Title/ Subject | Date |
Delegation of powers in respect of Agriculture Deptt. | 26-Dec-2017 |
Enhancement in Maternity Leave to 180 Days | 21-Dec-2017 |
Clarification regarding leave salary and pension contributions in respect of employees of PSU’s who are on Secondment to different Govt. Deptt. | 21-Dec-2017 |
GPF Rate During 1st Oct to 31st Dec 2017 | 21-Dec-2017 |
Protection/fixation of pay in the higher pay scales/grade pay - clarification thereof | 11-Oct-2017 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2017 | 11-Sep-2017 |
Interest rate on GPF - 01.07.2017 to 30.09.2017 | 02-Aug-2017 |
Amendment in Purchase of goods through Government-e-market place (GeM) | 19-Jul-2017 |
Annual Statements of GPF for the Year 2016-17 | 18-Jul-2017 |
Clarification Regarding Interim Relief | 18-Jul-2017 |
Enhancement of Rate of Fixed Medical Allowance to State Govt. Employees / Pensioners | 14-Jul-2017 |
Policy guidelines regarding staff deployed in Government Departments by service providers on outsourcing basis | 01-Jul-2017 |
Grant of Benefits to Employees/Retirees Under Contributory Pension Scheme/ New Pension System | 05-Jun-2017 |
Clarification of Interim Relief | 24-May-2017 |
Modify the Delegation of Powers in Respect of XEN of IPH Deptt. | 20-May-2017 |
Amendment in GPF Interest for the Period w.e.f. 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017 | 18-May-2017 |
Interest Rate on GPF and Other Similar Funds w.e.f. 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017 | 15-May-2017 |
Washing Allowance Orders | 26-Apr-2017 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.07.2016 | 01-Apr-2017 |
Enhancement of Washing Allowance to eligible Class-IV employees | 01-Apr-2017 |
Enhancement of Tribal Allowance | 01-Apr-2017 |
Enhancement of Capital Allowance | 01-Apr-2017 |
Grant of enhancement in the contractual emoluments payable to the employees working on contractual basis | 01-Apr-2017 |
Terms and Conditions of re-employed persons covered under New Pension Scheme before retirement | 25-Mar-2017 |
Fixation of Pay of re-employed Pensioners Who are covered by CCS(Pension) Rules 1972 Terms and Conditions thereof | 23-Mar-2017 |
Deduction of GPF subscription from the salaries who have been appointed or regularized after 14.05.2003 | 18-Mar-2017 |
Interest Rate on GPF and other similar funds | 27-Feb-2017 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Employees of State Govt. | 12-Jan-2017 |
Protection/fixation of pay on appointment from one department to another department-clarification thereof | 03-Nov-2016 |
Maternity Leave Benefits to Women Employees Working on Outsourcing Basis | 13-Oct-2016 |
GPF Interest w.e.f. Oct 2016 to Dec 2016 | 13-Oct-2016 |
Clarification regarding Interim Relief | 07-Oct-2016 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2016 | 03-Oct-2016 |
Entitlement of T.A. and D.A. to Non-Official Members of the Committees/Directors nominated by the Govt. on the Boards of Directors of Public Sector Undertaking | 22-Aug-2016 |
Payment of Travelling allowance/Daily Allowance to Employees working on Daily Wage Basis | 10-Aug-2016 |
Partial Withdrawal from GPF A/C by Retired Officers/Officials | 03-Aug-2016 |
GPF Interest 2016-17 upto 30th September | 31-Jul-2016 |
Allowing Medical Leave to the Outsourced Staff Deputed in Govt. Deptt. | 25-Jul-2016 |
Ex-gratia grants for families of the employees of RogiKalyanSamities who die while in service | 22-Jul-2016 |
Fixation of Pay of Re-Employed Pensioners - Terms and Conditions thereof | 16-Jul-2016 |
Fundamental Amendment Rules 2016 | 14-Jul-2016 |
Maternity leave to women employees working on outsourcing basis | 06-Jul-2016 |
Revised Study Leave/Amendment in CCS (leave) Rules, 1972 | 28-Jun-2016 |
Grant of Transfer Travelling Allowance to the Employees Appointed on Contract Basis | 16-Jun-2016 |
Processing of Bills through OLTIS | 31-May-2016 |
Terms and conditions of Chairman/Vice Chairman (non-official) of Boards / Corporations | 30-May-2016 |
Revision in the Rates of House Rent Allowance to the Employees of the State Govt. | |
Adoption of Central Civil Services Rules - Addendum | 12-May-2016 |
Payment of Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance etc. to State govt. Employees in HP | 22-Apr-2016 |
Grant of Enhancement in the Contractual Emoluments Payable to the Employees Working on Contractual Basis | 20-Apr-2016 |
Grant of Fixed Travelling Allowance/Open TA to Patwaries and Kanungos | 07-Apr-2016 |
Notification Regarding Central Civil Services Rules | 28-Mar-2016 |
Adoption of Central Civil Services Rules | 28-Mar-2016 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.7.2015 | 23-Mar-2016 |
Washing Allowance to Class-IV Employees | 17-Dec-2015 |
Fixation of Pay on promotion in identical pay scale (31-10-1991) | 19-Sep-2015 |
Grant of Compensatory Allowance/Hill Allowance to the State Government Employees | 07-Sep-2015 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.01.2015 | 25-Aug-2015 |
Payment of Travelling Allowance/ Daily Allowance to the State Government Employees | 13-Jul-2015 |
Grant of Pay during Period of Extension in Service | 23-Jun-2015 |
Stepping Up of Pay of Senior Government Servants in case of anomalies arising as a result of application of FR 22 | |
Allowing Daily Allowance to the Outsourced Staff Deputed in Govt. Departments | 11-Jun-2015 |
Interest rate @ 8.7% per Annum during the year 2015-16 accumulation at the credit of subscribes to the GPF and other similar funds | 10-Jun-2015 |
Grant of Conveyance Allowance to blind and orthopedically handicapped Government Employees | 18-May-2015 |
Terms and conditions of Chairman/Vice Chairman (Non-Official) of Boards / Corporations | 02-May-2015 |
Allowing Reimbursement of Actual Travelling Expenditure to Outsourced Staff Deputed in Govt. Departments | 30-Mar-2015 |
Amendment in FR56-Withdrawal of Extension in Service | 24-Mar-2015 |
Extension in Service Under FR 56 (d) up to 16-Apr-2015 | 24-Mar-2015 |
Disbursement of Salary on 31st March, 2015 for the month of March, 2015 | 11-Mar-2015 |
Grant of Dearness Allowance to the Employees of the State Government w.e.f. 01.07.2014 | 05-Feb-2015 |