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About E-Praman

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Last Updated On: 24/02/2014  

All the Tehsildar and Sub-Divisional Magistrate Offices issue various types of certificates to the public for further use for seeking employment, seeking compensation, loans, jobs etc. On an average, Tehsil / sub-division offices issue around 25-50 certificates of different kinds to the general public everyday. However, this number may be much higher in Tehsils and sub-divisions.


Various problems observed in the system of issuing the certificates were observed:

1.  The people had to visit the Tehsil/sub-division office for obtaining  
     the certificates and at times the issuance of the certificate used to take   
     inordinately long time.

2.  The certificate given was not in proper format and many times even not legible too.

3.  The officers were using different certificates formats with total disregard to format prescribed by the government.

4.  At times, the changes in the rules or conditions in various certificates were not adhered and different tehsildars and sub-divisional officers were using different conditions.

5.  There was no check to ensure that the information related to SC/ST, backward class or backward areas as it was all dependent on the report of Patwari.


Due to above mentioned problems; the Government took a decision to place a system of computerisation for issuance of certificates with following objectives:

1.   Better services to the citizens by providing immediate and fast issue of certificate.

2.   Uniform and structured format of the certificate in Colour.

3.   Better enforcement of various government notifications in the issuance of the certificates.

4.   List of SC/ST Castes, Backward classes and Backward Panchayats embedded into the system thereby ensuring better enforcement.

5.   Maintenance of Databases related to certificates.

6.   Better monitoring, generation of MIS & query based reports.

7.   Help the staff to prepare the registers and reports in a standardized format.

8.   Also the Tehsil centres are becoming hub of e-governance centres where in various services like issuance of RoR Nakal, property registration are going on, it seemed appropriate to expand the scope of services from the Tehsil centres so that in one visit citizen may get as many services as possible. Also in 29 sub-divisions ’Pehal’ e-governance centres are already established and offering services like issue of driving license, vehicle registration, with the introduction of computerized system of issuance of certificates in these centres again the scope of services has been enlarged.

9.   The databases generated for Bonafide, domicile certificate etc. can be used to issue the certificates to the kins of the person without going in to the lengthy process of verification as the blood relation have already been issued the certificate.

10. Lastly but most importantly, though in first phase only standardized certificates would issued but in future the issuance of certificates would be integrated with the land records computerisation. This will take away the dependence of people as well as Tehsil office on Patwari as the certificates can be issued after corroborating the information contained in land records databases. Additionally the feature of work flow would be introduced where in the people visiting Tehsil office, just need to apply and rest of the work would be taken care by the E-Praman (Phase II) application which will be made a work flow application.

Scope of E-Praman Software

At present following types of certificates are being issued from Tehsil as well as Sub-Division office:

   1.    Bona fide Certificate

   2.    Rural Area Certificate

   3.    Indigent(Needy Person) Certificate

   4.    Domicile Certificate

   5.    Agriculturist Certificate

   6.    Character Certificate

   7.    SC/ST Certificate

   8.    Dogra Class

   9.    Minority Community

  10.   Other Backward Class Certificate

  11.   Income Certificate

  12.   Non-Employment

  13.   Backward Area Certificate

  14.   Legal Heir


Road Ahead 

1. Enhancing the scope of EPraman by including additional certificates issued by other departments 

2. Inclusion of certificates issued by other departments, other than revenue department. 

3. To introduce more robust workflow features 

4. Facility to apply online and get the certificate at home without visiting the office.

5. Linkage with back-end computerisation wherever possible. 

6. Introduce more robust method of checking certificates online by foreign embassies, a need felt by many foreign governments as per Hauge convention held in Geneva.

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