Visitor No: 1130951
Branches / Sections
Last Updated On: 08/04/2024
Sr. No. | Name of the Branch Home- A, B, C, D, E, F, G & Vigilance Section | Subject Dealt (in brief) | 1 | Home-A Sh.Kuldeep Kumar Section Officer | All correspondence relating to Police Deptt., Establishment of Police Personnel upto Inspector and all ministerial posts from class-I to class-IV, law & order, Security, Police Medals/ Awards and Police budget including Police modernization & SRE and Central Sponsored Schemes, Misc. complaints, Arms & Ammunition, Police reforms, HP State Security Board, Police training, Acquisition of land for defence purposes, Field firing ranges, Civil Suits/ Petitions, Character verification of Army Personnel, Security of VVIPs/ VIPs etc., Enquiry Commission, Prosecution sanction, IRB/ HPAP, Police Act/ Rules etc. | 2 | Home-B Sh. Manjeet Singh Section Officer | HP High court, office of Advocate General, Visa Inner- line permits, NORI, Citizenship, Permission for holding rallies in prohibited places, Pass- ports | 3 | Home-C Sh. Garjesh Kumar Section Officer | Issuance / renewal of permits for plying vehicles on Sealed/ Restricted routes of Shimla Town, Human Rights Commission, Atrocities on SCs/ STs, Haj Committee, Sikh Jatha, State references viz-a-viz Central Acts of Home Deptt., 15 points programme for welfare of minorities, Communal harmony/ riots, Declaration of prohibited areas under official secret Act, 1923, Cable television Network, 1984 riots and related matters, Forensic science Laboratory. | 4 | Home-D Sh. Manmohan Chopra Section Officer | Establishment of HPPS and IPS Officers. | 5 | Home-E Sh. Pradeep Chauhan Section Officer | All the Criminal cases i.e. Criminal appeals for filing before the Hon`ble High Court and Hon`ble Supreme Court of India / withdrawal of Criminal cases | 6 | Home-F Sh. Gulpal Verma Section Officer | Home Guard and Civil Defence, Fire Services, Cipher Cell documents etc. | 7 | Home-G Sh. Sukh Ram Thakur Section Officer | Establishment and other misc. matter of Prosecution Department and co-ordination of Home Department. | 8 | Home-Vigilance Sh. Jitender Kumar Section Officer | Vigilance cases, Issue of Vigilance Clearance Certificates, Establishment of Lokayukta etc. |