Sr.No | Short Title | Status |
1 | The Indian Stamp Act, 1899. | Available at page No. 715 of H.P. Land Code. |
2 | The Indian Stamp (H.P. Amendment) Act, 1952. | Available at page No. 735 of H.P. Land Code. |
3 | The Indian Stamp (H.P. Amendment) Act, 1969 with Schedule I-A containing the rates of Stamp Duty chargeable on certain instruments. | Available at page No. 738 of H.P. Land Code. |
4 | The H.P. Govt. Notifications issued under Section 9 of Indian Stamp Act, 1899 regarding exemption from the payment of Stamp Duty. | Available at page No. 757 of H.P. Land Code. |
5 | The H.P. Stamp Rules, 1973. | Available at page No. 763 of H.P. Land Code. |
6 | The H.P. Stamp(Prevention of Undervaluation of Instruments) Rules, 1992 | Copy annexed at Appendix-A |
7 | The Registration Act, 1908. | Available at page No. 779 of H.P. Land Code. |
8 | The Registration Act, 1908(H.P. Amendment Act, 1968). | Available at page No. 798 of above Code. |
9 | Notifications issued under Registration Act, 1908. | Available at page No. 799 of H.P. Land Code. |
10 | Registration Manual. | Available at page No. 801 of H.P. Land Code. |
11 | The table of Registration Fee including the Notifications issued under Section 80 of Registration Act, 1908 regarding exemption from the payment of Registration Fees. | Available at page No. 843 of H.P. Land Code and the amended copy of Article-I of the Table of Registration Fees is annexed at Appendix-B. |
12 | H.P. Document Writers Licensing Rules, 1971. | Available at page No. 850 of H.P. Land Code. |
13 | Section 118 of H.P. Tenancy and Land Reforms Act, 1972. | Amended copy of extract is annexed at Appendix-C. |
14 | The Transfer of Property Act, 1882. | Available at page No. 641 of H.P. Land Code. |
15 | Sub-Section (1)(c) of Section 84 of the H.P. Municipal Corporation Act, 1994 and Sub-Section (b) of Section 65 H.P. Municipal Act, 1994. | Extracts are annexed at Appendix-D & E. |
16 | Notifications issued under Section 66 of H.P. Municipal Act, 1994 regarding specification of rates of duty leviable by the Municipality on transfer of immoveable property. | Copy annexed at Appendix-F. |