Child Labour (Regulation and Prohibition) Act, 1986
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Child Labour (Regulation and Prohibition) Act, 1986

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Last Updated On: 11/02/2014  




1)    Application of Part.  The provisions of this Part shall apply to an establishment or a class of establishments in which none of the occupations or processes referred to in section 3 is carried on.

2)      Hours and period of work.

(1)    No child shall be required or permitted to  work in  any establishment  in excess  of such number of hours as  may  be  prescribed  for  such  establishment  or  class  of establishments.

(2)    The period of work on each day shall be so fixed that no period shall exceed three hours and that no child shall work for more than three hours before he has had an interval for rest for at least one hour.

(3)    The  period of  work of  a child  shall be  so arranged   that inclusive of  his interval  for rest,  under sub-section (2), it shall not be  spread over  more than  six hours, including the time spent in waiting for work on any day.

(4)    No child shall be permitted or required to work between 7 p.m. and 8 a.m.

(5)    No child shall be required or permitted to work overtime.

(6)    No  child shall  be required  or permitted  to  work  in  any establishment on  any day  on which  he has  already been  working in another establishment.

3)      Weekly holidays. Every  child employed  in  an  establishment shall be  allowed in  each week, a holiday of one whole day, which day shall be  specified by  the occupier in a notice permanently exhibited in a  conspicuous place  in the establishment and the day so specified shall not be altered by the occupier more than once in three  months.

4)      Notice to Inspector.

(1)    Every  occupier in  relation to  an establishment in  which a  child was  employed or  permitted  to  work immediately before the date of commencement of this Act in relation to such establishment  shall, within  a period  of thirty  days from such commencement, send to the Inspector within whose  local limits  the establishment  is situated,  a written notice containing the following particulars, namely:--

a)      the name and situation of the establishment;

b)      the  name of  the person  in actual  management  of  the establishment;

c)       the  address to  which communications  relating  to  the establishment should be sent; and

d)      the nature of  the occupation  or process carried on in the establishment.

(2)    Every occupier, in relation to an establishment, who employs, or permits  to work,  any child after the date of commencement of this Act in  relation to  such establishment,  shall, within  a  period  of thirty days  from the  date of  such employment, send to the Inspector within whose  local limits  the establishment  is situated,  a written notice containing the particulars as are mentioned in sub-section (1).

Explanation.--For the purposes of sub-sections (1) and (2), "date of commencement  of this  Act, in  relation to an establishment" means the date  of bringing  into force  of this  Act in  relation  to  such establishment.


(3)    Nothing   in  sections   7,8  and   9  shall  apply  to  any establishment wherein  any process  is carried on by the occupier with the aid  of his  family or  to any school established by, or receiving assistance or recognition from, Government.


5)      Disputes as to age.  If  any  question  arises  between  an Inspector and  an occupier  as to the age of any child who is employed or is permitted to  work by  him in  an establishment,  the  question shall, in  the absence  of a  certificate as  to the age of such child granted by  the prescribed  medical authority,  be  referred  by  the  Inspector for decision to the prescribed medical authority.


6)      Maintenance of register.  There shall be maintained by every occupier in  respect of  children employed or permitted to work in any establishment, a  register  to   be  available  for  inspection  by  an Inspector at  all times  during working  hours or  when work  is being carried on in any such establishment, showing—

a)    the name and date of birth of every child so employed or permitted to work;

b)      hours  and periods  of work  of any  such  child  and the intervals of rest to which he is entitled;

c)       the nature of work of any such child; and

d)      such other particulars as may be prescribed.

7)      Display of notice containing abstract of sections 3 and 14.Every railway administration, every port authority and every occupier shall cause to be displayed in a conspicuous and accessible place at every station on its railway or within the limits of a port or at the place of work, as the case may be, a  notice in the local language and in the English language containing an abstract of sections 3 and 14.

8)      Health and safety.

(1)    The  appropriate Government  may, by notification in  the Official  Gazette, make  rules for the health and safety  of   the  children  employed  or  permitted  to  work  in  any establishment or class of establishments.

(2)    Without   prejudice  to  the  generality  of  the  foregoing provisions, the said rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:--

a)      cleanliness  in the  place of  work and its freedom from nuisance;

b)      disposal of wastes and effluents;

c)       ventilation and temperature;

d)      dust and fume;

e)      artificial humidification;

f)       lighting;

g)      drinking water;

h)      latrine and urinals;

i)        spittoons;

j)        fencing of machinery;

k)      work at or near machinery in motion;

l)        employment of children on dangerous machines;

m)    instructions,  training and  supervision in  relation to employment of 
children on dangerous machines;

n)      device for cutting off power;

o)      self-acting machines;

p)      easing of new machinery;

q)      floor, stairs and means of access;

r)       pits, sumps, openings in floors, etc.;

s)       excessive weights;

t)       protection of eyes;

u)      explosive or inflammable dust, gas, etc.;

v)      precautions in case of fire;

w)    maintenance of buildings; and

x)      Safety of buildings and machinery.


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