Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme on NIC HP developed Double Entry System of Accounting Software
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Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme on NIC HP developed Double Entry System of Accounting Software

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Last Updated On: 06/06/2013  

HIPA has conducted a six days Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme on NIC HP developed Double Entry System of Accounting Software in Collaboration with NIC Himachal Pradesh w.e.f. 2-7 March 2009. The Secretary (RD & PR)-cum-Director (HIPA) while delivering his Valedictory Speech has appreciated the efforts put in by NIC Himachal Pradesh together with HIPA in achieving the Objective of this Training . This ToT Programme has been attended by 36 participants, including 4 Computer Faculty Members of HIPA at Shimla, Mandi, D/Shala & Chamba. Other officers/ officials who attended the programme were Accountants & Computer Professionals from O/o. the PO(DRDA) and Development Blocks in H.P.

Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme on NIC HP developed Double Entry System of Accounting Software (JPG, 1577 KB)
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