 is required to submit Annual Return on Form No.34 and Half Yearly Return on form No.35 by 31st January of succeeding year and 15th July of current year respectively. Form No.34 & 35 (see downloadable) prescribed for submission of returns are also available on this website.
8. For any further query/guidance regarding registration under Factories Act,1948 you may contact:-
Assistant Director of Factories
New Himrus Building, Circular Road
Shimla-171 001.
Phone: 0177-2624157
Fax: 0177-2624209,2624305
Email: lep-hp@nic.in , lande-hp@nic.in
- Fee Schedule
- Forms
- Check List and Procedure
- Competent Person
- Undertaking
- Guidelines of preparation on site emergency