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  Administration - Revenue Administration

In the State, the Revenue Administration is headed by a Senior Secretary designated as Financial Commissioner ?cum-Principal Secretary (Revenue). In order to discharge day to day duties, Secretary, Joint, Deputy/ Under Secretaries, along with necessary supporting staff, have been provided. The State has been divided into three Divisions viz, Kangra, Mandi and Shimla and each Division, in turn, is responsible for administration of a number of Districts constituting the Division. Each district in turn is headed by a Deputy Commissioner, who, apart from his development role in this capacity, also discharges the twin functions of a District Magistrate and Collector. As collector, a Deputy Commissioner is responsible for regular and timely collection of land revenue in respect of revenue estate under his jurisdiction, along with updating and proper preservation of valuable revenue records. He has under him an officer designated as District Revenue Officer, whose sole job is to keep in proper trim the District Revenue record and to attend to day-to-day business connected with land administration, each district has been further sub-divided into Sub-Division, Tehsils and Sub-Tehsils.

For purposes of revenue administration at grass root level, each Tehsil/Sub-Tehsil is sub-divided into a number of Kanungo circles, each of which in turn, is further sub-divided, on an average, into a number of 7 to 10 Patwar Circles. Thus, Patwaris are the lowest revenue official in revenue hierarchy but certainly the most vital in the chain who are responsible for proper upkeep and preservation of all revenue records in respect of all revenue estates falling within their jurisdiction.

However, for development purposes, district is divided into a number of Development Blocks which are not generally coterminous with the boundaries of Tehsils/ Sub-Tehsils.


Administration - Organization Chart

 Organisation Chart  (JPG, 83 KB)

Administration - Administrative Profile

For administrative purposes, the State is divided into three Divisions, namely Mandi, Kangra, Shimla. The divisions are further sub-divided into 12 districts viz., Bilaspur , Chamba, Hamirpur, Kangra, Kinnaur, Kullu, Lahaul-Spiti, Mandi, Shimla, Sirmour, Solan and Una. The Districts are further Sub-Divided into 53 Sub-Division, 79 Tehsils and 37 Sub-Tehsils.

For purposes of revenue administration, each Tehsil/Sub- Tehsil is Sub-divided into a number of Kanungo circles, each of which in turn, is further Sub-division, on an average, into a number of 7 to 10 Patwar Circles. Thus, Patwairs are the lowest revenue Officials in revenue hierarchy but certainly the most vital in the chain, who are responsible for proper upkeep and preservation of all revenue records in respect of all revenue estates falling within their jurisdiction.

However, for development purposes, districts are divided into a number of development blocks, which are not generally conterminous with the boundaries of Tehsils/Sub-Tehsils.

Administration - Contact Information


Phone (Off)

Phone (Resi)



Revenue Minister





F.C- cum- Principal Secretary(Revenue )





Secretary (Revenue)





Joint Secretary (Revenue)





Dy.Secretary (Revenue)





Director of Land Records & Consolidation holding-cum-IGR





Addl. Deputy Director (DLR)





Addl. Director (Consolidation)





Director Agricultural Census





Divisional Commissioner Shimla





Divisional Commissioner Kangra





Divisional Commissioner Mandi





Settlement Officer, (Shimla)





Settlement Officer, ( Kangra)





Revenue Training Institute Jogindernagar





Deputy Commissioner (Shimla)





Deputy Commissioner ,Bilaspur





Deputy Commissioner, Chamba





Deputy Commissioner, Hamirpur





Deputy Commissioner,Kangra at Dharamsala





Deputy Commissioner, Kinnaur





Deputy Commissioner, Kullu





Deputy Commissioner, Mandi





Deputy Commissioner, Sirmour at Nahan





Deputy Commissioner, Solan





Deputy Commissioner, Una





 Land Reforms Measures

The system of Land Administration inherited by this State in 1948 was at great variance and represented strange motley of varying practices. For instance, in a State like Chamba, land has not at all been surveyed or settled. On the other hand , in States of Mandi, Rampur-Bushahr, Suket, Baghat etc., the settlement operations were confined to the cultivated area only, leaving all other categories of land completely un-surveyed and thus and not accounted for. As regards tenure and land ownership pattern, the entire territory in Hill States belonged to the Ruler who was recorded in Revenue Records as superior owner or Alla Malik. As a corollary to this practice, all the cultivators enjoyed the status of tenants or Bethus only, and found entry in the Revenue Records as Adna Malik,(i.e inferior owners only) This retrogressive practice was hardly conducive to agricultural production and reminded one of feudalistic hang-over.

Thus, to put such a system in proper order called for concerted and pioneering effort on the part of the State Government as the task was indeed daunting and its handling required lot of ingenuity. It goes to the credit of the then State Government that they took bold and imaginative steps to pave the way for a transition to a satisfactory and effective system. On the formation of the State, on April 15, 1948 the first step that it took was to abolish the anachronistic practice of Begar because it hardly sat at ease with the rising expectations of the post-independence people. As has been described supra, the Himachal Pradesh Abolition of Big Landed Estates and Land Reforms Act, 1953 heralded an era of peasant proprietorship in the State. In terms of provision of the aforesaid Act, the Bethus were conferred occupancy rights and were allowed to acquire proprietary rights on payment of normal compensation. Similarly the feudalistic and colonial practice of Alla Malik was straight way extinguished and was made to pave for acquisition of proprietary rights by inferior land owners.

Further more, in order to streamline the entire Land Administration, the Punjab pattern of Land Administration was introduced in Himachal Pradesh by extending the provisions of Punjab Land Revenue and Punjab Tenancy Act. In 1954 the Punjab Acts were substituted by Himachal Pradesh Land Revenue Act, 1954. Thus it is the Himachal Pradesh land Revenue Act, 1954 that provides legal frame work of Revenue Administration and lends sanctity to the preparation and maintenance of all land records. Although this Act forms the bed-rock of all Revenue Administration, yet in practice, its guidelines are spread over a variety of rules/ standing orders/instructions. For example , it is the provisions of Chapter- 4 of the aforesaid Act that enjoin upon the State Government to carry out survey and settlement operations of each revenue estate, though in practice the main plan on which field staff works as seeks constant guidance in from the Himachal Pradesh Land Records Manual. The Chapter-7 of this Manual lays down statutory guidelines to maintain and update the record ?of ?rights in an estate.

The basic land records are prepared first of all at the time of first settlement of an estate. Such records are called standing Records and consist of the following documents:-

  •  Preliminary proceedings.
  • Shajra Kishtwar or field map and a detailed plan of property belonging to the State Government.
  • Shajra Nasab or genealogical tree, also called pedigree table.
  • A Jamabandi or Register of holdings of all owners and tenants showing the fields comprised in each holding of an estate, the revenue payable by each landowner, and the rent payable by each tenant.
  • A list of revenue assignment and pensions.
  • Statement of rights in irrigation.
  • Wajub-ul-Arz, i.e. a statement of custom respecting rights and liabilities in an estate.
  • A Statement of rights in well.
  • The orders of the Settlement Officer determining assessment.
  • The orders of the Settlement Officer distributing the assessment over holdings.


Function & Activites - Secretariat Level

The Revenue Minister is over all in charge of Revenue Department and for smooth functioning of the department at Secretariat level it has been divided in four Sections and two Cells namely Revenue-A, B, C, D Project Cell & Stamp Cell. The Financial Commissioner-cum-Principal Secretary(Revenue)is the Administrative Secretary of the Department who is assisted by Secretary (Revenue), Joint Secretary/Deputy Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh .Organization set up and details of functions and duties of all Sections & Cells of Revenue Department are as under:-

Revenue-A Section

1.   Establishment matters relating to the District Revenue Officers and Tehsildars under the Revenue Department.

2.    All Type of service matters of Patwaris , Kanungos of the Department of the Settlement/ Consolidation/ Director, Land Records, R & P Rules of all categories i.e DRO/Tehsildar/Naib-Tehsildar/ Kanungo/Patwari and other ministerial staff as well as Court Cases i.e OA and CWP and other allied matters including direct/ in direct Vidhan Sabha questions relating to establishment.

3.   Establishment matters of the staff of the Divisional Commissioner/ DCs offices, R & P Rules of the staff posted in the said offices, Annual Administrative report, creation of posts for the newly created institute such as Sub Division, Tehsil and Sub Tehsil continuation of temporary posts of all categories/ sanction to engage Daily waged staff/Part time workers under Revenue Department, HBA to the staff posted in the Divisional Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner offices, approval of TA claim / tour programme of the Divisional Commissioners and JCC meeting.

4.   All type of circulars received from the various departments, correspondence regarding introduction of Hindi Report and returns -submission thereof to the concerned departments, time barred claims of demand of the DRO, Tehsildari & Naib-Tehsildari Associations and Joint Military Liaison conference , SPs/DCs Conference , Collection of information and sent to quarter concerned in consolidation manner, all arrangements required to be made during Vidhan Sabha Session i.e, duty roster of field offices during session including requisition of Vehicle from the Director of Land Records, Divisional Commissioner, Shimla/ Settlement Officer, Shimla and Director of Agriculture Census.

5.   Establishment of Director, Agriculture census/ Statistical Asstt. Research Officer/Assistant Research officers, Consolidation officer, Asstt. Consolidation officer and RTI Jogindernagar.

Revenue-B Section

1.Amendment in Acts/ Rules pertaining to Revenue Department.

2.Implementation of Himachal Pradesh Ceiling on Land Holding Act,1972 and Rules framed there under.

3.Land transfer cases under section 118 of the Himachal Pradesh Tenancy and land Reforms Act, 1972.

4.Benami transaction of entire state.

5.Implementation of H.P. Tenancy and Land Reforms Act, 1972.

6.R & P plans for Cement Projects.

7.Land to landless under various schemes and Nautor Rules 1968.

8.Correspondence regarding Gorkha, Gaddi Labana & Gujjar, Tribal Advisory Committee etc. and meetings thereof.

9.Correspondence relating to various Vidhan Sabha Committees.

10.Correspondence regarding encroachment on government land.

11.Settlement Operation.

12.Consolidation Operation.

13.Revenue Minister Secretaries Conference.

14.Implementation of H.P. Village Common Lands Vesting and Utilization Act, 1974.

15.Correspondence regarding Kishan Pass Books Act Rules.

16.20 Points Programme.

17.The Court Matters and Vidhan Sabha matter relating to above subjects.

Revenue-C Section

1.Budget Estimates/ Allocation of Divisional Commissioners/ Director of Land Records/ Consolidation of Holdings and Settlement Officers Shimla & Kangra Division.

2.Quarterly Progress Report of Annual Plan and Centrally Sponsored Schemes of plan scheme related to Revenue Department.

3.Computerization of Land Records in Himachal Pradesh.

4.Correspondence regarding vehicles of various offices of Revenue Department.

5.Fixing of Fleet strength of Revenue Department in H.P.

6.Correspondence regarding establishment of Relief & Rehabilitation Department in H.P.

Project Cell

1. Constitution of Committees in respect of various projects to look after Relief and Rehabilitation work which are as under:-

a. State/ District Level Pong Dam Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the chairmanship of Chief Minister and Revenue Minister respectively.

b. State/ District Level Parabati Project Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the chairmanship of Chief Minister and Deputy Commissioner, Kullu respectively.

c.  State/ District Level Kol Dam Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister and Deputy Commissioner of concern district respectively.

d.  State/ District Level Nathpa Jhakri Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Revenue Minister.

e. State level Chamera Project, Baira Suil and Thein Dam Project Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister.

f.  District Level Baspa Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Revenue Minister.

g.  District Level Baspa Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner, Kinnaur.

h.  State/ District Level Bhakra Dam Oustees Rehabilitation and Advisory Committee under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister and Deputy Commissioner respectively.

2. Framing of R & R Schemes in respect of various projects being executed in the State.

3. Convening meeting of the State Level Committee which required following exercise:

a.  Preparing agenda for the meeting.

b.  Serving notice for attending meeting to all the official and non official members of the respective committees.

c.  Drafting minutes of meeting and its distribution.

d. Verification and distribution of TA claims of non official members of the respective committee.

4. Monitoring progress/ review of decision taken in meeting of State Level.

5. Monitoring implementation of R & R schemes.

6. Follow up of court cases regarding enhancement of compensation under section 28-A of land acquisition Act.

7. All other misc. work relating to the problems of Oustees.

8. Correspondence regarding evacuee properties situated in H.P.and thereof.

9. Correspondence regarding settlement of audit paras relating to various of Revenue Department.

10. Correspondence relating to Medical Reimbursement of retires/ non retires of Revenue Department.

11. Correspondence relating to Wakf Board in H.P.

Revenue-D Section

1. Issue of NOC under section 4 of Land Acquisition Act 1894 for acquisition of land to various Departments.

2. Transfer of land to other Departments.

3. Sale of land cases.

4. Cases relating to boundary.

5. All cases relating to exchange of land.

6. Lease of land under H.P. lease Rules, 1992 and policy matters relating to lease.

7. Cases relating to colonization.

8. All matters relating to land dispute / Mutation/ Change of name of entry Revenue record.

9. Cases pertaining to Chowkidar / Lambardars.

10. Resumption of Mufi and Jagir.

11. Jagir Cases/War Cases.

12. Conferment of Powers under various Revenue Acts upon Revenue and other offices.

13. Revenue Court Cases.

14. Correspondence matters related to ST/SC/OBC etc.

15. PAC/CAG matters in respect of Revenue Department.

16. All type of Taccavi Loan.

17. Recovery etc.

18. General matter related to Vidhan Sabha.

19. All correspondence Govt.of India and Miscellaneous correspondence relating to the Govt.of India on national Calamities.

20. Central Relief Fund/NCCF and State Level Committee Meetings.

21. Distribution of funds on demand.

22. Rajya Sabha ,Lok Sabha Questionrelating to National Calamities.

23. Memorandum/Notes etc.to the Govt.of India on National Calamities.

24. Re-organization of Tehsil/Sub-Tehsil and Patwar Circles.

25. Water Mills and recovery of Abhiyana.

26. Suspension and remission of Land Revenue.

27. Bhoodan Yojana Board.

28. Change of Name of Town & Village.

29. All Court cases relating to above matters.

30. All Vidhan Sabha Question etc. relating to above mentioned matters.


The Stamp cell is an integral part of the Revenue Department. Its main function is to conduct the audit/inspection of the field agencies in respect of the stamp duty registration fees and court fees leviable on various documents by the Inspector Registration ?cum-Stamp Auditors. The settlement of the paras relating to these audit inspection is also monitored by this cell.

In addition to this, this cell deals with the Indian Stamp, Act, 1899, Indian registration Act, 1908, and Court Fees Act, 1968 and the copying Agency Rules etc. Any amendment in any of the provisions of the above Acts and Rules are also moved through the cell for the consideration of the Government . Clarification on various points pertaining to the above Acts and Rules are also given to the field agencies after confirmation /consultation with the Law Department etc. Provisions for exemption for certain categories from the payment of stamp duty, registration fee and court fees under these Acts are also done by this Cell.

The cell is also responsible for embossing of the Memorandum and Article of Association submitted by the various Pvt. Ltd., Ltd. Companies and power of Attorney executed out of India, the loan security documents of various banks etc.

In addition to this, the Inspector Registration-cum-Stamp Auditor (Tehsildar ) are vested with the powers of Executive Magistrate for the Shimla area only.

Function & Activites - Directorate Level

Role of Director Land Records in the Revenue Administration

The office of the Director, Land Records occupies a pivotal place in the Revenue Administration, as he is supposed to render technical advice to the Financial Commissioner (Revenue) on all matters relating to maintenance and preservations of record of rights and revenue registers. His duties with regard to land records are detailed in chapter 1.1 of the Himachal Pradesh Land Records Manual, and those relating to Settlement are defended in parts B & C of Appendix VI of the Settlement Manual. He is Head of the Department with regard to Patwaris and Kanungos Agency, but has no administrative functions. His functions are mainly to inspect, advice, record and report as also to supervise the Patwari and Kanungo Agency. During settlement of a District and even in routine , he is, supposed to associate the Settlement Officer with his advice, but on matters requiring orders to the routine , but no matters requiring orders to the Settlement Officer he reports to the Financial Commissioner(Revenue) who, then will issue orders to the Settlement Officer. Apart from above, Director of Land Records is also the Technical Adviser to the Government for maintenance of Revenue and allied statistics. He also performs the duties of Inspector General of Registration. He is the Head of the Department in respect Agricultural Census, Registration work. Inspector General of Registration has also been appointed as Ex-officio Registrar under the Indian Chit Fund Act, 1982 to assists him in the performance of his multifarious duties he has been provided with one Additional/Joint/ Deputy Director of Land Records who assists him on the Land Records and Registration sides. The Director of Agricultural Census assists him in conducting the Agricultural Census.

The important duties of the Director Land Records as mentioned in para 207 of the Punjab Land Administration Manual and Para 1.1. of the H.P. Land Records Manual in brief are as under:-

1. He supervises as well as inspects the work of the Patwaris, Kanungos, Revenue Officer and Sub-Registrars in the State. A separate Inspection Minute Book, with butts is maintained at each Tehsil and District offices. Wherein the inspection notes of the Director of Land Records, Additional/Joint/Dy. Director of Land Records are regularly pasted to serve as guidelines to the aforesaid officers in their day to day revenue work.

2. The Director of Land Records, being the monitoring and guiding agency of the Revenue work, ensures that the revenue work in the State is being conducted in conformity with the provisions contained in the H.P. State Land Revenue Act, 1954. In case of any aberrations from the aforesaid provisions or dereliction of duty, the Director , Land Records, brings all those irregularities on record for the attention of the Financial Commissioner (Revenue) Himachal Pradesh/ Divisional Commissioner, and subsequently ensures their compliance by the Deputy Commissioners/ Tehsildars. It may be further added that the directions are not directly issued by the Director Land Records to the Deputy Commissioners; only the instructions issued by the Finance Commissioner (Revenue) Himachal Pradesh are sent to the Deputy Commissioners/ through the Divisional Commissioners for necessary compliance.

3. The Director of Land Records is also the budgeting Head of the Patwar and Kanungo agency. In the capacity he controls budgeting Head of Land Revenue and all expenditure thereto on contingencies connected with Kanungo and Patwar establishment and with the revenue records.

4. He is also the ex-officio Inspector General of Registration under Indian registration Act, 1908. In this capacity the Director Land Records inspects the registration work in the State and also ensure safe and proper upkeep and preservation of registered documents. He also controls expenditure and income of registration and mutation.

5. The office of the Director of Land Records also combines with it the additional duties of the Director Consolidation of Holdings he has under him a staff complement of Additional Director Consolidation of Holdings a the State Headquarters and two Settlement Officers (CH) at Hamirpur and Bilaspur to assist him to cope with the onerous work of consolidation of holdings throughout the State. Under section 54 of the Himachal Pradesh Consolidation of Holdings (Consolidation and Fragmentation) Act, 1971 he exercise the powers of the State Governments.

6. He aids the Settlement Officer with his expert advice on all matter relating to Settlement Operations immediately on the eve of commencement of Settlement Operation in any district, the Director Land Records is required to make special inspection to update the records under the ordinary Rules. He also makes a special mention of such facts e.g. mutations, partitions and correction of maps as require the immediate attention of settlement staff.

7.  The Director of Land Records also plays a very vital role in compilation and generation of all basic and structural statistics. In fact, the duties enshrined in the Himachal Pradesh land records Manual cast upon him a special obligation to maintain a constant liaison with the Government of India with regard to area and production of all crops grown in the State. He collects the following reports and returns from the revenue agency of each district and submits them direct to the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, along with a copy thereof to the Finance Commissioner(Revenue) Himachal Pradesh.

Details of activities being performed by the Directorate of Land Records

1. Crop Forecast Reports/Crop Estimates:-

These give a periodic review of the progress of the Crops from the stage of their germination to maturity. These give a prognosis of area and production of various crops and come very handy in formulating advance planning on food grains.

The forecast reports on all crops for Kharif & Rabi are being collected from the Field through the Deputy Commissioner & compiled at the State level as per provisions contained in the H.P.Land Records Manual. These reports are sent to Govt. of India, Ministry of Agriculture and also to State Govt. such as Agriculture Deptt. , Economics & Statistics Deptt. etc.

2. Agricultural Statistics:-

This is an annual district-wise statement dealing with nine fold classifications of land, irrigated area (source wise and crop wise) area estimates of crops. It also includes a comparative review of the current area figures under various crops along with their corresponding figures for the immediate preceding year. It also includes cogent reasons for any increase/ decrease in area figures of the current year.

3. Annual Season and Crop Reports:-

This is also an annual report on statistics dealing with district-wise area and production of various crops grown in the State. This is a very comprehensive report and serves as an authentic State document on area and production statistics of all crops. It also includes along with district-wise farm harvest prices, agricultural wages and livestock.

The Annual Season and Crop Report is a compendium of Agricultural activities which includes the Statistical information such as classification of area, sources of water supply & area irrigated there from, area under all crops, average yield / hect. And total out turn of crops.

For the year 2002-03, the above report has been published and the report for the year 2003-04 has been complied and sent to the press for publication. The report for 2004-05 is also under scrutiny. This publication serves as a valuable source of information to the policy makers, administrators, and researcher.

4. Rainfall Data:-

The Director Land Records also the rainfall authority in the State and controls installation of rain gauzes of Revenue Department and expenditure thereto. He issues month-wise and annual rainfall statements which attempt to exhibit the quantum and distribution of precipitation in the State.

As per para 19.2 of HPLRM, 1992, the registration of the rainfall of the H.P. State is under the control of the Director of Land Records. Month-wise rainfall is being compiled and got printed at the State Headquarters and after printing, the same is being supplied to the various deptts. of Centre and State Govts. At present the month wise rainfall data up to April, 2005 have been compiled. It is worthwhile to mention here that Indian Meteorological Deptt. New Delhi has recently opened a Meteorological Centre at Shimla - (Bemloe) in CPRI office and all meteorological services in respect of H.P.will be provided by the Director of said centre as per decision taken by the State Govt. and this office is also having Co-ordination with this centre with regards to rainfall information.

Rain-gauge stations in H.P

Presently there are sixty seven rain-gauge stations in the state, out of which some stations are defunct owing to technical fault or non-availability of site as per norms laid down by Indian Meteorological Department New Delhi and in accordance with the previsions contained in Chapter -19 of HPLRM (Revised Edition, 1992). Nevertheless, efforts are being made to revive the defunct rain-gauge stations. As these raing -gauges have been installed at Tehsil/ Sub-Tehsil Headquarters hence the Deputy Commissioners have been requested to take necessary steps to revive the defunct stations. Besides this, efforts are also being made to install the same where these are not installed yet. para 19.1 of HPLRM, 1992 envisage the provision to install rain-gauges at every Tehsil/ Sub Tehsil Headquarters in a phased manner.

The Meteorological Deptt. Govt. of India, New Delhi is inspecting the rain-gauges yearly. Deputy Commissioner’s /SDO (Civil) concerned have also been requested to inspect the rain-gauges as per procedure laid down in para 19.13,19.19 and 19.20 of HPLRM, 1992.

5. Agriculture wages:-

The Director Land Records also issues each month a district-wise statement of Agricultural wages prevalent in each district in respect of skilled/un-skilled labour both. The district averages incorporated in the aforesaid statement are based on the basis of selected centers in the State. Monthly statistics of wages are being collected from the respective Deputy Commissioners on the prescribed proforma and is being submitted to the quarters concerned regularly.

6. Reports of Crop Cutting Experiments:-

Provisions contained in chapter 15.3 of the Himachal Pradesh Land Records Manual enjoin upon all the Revenue Officers in the State to review in each harvest season the productivity of crops on the basis of crop cutting experiments.

The crop cutting experiments by Random Sampling Method on six major crops viz. Maize, Rice Wheat Barley, Potatoes & Ginger are also being conducted by the Officers / officials of Revenue & Agriculture Deptt. Production estimate on these principal crops are prepared by the Agrl. Statistical Officer H.P.,and forecasts reports of these crops are being issued by this department to the Govt. of India and the Govt. of H.P. Experiments on above major crops and remaining important minor crops are also conducted by the Revenue Officers, Officers of the Settlement and the Agriculture Departments by Traditional Method during each season. On the basis of experiments conducted by both these methods the Normal yield per hectare (District -wise ) for irrigated and un-irrigated crops is worked out for all the major and minor crops by this Directorate after a period of 5 to 10 years.

Average yield of principal crops (in kgs.)

There are two methods of yield estimation which are presently in vogue in the State viz.,(i) Traditional or Annwarie method, and (ii) Random Sampling method. The former method, known in popular jargon as Annwarie method , is based on the normal yield and expresses the ’current yield’ in terms of annas, treating ’normal yield’ as equivalent of sixteen annas. The normal yield’ is a typical average characteristic of an average soil of an average year. It is adjusted upwards/downwards in consonance with the ’condition factor., which in turn, denotes the actual conduction of the crop in terms of the normal crop. The aforesaid method is applied to determine the current yield of all crops excepting the four major crops of the State.

The latter method i.e the random-sampling method is considered to be more objective and is applied to four major crops i.e paddy, maize, wheat and barley, which cover more than 70 percent of the total cropped area in the State. This method involves the random selection of a suitable plot having the given crop on which the crop cutting experiment are conducted to determine the yield. The method was first introduced in 1952-53 and is still restricted to aforesaid four major crops only.

7. Farm Harvest Prices

This statement is being collected from the Deputy Commissioner season wise i.e Kharif & Rabi and is being sent to the quarters concerned regularly.

8. Village Directory

Village Directory is a quinquennial publication of this office and for the first time computerized Village Directories for all 12 Distt. have been prepared and got printed from the press and the same are available in this office.

9. Revenue Department Census and Survey

Agricultural Census: -

Agricultural Census is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and is being implemented in the State at the behest of Govt. of India as a part of all India programme. Since it is a 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme as such all expenses in this regard are borne by the Govt. of India. The first Agricultural Census was conducted for 1970-71 (as reference year) since then it is being conducted quinquennially to provide the grass root level data to the planners. The main objectives of this scheme is to identify farmers according to size class of holdings and their status of ownership and cultivation, to know the number and area of marginal and small farmers., to classify the farmers according to size class and social group, such as SC,ST and others, to provide data for 5 years plans and to put Agricultural Statistics on sound footing and internationally comparable. These Censuses are being conducted through field Revenue Agency. The second Agricultural Census was conducted with Agricultural year 1976-77 as the reference year. Encouraged by the results of these censuses the same are being conducted regularly after every five years.

The Agricultural Census 2000-01 is 7th Agricultural Census, which has been completed. Now the 8th Agricultural Census with the reference year 2005-06 is being conducted in the state. Field work regarding the Table-T-1 is almost completed and second phase of this will be under taken.

Input Survey :-

It is a second phase of Agricultural Census and is being conducted after each main Agricultural Census. This survey is conducted only in 7% of total villages in the State selected randomly, which gives data regarding farmer’s Agricultural Status such as total holdings, irrigated, un irrigated, area, inputs used like fertilizers i.e organic and in-organic, fertilizer etc. it gives us an idea of insecticides and pesticides used besides Agricultural Implements, livestock ,Agricultural Credits, literacy of the farmers ,quality of seeds used by farmers etc.

Rationalization of Minor Irrigation Statistics

The Scheme of rationalization of "Minor Irrigation Statistic" is hundred percent centrally aided scheme. The main objectives of the scheme are as under :-


a)   To organize quinquennial Census on Minor Irrigation Projects.

b)   To organize special surveys in between the two censuses for estimating yardsticks of additional area irrigated under different categories of Minor irrigation Projects.

c)   To ascertain reasons for the disuse of projects.

d)   To organize and Co-ordinate collection and compilation of statistics relating to Minor Irrigation Projects and their reporting on a regular quarterly and annual basis.

e)   To collect and compile statistics of area irrigated under different crops according to seasons.

f)    To explore the possibility of organizing pilot studies to ascertain the increase in productive due to irrigation projects.

g)   To collect information regarding the extent of constructions of Minor Irrigation works through institutional finance and through own private finance of farmers in between the two quniquennial census of Minor irrigation Projects.

First Minor Irrigation Census with reference year 1986-87 and 2nd Minor Irrigation Census with reference year 1993-94 have been conducted successfully in this State. The reports of aforesaid Censuses were prepared by this office and sent to the Govt. of India. The Third Minor Irrigation Census with reference year 2000-01 has also been conducted successfully in this State. Next Minor Irrigation Census with reference year 2005-06 is in progress and likely to be completed soon.

Crop Estimation survey on fruits, vegetables and other Minor Crops:-
Under this 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme entitled as "Crop Estimation Surveys on Fruits, Vegetables and other Minor Crops" Crop Cutting Experiments by random sampling method on Apple, Mangos, Orange and Citrus fruits are being conducted by the Horticulture department and the same experiments are being conducted on Potato and Ginger crops by the Agriculture Department as well as by the Revenue Department . The Directorate of Land Records has been declared by the Govt. of India as Nodal Department under this scheme. The report on the results of above crops & quarterly progress reports on these crops are being sent regularly to the Govt.of India. The reports on Apple, Mango, Citrus fruits i.e Orange, Kinnu, Lime and Potato and Ginger for the year 2004-05 stand submitted to the Govt. of India.

10. Other Activities

Crop Insurance Scheme

The scheme is applicable to all the farmers growing Maize, Paddy, Potato and Ginger crops. The scheme is compulsory to loanee farmers availing loan from Financial Institutions. The scheme is optional to non -loanee farmers.


The small and marginal farmers are eligible for 30 % Govt. subsidy on total premium, the farmers will require to pay 70% of the total premium.


This office is required to furnish area figures of the crops covered under the scheme to the Agriculture Department who is the nodal authority to implement the scheme. In the event of happening a natural calamity, the productively per hectare based on the conduct of crop-cutting experiments by Random sampling Method is also required to be supplied by this Office.


Departmental Kanungo Examination

The Director of Land Records holds Kanungos Examination at suitable intervals as he deems proper. The categories of patwaris having four years service are eligible to appear in the examination under the Rules.


Revenue Training Institute Jogindernagar

The Revenue Training Institute started functioning in the year 1996. The Refresher course and training is being imparted to Kanungo/ patwaris in the Institute, which is playing a significant role in proper functioning of Revenue works. The Kanungos/Patwaris are being trained made familiar with the procedure of partitions, Demarcation, Consolidation of Holdings, Encroachment policy, preparation of Record of Rights and other Revenue Acts and Rules. In addition to above, the objective to train ?A? class-Tehsildar/ Naib-Tehsidlar has newly recruited Patwaris will be trained there.


Revenue Housing Scheme

The Revenue Housing Scheme is closely related to the scheme of Strengthening of Primary& Supervisory Land Records Agency(Plan) and is in operation since 1979. This Scheme was initiated on the direction of the Government of India Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture in consolation with the Planning Commission. The main objective of the scheme is to protect the Revenue Record by providing accommodation to Patwaries in the Patwarkhana, where Revenue Record is also kept in one room


Brief introduction of scheme is as under:-


(i) The Scheme of Revenue Housing is in operation since 1979 under which Patwarkhana & Field Kanungo office buildings are being constructed in the State.

(ii) During the year 1988-90 scheme of District local Plan was also started for the construction of Patwarkhanas which continued up to the year 1990-91. Thereafter the scheme was delivered by the Planning Department direct to the Deputy Commissioners at District level.

(iii) Total funds allotted : 1148.77 lacs

Patwarkhana sanction : 1187 lacs

Field Kanungo office sanction : 157 lacs


Apart from this, the Deputy Commissioners are also providing funds under Drought Relief and other Schemes existing at District level. Thus, all the 2288 Patwarkhana & 235 Kanungo
Offices have so far been sanctioned exclusively under the above Scheme


Function & Activites - District Level

Each district is headed by a Deputy Commissioner, who, apart from his development role in this capacity, also discharges the twin functions of a District Magistrate and Collector. As collector, a Deputy Commissioner is responsible for regular and timely collection of land revenue in respect of revenue estate under his jurisdiction, along with updating and proper preservation of valuable revenue records. He has under him an officer designated as District Revenue Officer, whose sole job is to keep in proper trim the District Revenue record and to attend to day-to day business connected with land administration, each district has been further sub-divided into Sub-Division, Tehsils and Sub-Tehsils.

For purposes of revenue administration at grass root level, each Tehsil/Sub-Tehsil is sub-divided into a number of Kanungo circles, each of which in turn, is further sub-divided, on an average, into a number of 7 to 10 Patwar Circles. Thus, Patwaris are the lowest revenue official in revenue hierarchy but certainly the most vital in the chain who are responsible for proper upkeep and preservation of all revenue records in respect of all revenue estates falling within their jurisdiction.


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