Secretariat Administration Department, Government of Himachal Pradesh
Visitor No: 1758399

 In the official hierarchy, Secretariat is the premier office of the Government in which all Government policies, programmers, plans, Rules and instructions of uniform application are framed, approved and finally issued for implementation. This is so because of the provisions of the Constitution and the Rules made there under. For convenient and expeditious transactions  of business, the Secretariat is divided into Departments. The Chief Secretary to the Government controls the over-all functioning of the Secretariat and presides over the meetings of the Secretaries Committee which considers important policy matters, inter-department matters, policy issues with wider implications etc. are also coordinated. The Chief Secretary is also the Secretary to the Council of Ministers.


To visit the office of Ministers/ Officers as well as Branches, the gate entry passes are issued to general public from 1 PM to 5 PM on every working day. There also exist Control Room in the Secretariat where from the General Public can have information in case of any natural calamities either in person or on telephone No.2622204 and 2880459.






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